City Council January 12,2011
ORDERED, That the Director ofRevenue and the City Comptroller are hereby
authorized and directed to cancel Invoice Number 19190 for a warrant for collection
Inspection No. 1032972 and 714559 in the amount of $80.00 for annual sign inspection fee,
under the inspection date of July 26, 2004 and July 5, 2005, charged to First Chicago Community of Christ, for their premises located at 5701 W. Montrose Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
(Bill #770144 and Payer ID #AC401308)
This order shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication.
Alderman 45,h Ward For 38th Ward
City of Chicago RIchBrd M. Ooley, Mayor Department of Law|10 10|DocembcrOQ. 2010 Netlco 10:761625
1427 T6AUTO'^DIGIT B06
First Cliloago Community Of Chriet
Jbbub Christ
5701 W Montroae Avo
Chicago It. 80634-1726
Ra; Debt Ouo and Owlnr>-- Vlolallon or MCC ยง1-20-000 Nof/ce of inspection FefiB Amount Due $80.00
You have failed to pay Inspection fees far Inspoatlon(fi) listed on the attached schedule This debt has now bean referred to Iho Cily of Chicago Departmont of Lew for enforcement.
You must submit your payment Immediately to avoid further collection pmceodtngB. If you fall to pay now. you may bfe rfinpnnslblo lor oddltlonal amounts, including court coats, sttornsy feaa, collactlon costs of up to 28%, and an additional panully or $6 par month per unpaid Inspection tee As the oolledlon process proceeds, we take one or more of the following actions: file a lawsuit to otitaln e judgment against you, prevent you from obtalnlnp or renewing any City lice Tee. garnish your wages and bank accounts, file a Hen against your property and notify the credit bureaus, any of which m ay affect your ci odlt
You iTtay make your payment In any of the following ways:
1 Pay ln-po>Bon at any one of the Dapanment of Revenue payment facnides
2 Send a check or money order, payable to tha order of City of Chicago, to...
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