For additional information regarding the status of your claim, please contact the Committee on Finance Small Claims Division at (312) 744-8861. 
Record #: CL2011-1175   
Type: Claim Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 4/13/2011 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 5/24/2023
Title: Condominium claims for L'Avenir Condo Assn. and sundry others
Sponsors: Doherty, Brian
Topic: CLAIMS - Condominium Refuse Rebate
Attachments: 1. CL2011-1175.pdf
Related files: R2023-766
CITY COUNCIL April 13,2011
ORDERED, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to issue Payment upon favorable investigation by the Committee on Claims and Liabilities, Pursuant to Section 39-18.1 (Condominium/Cooperative Refuse Reimbursement) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, to the Association(s) hereunder as reported on attached
Statements: '
L' Avenir Condo Assn. 6585-97 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60631
Geraldine Ringa Annual 2010
Normandy View Condo Assn. 6509-6515 N. Northwest Hwy. Chicago, IL 60631
Reliable Mgt. Realty Annual 2010
Northwest Terrace Condo Assn. #1 7225 W. Higgins Chicago, II
Zlatko Nenadic, 773.592-3262 Annual 2010
Northwest Terrace #2 7227 W. Higgins Rd. Chicago, IL 60656
Alrick Pivaral, 630.627-3303 Annual 2010
Brian G. Doherty Alderman, 41st Ward