JA "Resolution
^Adopted'6y The City CounciC
ofthe City of Chicago, ICCinois
WHEKEAS, We/ inthis city of immigi'anvty, this city of neigrdyorhoods,
this most American of abl citi^ cognisant of the/ "A merican
Vream/"; and
WHEKEAS, Of the/ myriad/ avoidable/ careen paths toward fubfilbment of that drearrv, there/ are/ but a/ few through/ which/ falthfub execution of responsibilities offers assurance/ that these- who choose/ other paths will in fact have/ a/ legitimate/ opportunity to- achieve- their portion/ of the- Vream/; and
WHEKEAS, Though/ seemingly fixed arub irvvicbable, the complex/ social fabric of our great metropolis could be- easily torn/ asunder were-it not for the- guardians of the-public welfare-, indeed, the guardians of the "American Vream/'; arub
WHEKEAS, Vedicabuyntothefulfubm^ motto of the Chicago
Volice Vepartment-"We- Serve- arub Protect"-exacts a- substantial physical and&
emotictnal toll not only on the of^ ^°
arub daruger of being- life/'s arbiters for courxtb^ |S
family me-mbers who live- with/the very real knowledge that their husbxxrvdor—
father may never return/from/ any give- workday; and- '¦ ¦ ¦ .:
WHEKEAS, Through/professionalism/ and- sacrifice, the members-ofbhe 3 Chicago- Police- Vepartment have- provided- us with- one of the safest cities irv o theunited- States ofAmerica, allowing each/of us topursue our own/versionT° ofthe"AmericanVreamJ' in safety arub confidence; arub
WHEKEAS, The words of Sir Winston/ Churchill, "never have- so many owed somuch/tosofew" were-never more-apropos; and
WHEKEAS, SergeantMichaelA. Varjabedlan, Star Number 2279, devoted/ twenty-two-years of his life- in service to the people of Chicago and inv dcring- has personally ensured- that the City of Chicago-is the safe-, healthy, vibrant cowxrvvanity it is today; now, therefore-,
BE IT KESOLVEV, That the Mayor arub members ofthe City Caunxyib ofthe City of Chicagoirvcourvcil meeVirva-Jarvuary 17, 2013, thut orvbehabf of atlthecifri^erscftheCty of Ch...
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