Whereas, throughout its history, our country has relied upon the courage and sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces to preserve and protect our freedom; and
Whereas, our city, state and nation have a duty to recognize and acknowledge a deep and abiding debt of gratitude to the veterans of our armed forces; and
Whereas, many veterans of our armed forces, and the conflicts in which they were called to fight, sacrificed physically, emotionally and psychologically as a result of their experiences; and
Whereas, while some injuries may have healed, many veterans bear emotional and
psychological scars that have exacted a devastating and continuing toll; and
Whereas, when we look around our own city, we see veterans, who have served our country, without jobs, hope or homes; and
Whereas, homeless veterans suffer additional challenges because they are unable
to secure proper state identification with which to access the programs and assistance necessary to help them heal hidden wounds and secure the blessings of the country for which they served and sacrificed; and
Whereas, while we, as a Council, work to create and expand opportunities to our citizens, we must also work to ensure that those to whom we owe an incalculable debt are provided access to those programs from which they can benefit and find hope for the future; and
Whereas, while there is much we cannot do to help and assist our homeless veterans, we must do that which we can; and
Whereas, ensuring homeless veterans are provided the ability to secure proper,
appropriate and necessary state identification cards with which to seek jobs, services, adequate housing and access to critically important programs is an important first step; now therefore,
Be It Resolved:
The City Council of the City of Chicago supports, endorses and encourages the expeditious issuance, to veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, of official State of Illinois picture identification cards, at no cost, upon presentation of offi...
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