Repeal Ordinance Passed 6/22/16 Page #26668 which reads;
North California Ave; North California Ave, East side FAP 27"North of W. Rosemont Ave, TAP 80'North Thereof, No Parking Tow Zone, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday thru Friday by striking the above
Also add
Repeal Ordinance passed 10/11/17 Page # 57123 Which Read,
6321-6327 N California Ave, 6321-6321 N California Ave; Eastside, FAP 27' north of W. Rosemont Ave, TAP 80, north thereof, No Parking Tow Away Zone,8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday through Friday by striking
the above
Also Add
N. California Ave, Eastside, FAP 27' North of W. Rosemont Ave, to the first driveway North thereof, No Parking 7:00 a.m. to 5: p.m., Sunday thru Friday, TOW ZONE

Alderman Debra Silverstein 50th Ward