Chicago City Council " June 12. 2019
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus strives to improve the quality of life for Latino families in the City of Chicago, by assuring that the Latino community's best interests are represented in City Council; and
WHEREAS, The Latino Caucus greatly focuses on the importance of education in the Latino community, and it is committed to develop the next generation of leaders in Chicago by promoting higher education; and
WHEREAS, Income should never limit one's education, hopes or dreams; and
WHEREAS, The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus formed the Chicago Latino Caucus Foundation to support the advancement of Latino Youth through scholarship, internship and mentorship opportunities; and
WHEREAS, In 2019 the Chicago Latino Caucus awards the second scholarship to 22 recipients, who worked hard to achieve great success and deserve to be celebrated accordingly: and
WHEREAS, The members of the Latino Caucus would like to celebrate every recipient of this prestigious scholarship and remind him or her that all of Chicago is proud of their hard work and is looking forward to sharing their bright future; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members ofthe City Council ofthe City of Chicago, assembled on this twelfth day of June 2018, do hereby congratulate the following youth, named the 2019 Latino Caucus Scholars: Paola Duarte. Alexandra Reyes, Sara Galvan Orozco. Karla Hinojosa, Erica Pereira, Jose Noel Ruiz, Joanne Salcedo Carmona, Karen Davila, Jose Acebedo, Paulina Rosales. Jasmine Parras. Chris Alejandro Nieto, Tania Lopez, Jessica Trujillo, Joshua Alaniz, Cristhian Duenas, Willie Colon, Jessica Flores, Ariana Cervantes, Leticia Rosas; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to each of these exemplary students as a token of our respect and of our best wishes for a brigh...
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