WHEREAS, Collin O'Sullivan was tremendously successful at a recent Model United Nations contest; and
WHEREAS, this esteemed body has been informed of this achievement by the Honorable Gilberto Villegas, Alderman ofthe 36th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Collin O'Sullivan attends Hononegah Community High School;
WHEREAS, Collin O'Sullivan represented the 36th Ward in a Model United Nations competition at St. Ignatius Preparatory High School; and
WHEREAS, the ordinance Collin introduced was the only one regarding pension reform which passed; and
WHEREAS, the ordinance included a balanced budget without raising property taxes or implementing a garbage fee; and
WHEREAS, the ordinance also managed to reform pensions and present a balanced budget lowering taxes on anybody making less than $225,000; and
WHEREAS, the ordinance also instituted a Hybrid School Board including representation from each Network; and
WHEREAS, as a result of these accomplishments Collin O'Sullivan won the Outstanding Delegate award; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this eighteenth day of November, 2015, do hereby congratulate Collin O'Sullivan for his outstanding achievement, and extend our wishes for continued success.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Collin O'Sullivan.

Gilberts Villegas Alderman, 36th Ward