WHEREAS, Fr. Paul Novak, President of De La Salle Institute, is celebrating his 25 year as a priest this year: and
WHEREAS, Fr. Paul had entered into the Order of the Friar Servants of Mary on August 29, 1981, took his first vows on August 11,1985, and his solemn vows on September 10,1988; and
WHEREAS, Fr. Paul was ordained on May 26,1990, officially entering into a life of service and dedication as was his calling: and
WHEREAS, Fr. Paul and his family were residents of the southeast side of Chicago where he had attended Annunciata Parish and his education credentials in working toward achieving his vocation included a Bachelor's degree from Lewis University, a Master's degree from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago
WHEREAS, As President of De La Salle Institute, Father Paul continues to mentor and work with so many students of De La Salle Institute at both the girls' and boys' campuses, guiding and developing them into fine human beings that can contribute to our society as a whole, as they decide their career goals; and
WHEREAS, He also serves on various community organizations and committees, many that work within the 11th Ward community, and is also a visiting priest for Old St. Patrick's Parish: and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, do hereby congratulate Fr. Paul Novak on his 25th Anniversary of his ordination, with best wishes for continued success in all of his future endeavors; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Fr. Paul Novak.