Whereas, Ingvar Wikstrom was the longtime owner and operator of Wikstrom's Deli in Andersonville; and
Whereas, Mr. Wikstrom contributed to the spirit and personality of the neighborhood for decades; and
Whereas, Mr. Wikstrom was honored by the Vasa Order of America with the title of "Swedish-American of the Year" in 2012, and continually strove to highlight the contributions of Swedish immigrants to Chicago; and
Whereas, Mr. Wikstrom's store served many dignitaries, both local and international, yet treated every customer as if they were special; and
Whereas, Mr. Wikstrom contributed greatly to the revitalization of Andersonville and the Clark Street area, and served as President of the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce for 5 years, and his introduction of festivals and other events in the neighborhood continue to this day; and
Whereas, Mr. Wikstrom personally climbed and repainted the iconic Andersonville Water Tower on top of the Swedish American Museum on multiple occasions.
Now, be it resolved, that the Mayor and members of the Chicago City Council, assembled this 11th day of October, 2017, do hereby honor Ingvar Wikstrom for her contributions to the community.
Harry Osterman Alderman, 48th Ward
5533 NORTH BROADWAY • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60640 • 773-784-5277 • Fax 773-784-5033
Be it further resolved, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Mr. Wikstrom and his family.