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Record #: O2015-4157   
Type: Ordinance Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 5/6/2015 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 5/24/2023
Title: Senior citizen sewer refund(s)
Sponsors: Reboyras, Ariel
Topic: PERMITS/LICENSE/FEE EXEMPTIONS - Refund of Fees - Senior Citizen Sewer
Attachments: 1. O2015-4157.pdf
Related files: R2023-766
Council Meeting May 6, 2015 Committee on Finance
(Senior Citizen Sewer Refund)
SECTION 1.      Pursuant to Section 3-12-050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago the following person (s) are hereby entitled to a Fifty ($50.00) Senior Citizen Sewer Charge Refund to be mailed to the premise (s) listed below:
Aleksandar D. Pelivanovic   2900 N. Major Ave. 60634
Alderman, 30,n Ward
SECTION 2.    This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and due publication.
Council Meeting May 6, 2015 Committee on Finance
(Senior Citizen Sewer Refund)
SECTION 1.      Pursuant to Section 3-12-050 of the Municipal Code of Chicago the following person (s) are hereby entitled to a Fifty ($50.00) Senior Citizen Sewer Charge Refund to be mailed to the premise (s) listed below:
Aleksandar D. Pelivanovic   2900 N. Major Ave. 60634
Ariel E. Pfeboyras Alderman, 30th Ward
SECTION 2.    This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and due publication.