Record #: R2020-704   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 10/7/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 10/7/2020
Title: Congratulations extended to Principal Jennifer Dixon on receiving Zell Family Award for Excellence in School Leadership
Sponsors: Nugent, Samantha
Attachments: 1. R2020-704.pdf

WHEREAS, Principal Jennifer Dixon of John Palmer Elementary School received the Zell Family Award for Excellence in School Leadership from Teach of America, and;

WHEREAS, This body was informed of that honor by Alderman Samantha Nugent, and;

WHEREAS, Jennifer Dixon is the first neighborhood Chicago Public School principal to receive this honor notably on the twentieth-year anniversary of Teach for America in Chicago.

WHEREAS, Jennifer Dixon has served Chicago's students since 2002 as a teacher, literacy coach, and school leader. She works tirelessly to ensure that her students have access to the highest quality of education.

WHEREAS, Jennifer Dixon believes educators should contribute to the advancement of the profession. To that aim, she has served on the board for the Chicago Area Reading Association, trained new teachers through Teach for America and the Chicago Teaching Fellows, mentored National Board Certification candidates, and has worked as an adjunct professor at DePaul University since 2011.

WHEREAS, While obtaining a Masters of Education from Harvard University under a full-tuition scholarship, Jennifer Dixon worked as the Principal Intern at Bates Elementary School in Roslindale, Massachusetts.

WHEREAS, Upon returning to Chicago, Jennifer Dixon joined the Chicago Leadership Collaborative and was the Resident Principal at Melody Elementary School in West Garfield Park. After completing her residency, she accepted the position as Assistant Principal at John Palmer Elementary School in North Mayfair.

WHEREAS, At John Palmer Elementary School, Jennifer Dixon and former Principal Ray partnered with teachers, students, and community members to improve the school's culture and environment, as well as instructional outcomes. In just one year, they collaborated with the school's staff and the community to move the school from a Level 2 to a Level 1 on the CPS School Quality Rating Policy.

Be It Resolved, That...

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