WHEREAS, it has come to the attention ofthe City Council that there are a significant number of veterans of foreign wars, including World War II, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, who were legal permanent residents; and
WHEREAS, when they returned to civilian life without appropriate support in reintegration, both psychologically and economically, they fell into addictions and criminal activities, were arrested and, due to their legal permanent resident status, were deported; and
WHEREAS, numbers of these veterans live in Mexico in terrible and abject conditions after having served honorably in the armed services ofthe United States; and
WHEREAS, several of these veterans have asked for support in obtaining reentry into the United States to be with their families and U.S. citizen children; and
WHEREAS, the nation owes these veterans adequate support and rehabilitation equal to that owed veterans with full citizenship; and
WHEREAS, these deported veterans represent the tragic results of a population under siege by the policies of mass deportation and mass incarceration and should be supported in resistance to those policies; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council will bring the case of these veterans to the attention of members of Congress and to the-P-resident of the United States in a determined effort to win the