SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all the B3-2 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District symbols and indications as shown on Map No 3-H in an area bounded by:
The alley next north of and parallel to West Chicago Avenue; a line 125.25 east of and parallel to North Winchester Avenue; West Chicago Avenue; and North Winchester Avenue;
to those of a C2-3 Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial District, and a corresponding use district is hereby established in the area above described.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common Address of Property: 1914-24 West Chicago Avenue
1914-24 West Chicago Avenue Rezoning Application Type 1 Application Narrative
The subject lot measures 125'xl25.25' for a total area of 15,656.25 sq.ft. Applicant is seeking to rezone the subject property from a B3-2 Community Shopping District/RT-4 Residential Two-flat, Townhouse and Multi-unit District to a C2-3 Motor-Vehicle Related Commercial District in order to allow for the enclosure of the existing 53.81 'x6l.66' open-air, rooftop restaurant with a proposed height of approximately 40' and for potential expansion of the existing 40.3'tall, 3-story building on the eastern portion of the property presently containing approximately 600 sq.ft. of ground-floor commercial space, 2 dwelling units and 5 off-street parking spaces, existing height to remain. No additional dwelling units are proposed as a result of the proposed rezoning.
Consistent with the adjacent properties, the existing buildings have no setbacks at grade on either Chicago Avenue or Winchester Street, have an existing loading zone area on Chicago Avenue and existing off-street parking with ingress and egress on the public alley to the north.
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