City Council Meeting January 13, 2011
(CANCEL WARRANT) Monument Annual Inspection
ORDERED That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to cancel warrant for collection Account Number 339393 - Permit Number 1084317, dated 11/29/2010 covering the term of 01/13/2011 to 01/12/2012 in the amount of $400.00 for Permit Monument Annual Billing for 2321 West 95th Street, charged to 95th Street Beverly Hills Business Association, 2100 West 95th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60643.
Wrgi nia A. Rugai Alderman, 19th Ward
City of Chicago (312)-74-GOBiZ (312-744-6249)
W^S-^ Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (312) 744-1944 (TTY) i!v*-S&§ Business Assisiance Center - Public Way Use Unit http:/
W» City Hall - 121 N. LaSalle Street. Room 800 ¦ Chicago, IL .60602
95th: Street Beverly Hills Business Association 2100 W95th St.
Chicago. IL 696*13-1118 ¦ X
1. Please return your payment in the enclosed envelope with the coupon at the bottom ol (tie page to ensure your account is appropriately credited for. your payment.
2. The Cny oi Chicago accepts the following payment methods; Personal-Check, Money Order, Cashiers Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover. American Express and Diner's Club/Carle Blanche (Fill in account number, expiration date, and sign' return portion below}. Please do not send cash
— paymenfs-.through the mail.---.............•• ~:--------------• ---¦' - •--....— •-'...................-—
3. 'f you have.experienced an NSF (Non-Sufficient.Funds) hold, you must Cash, Cashiers - Check, or Certified Check. :
4Please realize that interest, penalties and late charges may:appiy to your payment. The amount quoted in our correspondence is the amount due on the dale oi this notice
5. Delinquent and/or Deficient payments wilt result/in a hold being placed on your account. A hold will prohibii-the renewal or issuance of any-license'{s) ahrJ/or Per...
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