Record #: R2016-1004   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 12/14/2016 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/14/2016
Title: Tribute to late Mary Elizabeth Trotter
Sponsors: Austin, Carrie M.
Attachments: 1. R2016-1004.pdf

WHEREAS, Almighty God in His Infinite Wisdom has called Mary Elizabeth Trotter, most beloved citizen and friend, to her eternal reward on November 17, 2016; and

WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been informed of her passing by the Honorable Carrie M. Austin, Alderman of the 34lh Ward and Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Government Operations; and

WHEREAS, Mary Elizabeth Trotter began life as the daughter of (the late) Willie and (the late) Martha Ellen (Beck) Anderson on June 23, 1927 in Carrollton, Mississippi. Mary spent her childhood and developmental years in Mississippi and graduated from Grenada High School; and

WHEREAS, Upon graduating, Mary relocated to Detroit, Michigan, then later made her journey to Chicago, Illinois where she settled for the next sixty years. Mary was a dedicated, hardworking employee for the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center until her retirement in 1991; and

WHEREAS, Following the untimely death of her parents, Mary embraced the responsibility of caregiver and provider to all nine of her siblings. She was a constant source of love and support to her brothers and sisters. They treasured her kind heart and valued her advice; and

WHEREAS, Family was the center of Mary's life. She was a nurturing, caring and doting mother to her five loving children. She instilled the importance of education and the significance of faith and the work of God. All of these endeavors were accomplished by the Grace of God and the tenacity of her drive; and

WHEREAS, Mary accepted and embraced Christ at an early age and was a faithful servant to the Lord. She became an active member of the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church and remained a devoted member until she moved to Belvedere, Illinois to reside with her two loving daughters; and

WHEREAS, Mary leaves to cherish her memory; children, Wayne Caldwell, Barbara Trotter, and Keana Patrice Trotter; grandchildren, Corey Marcee Trotter (Whitney), Nico...

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