Record #: R2014-255   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 4/2/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 4/2/2014
Title: Recognition and best wishes extended to Jada Anthony on new endeavors
Sponsors: Lane, Lona
Attachments: 1. R2014-255.pdf
WHEREAS, Jada Anthony wrote her first book entitled "Jada's Glasses" at the tender age of five years old; and

WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council has been informed of this by 18th Ward Alderman Lona Lane; and

WHEREAS, Jada was born on November 2, 2008 in Chicago, Illinois. Since birth, Jada has been challenged with her sight. Over time, Jada's mother knew that Jada would require glasses in order to enhance her vision. Due to her condition, she was prescribed glasses to strengthen her sight; and

WHEREAS, Jada never liked wearing her glasses, she would purposely lose them with any opportunity available. Until one day Jada's teacher at her daycare center discussed the importance of her glasses and encouraged Jada to write a story about them. She wrote a story entitled "Jada's Glasses". The teacher was so inspired by the words and comical undertone to Jada's story that she encouraged her to develop it into a short story book. To a great surprise, many different visitors at the daycare center, who had the opportunity to read her story, expressed how cute the story was. They were even more impressed to know that Jada now wears her glasses routinely without a problem or complaint; and

WHEREAS, Jada currently resides with her mother, Ebony Boyd. Her mother states that Jada's favorite pastime consists of reading, drawing, and dancing. Jada dedicated her book to her mother and grandparents. In fact, Jada said that she would like to become a teacher when she grows up, just like her grandmother; and

WHEREAS, It is no doubt that she's on her way to touching young lives through her vision, just as a teacher does. Little Miss Jada is a joy to be around and it clearly shows that she has bright future ahead of her; now therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here in assembly this second day of April, 2014 A.D., do hereby extend to Jada Anthony our best and happiest wishes on her new endeavors; and


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