Record #: Or2011-369   
Type: Order Status: Passed
Intro date: 4/13/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs
Final action: 5/4/2011
Title: Issuance of special event license(s) and/or permit(s) for Celebrate Hyde Park Music Festival
Sponsors: Newsome, Shirley
Topic: SPECIAL EVENTS - Issuance
Attachments: 1. Or2011-369.pdf
Direct to Committee on Special Events and Cultural Affairs
ORDERED, That the Director of the City Department of Revenue issue, free of charge, the Food Vendor and Itinerant Merchant permits to the participants in the Celebrate Hyde Park Music Festival to be held on East 53rd Street from Harper Avenue to Kenwood Avenue on Sunday, July 24, 2011 from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Shirley J. NewtBorflej Alderman, 4th Ward