Joseph Cjrillo 3359 % Clifton Chicago, IL 60647 773-457-0157
\To the J-Conora6le Snsana iMendoza, City CCert
(please introduce the attached amendment at this Wednesdays City ConnciCMeeting, June 17th 2015 as a citizen's introduction. (please also sent this amendment to the license committee.
Than^you, Chicago Citizen, Joseph Qrillo
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SECTION 1. Section 4-6-230 (gj (5) of the Municipal code of Chicago is hereby amended by adding the underscored text as follows:
4-6-230 Booting of motor vehicles.
(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
"Boot" or "booting" means the act of placing on a parked motor vehicle any mechanical device that is designed to be attached to a wheel or tire or other part of such vehicle so as to prohibit the vehicle's usual manner of movement.
"Motor vehicle" means every vehicle, which is propelled by a motor.
(Omitted text is unaffected by this ordinance)
(g) Prohibited acts. It shall be unlawful for any licensee engaged in the
business of booting motor vehicles to:
Provide booting services at any property at which any person having a beneficial interest in the licensee also has a beneficial interest in the subject property:
Place a boot upon any occupied motor vehicle or upon any motor vehicle parked in accordance with the terms of use for the subject property;
(3J Assess a fee in excess of $ 140.00 to remove a boot: (4] Use any boot of a color prohibited by the commissioner in duly promulgated rules and regulations. The commissioner may prohibit any color which might be confused with a boot used by the City as a part of the City's vehicle immobilization program; and
(5) Engage in booting operations at any location that is outside the 1st Ward, 6th Ward, 12"1 Ward, 15th Ward, 21* Ward, 22™' Ward, 23rd ward, 24th Ward, 25th Ward. 26th Ward, 27*. 29''' Ward, 30th Ward. 31"'Ward. 32nd Ward, 33"' Ward. 34th Ward. 36'" Ward, 37"' Ward, 38th Ward, 40th War...
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