Record #: R2019-52   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 1/23/2019 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 1/23/2019
Title: Congratulations extended to Jean Orme on 100th birthday
Sponsors: Harris, Michelle A.
Attachments: 1. R2019-52.pdf
Chicago City Council Resolution Celebrating the 100th Centennial Birthday of 8th Ward Chicago Resident Mrs. Jean Orme

WHEREAS, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom and judgment continues to show favor by granting the timeless gifts of love, joy and longevity to a beloved, longtime 8th Ward resident, a faithful woman of God and dedicated community servant, Mrs. Jean Orme, who in a few weeks will be honored by her loving family, church members and friends as she celebrates her 100th Centennial Birthday; and

WHEREAS, the niece of the honoree, ThyatiriaA. Towns, a veteran educator with the Chicago Public Schools, has informed 8th Ward Alderman Michelle Harris about the upcoming celebration of the 100th birthday of their beloved relative, Mrs. Jean Orme, which will occur on February 14, 2019; and

WHEREAS, Alderman Michelle A. Harris, and on behalf of the residents 8th Ward & her fellow colleagues of the Chicago City Council have informed this august body of this significant upcoming Centennial birthday celebration honoring Mrs. Orme; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Jean Orme was born as a 'Valentine's Day Baby' into the loving union of her parents Eugene and Georgia Alice Gaston, on February 14,1919 in Genoa, Illinois. She was one of 8 children - - 5 brothers and 3 sisters; and

WHEREAS, Jean Gaston was known as a bright, happy and inquisitive child. She and her close-knit family, believed in the importance of education, good manners and being reared in the church; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Jean Orme has always been known as an energetic and forward-thinking individual. Jean enjoyed learning, attended and later taught school in Kosciusko, Mississippi. After her family relocated to Chicago in 1945 during the Great Migration, they settled on the city's south side. Jean Gaston met and married the love of her life, enjoying 25 years of marital bliss with late husband and former Chicago Policeman; Mr. Rhey Orme (deceased). The couple had one son, Kevin Orme, (also deceased) who blessed them w...

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