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' |ME^TaMCCLURG COURT LLC AeeV-^347375 - 3 Permit No. 1110488
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F'-'emit No. '<
¦ C/ev Se./f Ordained by the City Council of the-City of Chicago? it Ordain1 - Cfiy of Chictr!'-> it Ordain •
i . j SECTION,il/: Permission and authority are hereby given'affd:pairited to MEPT MCCLURG-COURT LtOyupon'ttiea'iiMilte : : terms and: subject to the conditions of this ordinance to maintained use, as now constructed, seven (7)'Plarhter(s)!T* r'n!>: (re on .the public right-of-way for beautification purposes adjacent.Mits premises known as 330-350 E. Ohio'St \<:istxM\iw
¦ . Said Pla'nter(s) at E. Ohio Street measure(s): , i:i F:lanterkl F:.anter ,
' vi'11'- 'i One (.1:) atifive point eight three (5.83) feet in length'; and four1(4i)ifeet in width for a total of twenty:threepoint-threejfl(&» i:
two (23.32) square feet. i'2.1.33) > • '.2 • )
Two (2) at six (6) feet in length, and four (4) feet in width for a total of forty-eight (48) square feet. it One (1) at twenty-nine point eight three (29.83) feet in length, and four (4) feet in width for a total of one hundred nineteen point three two (119.32) square feet.
One (1) at twenty-five point five (25.5) feet in length, and four (4) feet in width for a total of one hundred two (102) . square feet.
One (1) at twenty-eight point seven five (28.75) feet in length, and four (4) feet in width for a total of one hundred fifteen (115) square feet.
One (1) at twenty-two (22) feet in length, and four (4) feet in width for a total of eighty-eight (88) square feet.
Grantee must allow the required dear and unobstructed space for pedestrian passage at all times per rules and regulations approved by the Department of Transportation.
The location of said privilege shall ...
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