A Resolution Proclaiming August a. 2013 as Dr. Bobby
Eugene Wright Dav
WHEREAS, Bobby Eugene Wright, Ph. D. was born March l, 1934 in Anniston Alabama and made his transition on April 6,1982 in Chicago, Illinois, was the founder and Executive Director of the Garfield Park Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center, then the largest Black Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center in the nation, an agency that now bears his name; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Bobby E. Wright's work emphasized the dynamics of the Black psyche and the conditions that define Black lives and unique circumstances throughout history as a basis for developing the Black Social Theory and teachings on survival of Black culture; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Bobby E. Wright was a leader, psychologist, educator, mentor, author, researcher, and civic activist who inspired many Black mental health professionals to lead the provision of services in the inner-city communities; and
WHEREAS, Mental health professionals, students and associates who worked with and learned from Dr. Bobby E. Wright continue his teachings today in health care centers, schools, government agencies, community services/programs, academia and other organizations; and
WHEREAS, To this day the vision of Dr. Bobby E. Wright is a reaffirmation of his brilliance and foresight into the issues faced by the Black community today, in his words, "A luta continua lasima tushinda mbilishaka" The struggle continues and we will conquer without a doubt; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Chicago assembled here this 5th day of June, 2013 do proclaim that August 3, 2013 is Dr. Bobby E. Wright day; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy be presented to the Garfield Park/Bobby E. Wright Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center Reunion Committee.
Pat Dowell Alderman, 3rd Ward