of Planning and Development city of chicago
June 16, 2021
Chicago City Clerk-Council Bin.
2021JUN 16fm3:49
The Honorable Anna M. Valencia
City Clerk City of Chicago Room 107, City Hall 121 North LaSalle Street Chicago, IL 60602
RE: Recommendation for designation of the (Former) Schlitz Brewery-Tied House at 1393-1399 West Lake Street as a Chicago Landmark
Dear Clerk Valencia:
We are fding with your office for introduction at the June 23, 2021, City Council meeting as a transmittal to the Mayor and City Council of Chicago the recommendation of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks that the (Former) Schlitz Brewery-Tied House be designated as a Chicago Landmark.
The material being submitted to you for this proposal includes the:
Recommendation of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks; and
Proposed Ordinance.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Kathleen E. Dickhut Deputy Commissioner
Bureau of Citywide Systems & Historic Preservation
Alderman Walter Burnett, Jr., 27th Ward (via email without enclosure)
(Former) Schlitz Brewery-Tied House 1393-1399 West Lake Street
WHEREAS, pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Municipal Code of Chicago (the "Municipal Code"), Sections 2-120-620 through -690, the Commission on Chicago Landmarks (the "Commission") has determined that the (Former) Schlitz Brewery-Tied House (the "Building"), located at 1393-1399 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, as more precisely described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, satisfies three (3) criteria for landmark designation as set forth in Section 2-120-620 (1), (4), and (6) ofthe Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, the Building represents a distinct property type that conveys important themes from Chicago and American history from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including the rise of vertically-integrated production and retail sales; the role of scien...
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