SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe RM-5 Residential Multi-Unit District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 7-F in an area bound by:
West Briar Place; a line 513 feet west of and parallel to North Sheridan Road; a line 135 feet south of and parallel to West Briar Place; and a line 581 feet west of and parallel to North Sheridan Road.
To those of an RM-6 Residential Multi-Unit District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and due publication.
Common Address of Property 453-55 W Briar Place
Subsitutc Narrative and Plans
Tvpe-1 Zoning Map Amendment For 453-55 W Briar
1. Applicant seeks a zoning change from RM-5 to RM-6 to construct a new 5-story, 8-dwelling unit residential building with private rooftop decks and rooftop stair enclosures. The zoning change is to allow an increase in building height and floor area ratio. The design will provide 12 on-site interior parking spaces in a private garage and will comply with all lakefront protection requirements.
Lot Area 9,180 sq.ft.
Building Area 26,895 sq. ft.
FAR 2.4 (22,129 sq. ft.)
Density (MLA) 1,147.5 (8 dwelling units)
Parking 12 spaces
Front Setback1 12'-2"
Rear Setback 40'-6"
East Side Setback2 3'-8"
West Side Setback2 3'-8"
Building Height 66'-10" mean height of highest roof element
Loading None required less than 25,000 sq. ft.
The front setback represents the average of the front yard depth that exists on the nearest two lots on both sides ofthe subject lot.
The proposed project will seek an administrative adjustment for a side yard reduction per 17-13-1003-1. "The Zoning Administrator is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment to permit a reduction of up to 50% in the depth of any setback required by the applicable zoning district regulations when such reduction would match th...
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