Record #: R2021-487   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 5/26/2021 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 5/26/2021
Title: Tribute to late Justin Malave
Sponsors: Sawyer, Roderick T.
Attachments: 1. R2021-487.pdf

A Resolution
to be adopted by The City Council
ofthe City of Chicago, Illinois


WHEREAS, in His infinite wisdom, almighty God has granted eternal rest on April 8, 2021 to Justin Malave, loving father and grandfather, an outstanding public servant and highly regarded member of his community; and
WHEREAS Justin Malave started life on September 26, 1935 in the municipality of Juncos, Puerto Rico located in the eastern part of the commonwealth. He came to the mainland to live in Ohio before moving to Chicago where he resided with his wife Carmen Lydia Malave on North Richmond in the Irving Park neighborhood for more than a quarter-century; and
WHEREAS, for 51 years, Justin was a City of Chicago employee and an extremely dedicated precinct captain in the 33rd and 35th Wards. He started in the Department of Forestry, was appointed by Alderwoman Vilma Colon as Department of Streets and Sanitation Superintendent for the 35lh Ward, and worked for a time for the Chicago Transit Authority; and
WHEREAS, in 1975, Justin Malave became a cornerstone in the legendary 33rd Ward Regular Democratic Organization of alderman and committeeman Richard F. Mell. For more than two decades, Justin Malave was the 33rd Ward Director of Community Services, organizing block parties and back-to-school programs as well as being active in the ward's Montrose Avenue Chamber of Commerce. He consistently was one of the top five captains in every election cycle for voter turn-out. On the last Saturday in August until 2013, Justin made sure every schoolchild in need living anywhere in the 33rd Ward received a backpack filled with school supplies at a gala block party that eventually grew so big the event had to be held in nearby Brands Park; and
WHEREAS Justin Malave's neighbors respected and loved him, depending on him to assist all who asked in obtaining various city services. When word spread of Justin's passing, Richard Mell's current business office was flooded with calls...

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