WHEREAS, We, the members of the Chicago City Council, wish to extend our congratulations and warmest birthday wishes to Susan M. Harvey in honor of her 65th Birthday; and,
WHEREAS, on behalf of the entire 8th Ward, Alderman Michelle A. Harris would like to extend her personal tribute to Susan M. Harvey on this momentous occasion as recognition for being a stellar Resident of the City of Chicago; and,
WHEREAS, Susan M. Harvey belongs to our 8th Ward Seniors community, of whom we value and treasure for all they have given and taught us in their collective lifetime; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Mayor and Members of the Chicago City Council, gathered here this 23th of June 2021, do hereby congratulate Susan M. Harvey on the occasion of her birthday; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we extend our most heartfelt wishes to Susan M. Harvey for their continued good health, happiness and success following this, her 65th Birthday; and,

Michelle A. Harris Alderman, 8th Ward
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Susan M. Harvey in honor of her 65lh Birthday as a token of our esteem and good wishes.