Honorary Resolution for Pastor Willie Runnels
WHEREAS, It is with great pleasure that the members of this Chamber learn of the Diamond Jubilee, or 60th Anniversary of Pastorship, for Pastor Willie Runnels of the New Zion City Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been notified of his achievements by the Honorable Jason C. Ervin, Alderman of the 28th Ward; and
WHEREAS, Pastor Runnels was born on June 30, 1933 in Pickens, Mississippi, where he was eventually baptized at the Mount Sinai Baptist Church; and
WHEREAS, After moving to Chicago, Illinois, in 1954, Pastor Runnels organized the Helping Hand Baptist Church. In 1958, he formed the High Mountain Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois, and served as Pastor for seven years; and
WHEREAS, In 1965, Pastor Runnels established the New Zion Missionary Baptist Church, where he remains today; and
WHEREAS, He also directed the Baptist Ministers Fellowship of Chicago and Vicinity, an organization dedicated to unifying pastors in the Chicago area for the good of the community. He served as President from 1975 to 1994; and
WHEREAS, Pastor Runnels has dedicated his life to the Christian service and to bettering his community. The City of Chicago thanks Pastor Runnels for his kindness and his Christian spirit; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, gathered here this twenty-eighth day of March, 2018, do hereby express our sincerest congratulations and thanks to Pastor Willie Runnels.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be prepared and presented to Pastor Willie Runnels as a token of our gratitude, honor and respect.