Record #: R2011-243   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 2/9/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 2/9/2011
Title: Gratitude extended to Manuel Gonzalez and 1st Ward Streets and Sanitation staff for storm recovery efforts
Sponsors: Moreno, Proco Joe
Attachments: 1. R2011-243.pdf
WHEREAS, Chicago experienced the third heaviest snowfall on record from Tuesday, February 1st into Wednesday February 2nd, 2011; and
WHEREAS, The total snow accumulation measured more than 20 inches in the majority of the city, including the 1st Ward; and
WHEREAS, In the interest of public safety, the Department of Streets and Sanitation is charged with the vital task of snow removal on Chicago's major arterial and side streets; and
WHEREAS, The 1st Ward Streets and Sanitation crew, including Ward Superintendent, Manuel Gonzalez performed exemplary service during and after this blizzard; and
WHEREAS, Manuel Gonzalez and his team of Streets and Sanitation workers had managed to plow all 1st Ward streets in a mere 48 hours after the end of this blizzard; and
WHEREAS, Manuel Gonzalez and his team of Streets and Sanitation workers fought weariness, freezing temperatures and other severe and unusual conditions to ensure the safety of 1st Ward residents; and
WHEREAS, Manuel Gonzalez and his team of Streets and Sanitation workers went above and beyond what was required and expected of them during snow removal; now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and the members of the City Council of the City of Chicago assembled here this 9th day of February, 2011 express our gratitude to Manuel Gonzalez, the entire 1st Ward Streets and Sanitation crew, the Department of Streets and Sanitation and all others who were involved in the City of Chicago's swift response and recovery from this storm; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be presented to Manuel Gonzalez and the 1st Ward Streets and Sanitation office.
Proco Joe Moreno Alderman, 1st Ward