WHEREAS, Chicago Department of Transportation General Superintendent Mark Fornaciari, an outstanding public servant and member of his community, has retired after 30 years of service; and
WHEREAS, Mark Fornaciari began his career with the city as a carpenter in 1981. He became General Foreman of general trades in 1995 and was later promoted to General Superintendent in 2005;and
WHEREAS, During his career, his work impacted every neighborhood in the city. Mark Fornaciari oversaw the city's residential paving program that paved more than 500 miles of residential streets. He was also responsible for the replacement of 1,000 blocks of sidewalk, 490 blocks of curb and gutter, and nearly 11,000 ADA compliant ramps. He was also responsible for in-house construction for projects on the Aldermanic Menu; and
WHEREAS, Mark Fornaciari, as General Foreman of Trades, oversaw the reconstruction of 20 world renowned Chicago Style Bascule Bridges, including the float-in of the Single Leaf Bascule Bridge at Kinzie Street; and
WHEREAS, The Honorable John A. Pope, Alderman of the 10th Ward, has apprised this august body of Mark Fornaciari's noteworthy and prolific achievements throughout his career with the Chicago Department of Transportation; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City of Chicago City Council, assembled here this 24lh Day of July, 2013 AD, do hereby salute Mark Fornaciari for his three decades of commendable service to this city and fully recognize the void he is leaving behind will be most difficult to fill.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Mark Fornaciari.