This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: O2014-891   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 2/5/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Finance
Final action: 3/5/2014
Title: Extension of various cable franchise agreements with Comcast
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm
Topic: AGREEMENTS - Franchise
Attachments: 1. O2014-891.pdf, 2. O2014-891_V2 Additional EDS.pdf
February 5,2014
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of the Commissioner of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the execution of an extension of various Comcast Cable Franchise Agreements.
Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.
Very truly yours,
WHEREAS, Section 6(a) of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution provides that a home rule unit "may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs including, but not limited to, the power to regulate for the protection of the public health, safety, morals and welfare; to license; to tax . . ."; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to section 4-280-100 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the City Council is authorized to renew franchise agreements to construct and operate cable television systems within the public ways of the City; and
WHEREAS, Comcast currently maintains and operates a cable television system in all five City of Chicago Franchise Areas pursuant to Cable Television Franchise Agreements; and
WHEREAS, The Comcast Franchises for Franchise Areas 2, 3, 4 and 5 (the "Expiring Franchises") are due to expire on March 15, 2014 (the "Expiration Date"); and
WHEREAS, Comcast has indicated an interest in renewing the Expiring Franchises and continuing to operate in Franchise Areas 2, 3, 4 and 5; and
WHEREAS, The Cable Administrator of the City of Chicago has been conducting renewal negotiations with Comcast, which are ongoing; and
WHEREAS, These negotiations will likely not conclude before the Expiration Date; and
WHEREAS, It is in the interests of the City of Chicago and the City's cable consumers that adequate time be provided for the Cable Administrator to reach an agreement with Comcast that best serves and protects the interests of the City and its cable-viewing public; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Subject to Section 2 of this Ordinance, the Cable Administrator is authorized to enter into agreements with Comcast to extend the term of the Expiring Franchises to on or before June 15, 2014. If in the Cable Administrator's judgment, a renewal agreement acceptable to the City has not been reached by June 15, 2014, she is authorized to execute a one-time re-extension until September 15, 2014. Except for extending (i) the expiration date, and (ii) the funding for the Chicago Access Corp. ("CAC") described in Section 3 of this Ordinance, the remaining aspects of the Expiring Franchises shall remain unchanged.
SECTION 2. If during any extension period provided for in Section 1 of this Ordinance, the parties initiate the formal franchise renewal process provided for by 47 U.S.C. Section 546, the Cable Administrator is authorized to enter into agreements with Comcast to extend the term of the Expiring Franchises pending the resolution of those formal proceedings. Except for extending (i) the expiration date, and (ii) the funding for the CAC described in Section 3 of this Ordinance, the remaining aspects of the Expiring Franchises shall remain unchanged.
SECTION 3. The Cable Administrator is authorized to execute the extensions provided for in this Ordinance only if any and all such extensions include, for the full term of the extension, a concomitant extension of the funding to the CAC provided for in Section 19.2 and associated Exhibit H of the Expiring Franchises.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon its passage and approval, and shall be deemed to apply retroactively to March 15, 2014.
r-o    ^ on-j
'n7      z
A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/if applicable:      r\j
Comcast of Florida/Georgia/Illinois/Michiqan, LLC Franchise Areas Two and Three Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [3] the Applicant
  1. [ ] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:      
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section Il.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      125 5 W North Avenue      
Chicago,   IL 60642
  1. Telephone:  (773)  394-8765 Fax:                  Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
E. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?  Law DePartment      _      _
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification #      and Contract #      
Ver. 01-01-12
Page 1 of 13
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party: [ ] Person p
[ ] Publicly registered business corporation      [
[] Privately held business corporation      [
[ ] Sole proprietorship      [
[ ] General partnership      (
[ ] Limited partnership
Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [ ] Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Trust [
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2.   For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[] N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of alt executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether    Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
John McGuire,  Esq.  1231 Maple Ave,  Evanston,  IL 60202   AttorneyjLo h ^
      Estimated $     I £   o & o *      
      | X  >wp ,      
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V ~ CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      L J No      [XJ No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[]Yes []No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1 -23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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2.      The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  6. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
    1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
    2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
    3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  1. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
             AJ ( A      
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      [2} is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Parly IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      pq No
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D. 1., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[]Yes []No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
x   1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2,   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A. 1. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
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  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[]Yes []No If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
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The Disclosing Parly understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article 1 of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
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F. 1.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U.S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F. 1. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.I., F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of Disclosing Party)
(Print or type name of person signing)
(Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date)      OiUj JS^ 2<?i f
at     (jpo*-      County,    SI-      (state).
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This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II.B. la., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
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Comcast of Florida/Georgia/Illinois/Michigan, LLC
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
Connors, William
President - Central Division
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson, David N.
Executive Vice President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
A vgins, Catherine:
Executive Vice President
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Chief Technology Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice President
Angelakis, MichaeJ J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice President
Schariz, John D:
Chief Network Officer
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition
Strahan, William
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Peter
Executive Vice President - Piocurement
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordclman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
(Saston, Douglas
Assistant Secretary
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
Lewis, Jr., Gerard "J.
Chief Privacy Officer
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Deputy General Counsel
Pighihi, Ernest A
Senior Vice President
Pighini, Emest A.
Salv'a';: Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Haase, William R.
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Administration
Roberts, Scott W.
Senior Vice President - Business Services
Shatlock, Jr , Eugene P
Senior Vice President • Business Strategy and Product Development
Collins, Timothy P.
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Edmunds, Kimberly
Senior Vice President - Cable Operations
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Bryant, Sarah
Senior Vice President - Finance
Kenna,. Brian.
Senior Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Leavitt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Gillcnwatcr, Steven C.
Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, HR Compliance and Policy Administration
Nathan, Thomas R.
Senior Vice President - Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - Ixical Media Development
O'Connell, Daniel Patrick
Senior Vice President - MDU Business Development
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Lang, Richard A.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Wasser, Glenn R.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Cbhnell/Terrence J."
Senior Vice President . Sales and Sales Operations                       . ; " ■
Kelly, David
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Ozor, Jonathan L.
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Tromblcy, Roland
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Lopez, Filemon
Senior Vice President - Strategic Operations
Dankenbrink, Krisline A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Video Services
Gilchell, Sarah
Vice President
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Content Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koles, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Patent Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice President
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel-Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
Dennett, Ian R.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Hcisinger, Peter B
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Runge, Mark W.
Vice President and General Manager. - Ad Sales
Stone, Jeffrey H.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Corcoran, Barry
Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Accounting
Sayer, Jonathan
Vice President - Ad Sales Integrated Media Sales
Sul linger, Bobbie G.
Vice President - Ad Sales Operations
McGrath, Patrick T.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
Daves, Michael S.
Vice President - Cable Management : .
Farley, Brian
Vice President - Communications
Brov\ii,-: Verba
Vice President - Customer Care
Glass, Anthony
Vice President - Customer Care
Matsori, Nancy
Vice President - Customer Care
Thompson, John
Vice President - Customer Care
Ward, Doug
Vice'Presidcnt - Customer Care
Wuerdeman, John M.
Vice President - Customer Care
Austin, Jeffey W.
Vice President - Engineering
Fitzgerald, Donald P.
Vice President - Engineering
Slabaugh, David W.
Vice President - Engineering
Yalcs, Thomas
Vice President - Engineering
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
Colucci, John A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Kirk, DaleF.
Vice President - Field Operations
Mark, Bryan E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Monteilh, Scott D.
Vice President - Field Operations
Parker, Michael C
Vice President - Field Operations
Thomas, Stephen E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Wainwright, Nicholas
Vice President - Field Operations
Williamson, Larry A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Murtaugh, Brian
Vice President • Finance
Ossowski, Jeffrey S.
Vice President - Finance
Gibbs, Susan L.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Maguire, Thomas C.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Mobilia, Janice M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rehme, Richard M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Kleinhans, Kimberly Sebastian
Vice President - Financial Planning and Analysis
McDonald, Christopher G.
Vice President - Government Affairs
Birmingham, Lisa N.
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Ryan, Robert E
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Darst, Ardella F.
Vice President - Human Resources
Fasick, Teresa C.
Vice President - Human Resources
Harrison, Julie M.
Vice President - Human Resources
Haubert-Pierce, Audrc
Vice President - Human Resources
Zanoni, Mark C.
Vice President - Information Technology
Miller, Michael P
Vice President - Interactive Sales
Niedzielski, Alicia M.
Vice President - Marketing
Schweber, Lawrence D.
Vice President - Marketing
Sweeney, William F.
Vice President.- Marketing
Williams, David
Vice President - Marketing
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
Wichl, Jason
Vice President -.Marketing Operations
Slovin, Michael B.
Vice President - MDU Business'Development
Goyer, Adam
Vice President - Operations
Rosson, Ellen C.
Vice President - Operations
Shook, Geoffrey A.
Vice President - Operations Management
Pascarclli, Victor
Vice President - Payment Center Operations
Alperin, Linda
Vice President - Product Sales
Schucliart, John
Vice President - Product Sales
Goldman, Jennifer L.
Vice President - Programming and Marketing Analysis
Halprin, Mary Belh
Vice President - Public Relations
Segal, Jack A.
Vice President - Public Relations
O'Brien, Gerald C
Vice President - Real Estate
Van Alstyne, David A.
Vice President - Sales
Dombroski, David
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice President - Taxation
Magdos, Peter D.
Vice President - Technical Operations
Powell, Jeffrey L. '
Vice President - Telemarketing
Weigert, Jim
Vice President and General Manager
Murphy, Daniel S'.'. : .
Division Senior Vice Presirjerit - Engineering
Gage, Timothy
Division Senior Vice President - Government Affairs
Knowlcs, Peter
Division Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Brown, Jeff
Division Vice President - Customer Care
Crowley, John
Regional Senior Vice President
Smith, Amy
Regional Senior Vice President
Barrett, John: -
Regional Senior Vice President - Operations
Paligraf, Philip M.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Hummel, Ronald:'L.
Regional Vice President - Business Operations
Dcckard, Robert W.
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Navin, Paul J.
Regional Vice President - Cable Operations
Madison, Glenn H.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Reed; James A.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Cooper, Derek
Regional Vice President - Govcrmnenl Affairs
Ferry, AViilianj.G.
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Macke, James Andy
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Siimmy, Matthew'
Regional Vice-President - Government Affairs
Wells, Douglas
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Albert, Angela • ;
Regional Vice President - Human Resources
McKelvey, Kerry R.
Regional Vice President - Marketing
Zemaitis, Thomas M.
Regional Vice President - Marketing
Hewitt, Michael C.
Regional Vice President - Operations
Harris, Andrew P.
Regional Vice President - Sales
O'Connell, Sean M.
Regional Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Dickcrson, Serena D,
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Biava, Paul
Area Vice President - Operations
Area Vice-Presideniv- Operations
Gauder III, John
Market Vice President
Hagen;Barbafa A.
Market Vice President. -
Colvin, Ronnie
System Vice President/General Manager
Gillespie; -Vaierj.eL.
System Vice Presidcht/General Manager
Yanl, D. Trevor
System Vice President/General Manager
Wilscfri.-Michael fyr-
System Vice President -'Government Affairs
Comcast of Florida/Georgia/lllinois/Michigan, LLC Organizational chart as of 2/25/2014
Comcasl Corporation <WA)
100% Class A Common
100% Class A Special Common
Comcast Holdings Corporation <PA>
/      \
X   Comcast Cable
^  Comrrrjnicalioris. LLC ^
\      <DE) /
Comcast MO Group. Inc. (OE)
Corneas', ol Georgia/ Virginia, Inc (CO)
^Comcast of Florida/^ Georgia/Illinois/ Michigan. LLC (FL)
AND AFFIDAVIT      S2~n   © ^
m      —j
  1. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/if applicableP*^      TT
Comcast Corporation
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [] the Applicant      Comcast of FL/GA/IL/MI, LLC
OR      Comcast of Chicago, Inc.
  1. [X| a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest: Comcast of South Chicago,  Inc .
OR      Comcast of Illinois III, Inc.
3.      [] a legal entity with a right of control (sec Section II.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:            
  1. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      17 01 JFK. Blvd      
Philadelphia,   PA 19103
Lisa_Ouzounian@cable . comcast. com
  1. Telephone:   (773)  394-8765  Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?  Law DePartment
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification ft      and Contract if _      
Vtr. 0J-0J-I2
Page 1 of 13
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing [ ] Person
["4 Publicly registered business corporation [ ] Privately held business corporation [ ] Sole proprietorship [ ] General partnership [ ] Limited partnership [ ] Trust
[ ] Limited liability company
[ ] Limited liability partnership
[ ] Joint venture
[ ] Not-for-profit corporation
(Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[]Yes      I] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2.      For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3.      For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: lias the organization registered to do
business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes
pq N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Comcast Corporation 10-K posted at: _       
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-1 56 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
If yes, please identify below the namc(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Parly's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether     Business       Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      [Xj No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes." has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article 1 ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
Page 4 of 13
2.      The Disclosing Parly and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B. 1. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not. within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicied of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
c.   have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  1. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
    • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without lhnilation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of cither the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-1 56 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
            _                  -          -            J-fA      
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
      .      __      _            jUk_      
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed
official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
I] Yes |X|No
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[]Yes []No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Pane 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
_X      1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Parly has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that Ihe Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or lo extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes      -   [ ] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[ ] Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
I ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[]Yes []No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at www.cityofchicaKO.orK/Efhics, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Parly must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
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F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
SlMjVAw      —
(Sign here) ™
      LiS^      C-IX^ooa i J
(Print or type name of person signing) (Print or type title of personfclVning)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date)      02;_2^c>_-      
at      OahiU,      County,      jrv_      (state).
Notary Public.
Commission expires:     O'Z- 1^
DAVID BUTLER Notary Public, Slate of Illinois My Commission Expires 02-05-2017
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department.head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
Comcast Corporation
Name ■'■ "
Roberts, Brian L.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Roberts, Brian L.
Roberts, Brian L.
Chief Executive Officer
Angelakis, Michael J.
Vice Chairman
Angelakis, Michael J.
Chief Financial Officer
Burke, Stephen B.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Chief Diversity Officer
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Smit, Neil
Executive Vice President
Evans, Alexander D.
Executive Vice President - Global Corporate Development and Strategy
Banse, Amy L.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
General Counsel
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Salva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Salva, Lawrence J.
Chief Accounting Officer
Salva, Lawrence J.
Scott, David A.
Senior Vice President
Maxiicld, A. Melissa
Senior Vice President - Congressional and Federal Government Affairs
Khoury Newcomb, Jennifer
Senior Vice President - Corporate and Digital Communications
Rudnay, D'Arcy F.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Communications
Rudnay, D'Arcy F.
Chief Communications Officer
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Hook, Cynthia K.
Senior Vice President - Internal Audit
Hook, Cynthia K.
General Auditor
Armstrong, Jason S.
Senior Vice President - Investor Relations
Charytan, Lynn R.
Senior Vice President - Legal Regulatory Affairs
Zachem, Kathryn A.
Senior Vice President - Regulatory and State Legislative Affairs
Dankenbrink, Kristine A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Chief Privacy Officer
Daley, Jennifer L.
Vice President
Daley, Jennifer L.
Assistant Treasurer
Heller, Jennifer
Vice President
Heller, Jennifer
Chief Compliance Officer
McCue, James P.
Vice President
McCue, James P.
Assistant Treasurer
Rockford, Marc A.
Vice President
Rockford, Marc A.
Senior Deputy General Counsel
Rostick, Gary E.
Vice President
Smith, Justin B.
Vice President
Smith, Justin B.
Chief Joint Venture Compliance Officer
Buchholz, Karen Dougherty
Vice President - Administration
Lillie, Charisse R.
Vice President - Community Investment
Goldstein, Gregg M.
Vice President - Corporate Development
McGinley, Joseph P.
Vice President - Corporate Development
Noble, Mark
Vice President - Corporate Development
Cheatham, Keith T.
Vice President - Corporate Real Estate and Insurance
Perkins, Bret
Vice President - External and Government Affairs
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax •
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Gatti, Leonard J.
Vice President - Financial Reporting
Arbogast, Rebecca
Vice President - Global Public Policy
Fitzmaurice, Sena
Vice President - Government Communications
Arnholt, Beth
Vice President - Integrated Talent Management
Finnegan, James J.
Vice President - Strategic Intellectual Property
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice President - Taxation
Kenneth J. Bacon, Presiding Director Bonovitz, Sheldon M.
Breen, Edward D.      
Collins, Joseph J.      
Cook, J. Michael      
Hassell, Gerald L.      
Honickman, Jeffrey A.      
Mestre, Eduardo G.      
Roberts, Brian L.      
Roberts, Ralph J.      
Rodgers, Johnathan
Rodin, Dr. Judith      
S      —\
O      -<
CITY OF CHICAGO      "^rn      orn
  1. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable:
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC       
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [] the Applicant      Comcast of FL/GA/IL/MI, LLC
OR      Comcast of Chicago, Inc.
  1. [X) a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest- Comcast of South Chicago,  Inc .
OR      Comcast of  Illinois III, Inc.
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B.l.) Stale the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
  1. Business address of the Disclosing Party: JLl^_££]LiL'LY.l      
Philadelphia,   PA 19103
  1. Telephone:  (773)  394-8765  Fax:                  Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      _
E. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?_^_^_^£^^^^_
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following.
Specification #            _ and Contract 11      
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
pC] Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [ J Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))'?
1.   Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party:
[ ] Person      p
[ ] Publicly registered business corporation      [
f ] Privately held business corporation      [
[ ] Sole proprietorship      [
[jYes []No [ ] Other (please specify)
[ ] General partnership      (J
[ j Limited partnership
[] Trust      [
2.   For legal entities, the stale (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the Slate of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[] Yes
[Xj N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture.
Page 2 of 13
Name      Business Address
See Exhibit B to Applicant's EDS Form.
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Percentage Interest in the Disclosing Party
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-1 56 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this F.DS is signed?
[]Yes MNo
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such rclationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Parly is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing, Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure. -
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether Business retained or anticipated Address to be ietained)
Relationship to Disclosing Party (subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, etc.)
Fees (indicate whether paid or estimated.) NOTE: "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[] Yes
[ ] No      [X] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
I ] Yes      [ ] No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article 1 ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of. or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article 1 applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
Page 4 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Parly is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B. I. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government,
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  6. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
    • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
a    bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
    1. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
    2. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  1. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-61 0 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-monlh period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" docs not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none")  As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Parly certifies that ihe Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      m is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then Ihe Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
if the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
11" the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Parly certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
U Yes [X]No
NOTE:   If you checked "Yes" to Item D.I., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
f]Yes []No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
x   1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.    The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c )(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[]Yes []No If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 4) CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes      |] No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes []No
3    Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[]Yes []No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether piocuiement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at www.cityofchicago.orR/Ethics, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick Si., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
C  If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law. or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  1. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  2. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Parly must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 11 of 13
F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor arc the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     Jf the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.l., F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
<2. ^_c_cc_S_z5l
(Sign here)
(Print or type name of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date)      pi ■ I       \ Hr
at      Le&lU      County, ___._.XL_      (state).
Page 12 of 13
Commission expires:
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-m-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II. B. 1 .a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ j Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
White, Steven A.
President - West Division
Connors, William
President - Central Division
Casey, Kevin M.
President - NortliEast Division
Thurston, Charles W.
President - Spotlight
Stemper, William
President - Business Services
Stempcr, William
Senior Vice President - Cable Division
Heeb, Steven M.
President - Conditional Access Licensing
Heeb, Steven M.
Vice President - Business Development
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson, David N.
Executive Vice President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
Avgins, Catherine
Executive Vice President
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Chief Technology Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice President
Angelakis, Michael J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Jenckes, Marcien
Executive Vice President
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice President
Schanz, John D.
Chief Network Officer
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition
Strahan, William
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Peter
Executive Vice President - Procurement
Butz, Gregory R.
Executive Vice President - Sales and Marketing Operations
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
Gaston, Douglas
Assistant Secretary
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Chief Privacy Officer
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Deputy General Counsel
Pighini, Emest A.
Senior Vice President
Pighini, Emest A.
Salva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Schreiber, Michael
Senior Vice President
Oster, Henry M
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales
Haase, William R.
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Administration
Grutko, Kellie W.
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Marketing
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Operations
Tiemey, Jr., John J.
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales ^.egional^National Sales
Hess, Mark E.
Senior Vice President - Advanced Product and Business Development
Nissenbtatt, Michael
Senior Vice President - Broadcast Relations, Content Acquisition
Brassel, Edward
Senior Vice President - Business Intelligence
Roberts, Scott W.
Senior Vice President - Business Services
Collins, Timothy P.
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Talbot, LcAnn
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Soto, Myma
Senior Vice President - Chief Security and Infrastructure
Smith, Kevin P.
Senior Vice President - Comcast Media 360
Williamson, John
Senior Vice President -
Sochren, Martha S.
Senior Vice President - Comcast University
Soehren, Martha S.
Chief Learning Officer
Dannenbaum, Alan
Senior Vice President - Content Acquisition
Gaiski, Jennifer T.
Senior Vice President - Content Acquisition
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Reynolds, Steven
Senior Vice President - CPE and Home Networking
Kannshak, Thomas A.
Senior Vice President - Customer Experience
Dombroski, Raymond E.
Senior Vice President - Development, Deployment and Operations
Scilingo, Rebecca A.
Senior Vice President - Enterprise Project Management Office
O'Hare, Patrick H.
Senior Vice President - Field Operations
Bryant, Sarah
Senior Vice President - Finance
Nester, Timothy T.
Senior Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rostick, Gary E.
Senior Vice President - Finance and Business Operations
Hartz, Ronald J.
Senior Vice President - Financial Operations
Horn, Greg
Senior Vice President - Financial Planning
Jennings, Richard C.
Senior Vice President - General Management
Martinez, Ralph O.
Senior Vice President - General Management
Rozek, Leonard J.
Senior Vice President - General Management
Leavitt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Lewis, James L.
Senior Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Hencssy, Theresa
Senior Vice President - Group Technical Advisor
Simmons, Celestinc S.
Senior Vice President - Human Performance, National Customer Operations
Gunn, Robert A.
Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Penna, Melanie A.
Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Dahlin, Lysa
Senior Vice President - Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness, NETO
Athias, Franklyn A.
Senior Vice President - IP Communication and Services
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, HR Compliance and Policy Administration
Nathan, Thomas R.
Senior Vice President - Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - Local Media Development
Bouchard, Steven R.
Senior Vice President - Marketing
Schweitzer, Mark
Senior Vice President - Marketing and Product Management
Intennaggio, Peter
Senior Vice President - Marketing Communications
McFadden, Suzanne
Senior Vice President - Marketing Strategy
Alcott, Scott F.
Senior Vice President - NE&TO
Alcott, Scott F.
Chief Information Officer - NE&TO
Kotay, Sree
Senior Vice President - NE&'I'O Chief Software Architect, Comcast Converged Products
Field, Charlotte 1.
Senior Vice President - NE&TO Infrastructure and Operations
Celona, Raymond E.
Senior Vice President - NE&TO Planning and Implementation
Muehl, Mark
Senior Vice President - NE&TO Product Engineering
Chernak, Sam
Senior Vice President - Network Architecture
McElearney, Kevin
Senior Vice President - Network Engineering
Olander HI, John
Senior Vice President - Network Services and Operations
Herrin, Charles D.
Senior Vice President - Product Design and Development
Slinkard, Robert
Senior Vice President - Product Management
Walker, Todd
Senior Vice President - Product Management
OToole, Kevin
Senior Vice President - Product Management and Strategy
Hasty, Denice
Senior Vice President - Product Marketing
Doyle, Sian
Senior Vice President - Retail
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Hansen, Scott W.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Connell, Terrence J.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Sales Operations
Kelly, David
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Ozor, Jonathan L.
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Stanley, Richard M.
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Trombley, Roland
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Victor, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Strategic and Financial Planning
Nagel, Thomas F.
Senior Vice President - Strategic Initiatives
Finnegan, James J.
Senior Vice President - Strategic Intellectual Property
Stipandic, Amy
Senior Vice President - Strategic Process Engineering and Deployment Effectiveness
Davis, Susan Jin
Senior Vice President - Strategic Services
Joy, Aljit
Senior Vice President - Strategy and Product Development
Dankenbnnk, Krisline A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
McConnell, Matthew W.
Senior Vice President - Wholesale Services
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -
Video Services
Schaefer, Eric
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Communications and Data Services
Fahrny, Jim
Senior Fellow - Comcast Converged Products
Gitchell, Sarah
Vice President
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Content Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koles, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Loretan, Tom
Vice President
Loretan, Tom
Executive Creative Director - CIM
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Patent Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice President
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel - Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
Wlodkowski, Thomas
Vice President - Accessibility
Meehan, Charles A.
Vice President - Ad Sales
Basler, John J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Flaim, Stephen D.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Gallagher, James W.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Hcisinger, Peter B.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Hills, Michael J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Mazzella, Edward J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Miller, Michael I.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Stone, Jeffrey H.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Rittler, Robert
Vice President - Ad Sales Information Technology
Pctrizzio, Peter A.
Vice President - Ad Sales Engineering Operations
Klippel, Robert E.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
LaRose, Adam J.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
Buchholz, Karen Dougherty
Vice President - Administration
Holmes, Robert
Vice President - Advanced Advertising
Swan, Mark
Vice President - Advanced Product and Business Development
Duran, Anthony
Vice President - Alternate Channel Sales
Lanier, Brian
Vice President - Application Engineering, Comcast Converged Products
Scully, Matt
Vice President - Architecture
Spears, Nancy
Vice President - Audience Management
Arata, Todd
Vice President - Brand Development and Communications
Loyack, Patricia A.
Vice President - Broadband Voice
Lee, Ebony
Vice President - Business Affairs
Henderson, Jr., James J.
Vice President - Business Development
Vogt, Jeffrey S.
Vice President - Business Development
Kaplowitz, Jon
Vice President - Business Development and Strategy
Buzzelli, Jeffrey Michael
Vice President - Business Services
Cantrall, Byron
Vice President - Business Services
Lynch, David
Vice President - Business Services
Tzoumas, John Charles
Vice President - Business Services
Peltomaa, Christer
Vice President - Business Services Delivery
Flaks, Steven
Vice President - Business Services Operations
Goodbinder, Todd
Vice President - Business Services Sales Operations
Wang, Dan
Vice President - Business Strategy
Connelly, Michael
Vice President - Business Strategy and Product Planning
Bradshaw, Michael
Vice President - Capacity Planning and Modeling
Clancy, Michael
Vice President - Carrier Management
Thorell, Patricia M.
Vice President - Cash Management
Dclcicllo, Michael
Vice President - Business Development, Comcast Converged Products
Dixon, John
Vice President - Comcast Experience
Frank, Christopher D.
Vice President - Comcast Retail Store
Kelman, Michael
Vice President - Competitive and Business Analytics
O'Sullivan, Amalia
Vice President - Competitive Strategy
Jensen, David A.
Vice President - Content Acquisition
Ortman, Michael
Vice President - Content Strategy
Beatty, Paul D.
Vice President - Corporate Systems
Bernard, Jr, Robert W.
Vice President - Credit and Collections
Wante, Susan M.
Vice President - Customer Care Operations
Tutton, Graham
Vice President - Customer Insights
Horan, Robert B.
Vice President - Customer Service Development
Kelley, Heidy A.
Vice President - Customer Service Fulfillment
Marcinczyk, Martin
Vice President - Customer Technology
Hoffmann, Thomas C.
Vice President - Deployment and Implementation
Rainey, Lucy
Vice President - Direct Marketing
Sweeney, Kevin
Vice President - Direct Sales
Gee, Barbara
Vice President - E-Commcrce and Mover Sales
Forde, Declan
Vice President - E-Commerce and Self Service
Frank, Michelle
Vice President - E-Commerce Operations
Bomar, Deric
Vice President - Employee Engagement
Birnbaum, Jack
Vice President - Engineering
Hertz, Adam
Vice President - Engineering
Marchctti, Marc E.
Vice President - Engineering
Miller, Mark
Vice President - Engineering
Portfolio, Shane N.
Vice President - Engineering
Sandino, Esteban
Vice President - Engineering
Capps, James
Vice President - Engineering and Development
Vacca, Gabriella
Vice President - Engineering and Development
Press, Jason
Vice President - Engineering and Operations
Press, Jason
Chief Development Officer
Fischer, Michael D.
Vice President - Engineering Operations
Kelly, John F.
Vice President - Engineering Operations
Sclireiber, Chris
Vice President - Engineering Operations
Takhsh, Arbcla
Vice President - Engineering Operations
Walsh, Stephen
Vice President - Enterprise Direct Sales
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
Williams, David W.
Vice President - Field Operations
Amendola, Duane
Vice President - Finance
Amendola, Duane
Assistant Controller
Czekaj, Doug
Vice President - Finance
Masterson, Angela
Vice President - Finance
Ossowski, Jeffrey S.
Vice President - Finance
Wood, Michele
Vice President - Finance
Capocasale, Nancy
Vice President - Finance, Comcast Converged Products
Chambers, Matthew
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Gibhs, Susan L.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Marie, Andrew
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rish, Darren J.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Sbragia, Richard J.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Gaiski, Chris
Vice President - Finance and Business Operations
Spinosa, Daniel
Vice President - Finance, Strategy and Business Development
Davis, Bruce A.
Vice President - Financial Operations
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Fernandez, Ruben Mendiola
Vice President and General Manager -Multicultural Video Services
Fennell, Klayton F.
Vice President - Government Affairs
Leuci, Nick
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Russell, Leslie E.
Vice President - HITS
Bland, Emily T.
Vice President - Human Resources
Clancy, Maureen
Vice President - Human Resources
Pascale, Michael J.
Vice President - Human Resources
Straszewski, Thomas M.
Vice President - Interactive Sales
Livingood, Jason
Vice President - Internet Systems Engineering
Battel, Patrick
Vice President - Labor Relations
Dellinger, Mark
Vice President - Licensing Acquisition
Armstrong, Peter
Vice President - Management Information Systems, Corey
Vice President - Marketing
Young, John
Vice President - Marketing
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
Diskin, Eileen
Vice President - Marketing Communications and Brand Experience
Kandikonda, Ravi Kiran
Vice President - Marketing Intelligence
Vonk, John
Vice President - Marketing, Product Planning
Benson, Makesha
Vice President - Marketing Retention Operations
Simonel, Carla A.
Vice President - Marketing Sciences
Brodsky, Dcbra G.
Vice President - Marketing Services
Slovin, Michael B.
Vice President - MDU Business Development
Revell, William F.
Vice President - MDU Sales
Vazirani-Helsel, Kavita
Vice President - Media Services
Siry, Marc
Vice President - Mobility Solutions
Adnano, Adrian
Vice President - Multicultural Marketing
Soiis, William
Vice President - National Activation Security and Repair
Abeln, Jeur
Vice President - National Procurement
Rioboli, Rick
Vice President - NE&TO Architecture
Roy, John B.J.
Vice President - NE&TO Engineering Operations
Burke, Randal
Vice President - NE&TO Operations
Crisafulli, Michael
Vice President - NE&TO Operations
Scott, Jim
Vice President - NE&TO System Integration and Testing
Leddy, John G.
Vice President - Network Strategy
Herscovici, Daniel
Vice President - New Business
Bhise, Himesh
Vice President - New Services and Platforms
Paiau, Joshua
Vice President - Online Sales
Buchanan, Jr., Lewis R.
Vice President - Operations
Nocitra, Michael J.
Vice President - Operations
Hill, Kevin
Vice President - Partnership Marketing
Zhou, Jingyu
Vice President - Patent Engineering
Dolan, Daniel M.
Vice President - Payroll and Accounts Payable
Lorenzi, Jr., David
Vice President - Physical HFC Network
Ceasar, Sherita
Vice President - Planning
Colon, Wil
Vice President - Plant Performance
Grauch, Ted
Vice President - Premise Video Devices
Miller, Justin
Vice President - Product Development
Palmatier, Jonathan L.
Vice President - Product Development and Management
Lingle, Piers
Vice President - Product Development and Planning
Ismail, Labccb
Vice President - Product Development Engineering
Horrocks, William
Vice President - Product Management, Home Security
Dougherty, John
Vice President - Product Management, New Businesses
Stephens, Billy E.
Vice President - Product Management, Voice Product Development
Tishgart, Barry
Vice President - Product Management, Wholesale
Caspar, Abigail
Vice President - Product Planning Internet Products
Barden, Elaine T.
Vice President - Product Sales
Girdner, Ted D.
Vice President - Product Sales
Lyons, Christopher
Vice President - Product Sales
Schuchart, John
Vice President - Product Sales
Hofmeyr, Jan
Vice President - Program Management
Suniewick, Maggie
Vice President - Programming Content
Sepehrrad, Ranicsh
Vice President - Quality Assurance and Risk
O'Lcary, Adrian
Vice President - Quality Assurance and Testing
O'Bncn, Gerald C.
Vice President - Real Estate
Simon, Loretta L.
Vice President - Real Estate
Rockell, Robert
Vice President - Regional Network Engineering
O'Reilly, Therese M.
Vice President - Retail Sales
Bellaria, Philip
Vice Presidenl - Retention Marketing and Customer Loyalty
Midgett, Jr., Michael D.
Vice President - Sales Development
Carr, Daniel
Vice President - Sates Operations
Hounsell, Randall B.
Vice President - Search and Discovery
Countway, Ken
Vice President - Service Integration and Migration
Brown, David
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
Dirkmaat, Jay
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
O'Leary, Mark
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
Woundy, Richard
Vice President - Software and Applications
Fox, Anthony
Vice President - Software Program Management
Pate!, Neel R.
Vice President - Sourcing Management and Governance
Gibbs, John F.
Vice President - State Government Affairs
Yohe Wagner, Jennifer
Vice Presidenl - Strategic Business Procurement
Golden, Dana
Vice President - Strategic Partnerships
Miller, Phillip
Vice President - Strategic Services Business Development
Hertz, Richard J.
Vice President - System Integration and Testing
Reynolds, Robert K.
Vice President - System Integration and Testing
Brown, Derek J.
Vice President - Systems Engineering
Clark, Lawrence A.
Vice President - Talent and Professional Development
Valentin, Raul
Vice President - Talent Operations
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice Presidenl - Taxation
Wcchter, Scan
Vice President - Technical Operations, Comcast Converged Products
Vickcrs, Mark
Vice President - Technology
Speller, Tony
Vice President - Technical Operations
Bulman, Jane
Vice President - Telesales
Salinger, Jorge
Vice President - Video and Network Services
Kreiling, Jay
Vice President - Video Services Product Management
Cook, Michael
Vice President - Video Technology
Falkenstein, Kenneth D.
Vice President - Wireless Engineering
Krynock, Michael
Vice President - Wireless Operations and Deployment
DeAndrade, David
Field, Brian
Francisco, Mark
O'Reirdan. Michael J.
Reichert, Jr., Harry J.
Mao, Weidong
Fellow - Comcast Converged Products
Eng, David A.
Distinguished Engineer
Toth, Louis A.
Managing Director - Comcast Ventures
Zimmcrmann, Edward
Division Chief Financial Officer
Zimmermann, Edward
Division Senior Vice President - Finance and Administration
Gallagher, Edward S.
Division Senior Vice President - Business Services
Adams, Susan P.
Division Senior Vice Presidenl - Engineering
Reilly, Mark E.
Division Senior Vice Presidenl - Government and Public Relations
St. Jean, Kerri
Division Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Waddell, John R.
Division Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Coughlin, Thomas
Regional Senior Vice President
Conmy, Kevin
Regional Vice President
Lopez, Rodrigo
Regional Vice President
Lindsley, Steven R.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Nelson, Ingrid B.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
O'Brien, Robert
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Paligraf, Philip M.
Regional Vice President-Ad Sales
Wall, Stephen M.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Woodworth, Kimberly
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Hummel, Ronald L.
Regional Vice President - Business Operations
Adamson, Shawn
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Deckard, Robert W.
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Freyer, Jeffrey Alan
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Lytle, Glenn
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Maloney, Michael
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Marsh, Peter
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Whalcn, Jolin
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Jelinek, Thomas
Regional Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Carroll, Jeffrey C.
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Dickerson, Serena D.
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Brainard, Deborah
Area Vice President - Operations
Gauderlll, John
Market Vice President
Hagen, Barbara A.
Market Vice President
Gillespie, Valerie L.
System Vice President/General Manager
Yant, D. Trevor
System Vice President/General Manager
-<Crn      ^ orjn
SECTION I - GENERAL INFORMATION                                                 £1%      3 o§
A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable: rn —
^ to ^
Comcast MO Group, Inc.       
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
  1. [X| a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:Comcast FL/GA/.II./MI, LLC
3.      [] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      17 01 JFK Blvd      
Philadelphia,  PA 19103
  1. Telephone:  (773)  394-8765 Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
/-. mi • 1 1 . . • »i • rno<) Law Department
0. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS.'      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification //      and Contract U      
Ver. 01-01-12      Page 1 of 13
f ] Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [ ] Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Limited partnership
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party: [ ] Person f [ ] Publicly registered business corporation [ fC] Privately held business corporation [ [ ] Sole proprietorship [ [ ] General partnership (]
[ ] Trust
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2.   For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Flas the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes
[ JNo
[X| N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning.each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B to Applicant's EDS Form.
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      [Xj No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether Business retained or anticipated Address to be retained)
Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
(subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V -- CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ j No      m No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[] Yes
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article I ("Article l")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section U.B.I - of this EDS:
    1. arc not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
    2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public, transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
    3. arc not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
    4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, slate or local) terminated for cause or default; and
    5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any stale, or any other unit of local government.
  1. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity thai, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or slate or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents"').
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of cither the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  1. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  2. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
*> I K_      
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
UYes pqNo
NOTE: If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain pow docs not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[]Yes []No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
x      1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (Sec 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes [JNo
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes [JNo
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[]Yes []No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 11 of 13
F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of Disclosing Party)
(Sign here)
(Print or type name of person signing)
(Print or type title of person sigmng)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date)   2 ~ \4r
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which lias only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed'in Section II.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if die Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ] Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
Comcast MO Group, Inc.
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson, David N.
Executive Vice President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
Avgiris, Catherine
Executive Vice President
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Chief Technology Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice President
Angelakis, Michael J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice President
Schanz, John D.
Chief Network Officer
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition
Strahan, William
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Peter
Executive Vice President - Procurement
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
Gaston, Douglas
Assistant Secretary
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Chief Privacy Officer
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Deputy General Counsel
Pighini, Emest A.
Senior Vice President
Pighini, Ernest A.
Salva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Leavitt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, HR Compliance and Policy Administration
Nathan, Thomas R.
Senior Vice President - Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - Local Media Development
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Dankenbrink, Kristine A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Video Services
Gitchell, Sarah
Vice President
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Content Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koies, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Patent Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice President
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel - Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
O'Brien, Gerald C.
Vice President - Real Estate
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice President - Taxation
yo   ro X"
  1. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/if applicaB^A    ** ^
Comcast of Georgia/Virginia,      Inc .      
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [ ] the Applicant
  1. [X] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:Comcast of FL/GA/IL/MI, LLC
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (sec Section II.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
  1. Business address of the Disclosing Party: JL^Lj^IJLJL-LY^             
Philadelphia,   PA 19103
  1. Telephone: _.(_773J_.J_94-8.765_ Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one): I
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS? Law DePartment      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification //      and Contract #      
Vcr. 01-01-12      Page 1 of 13
I i
[ ] Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [ ] Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Limited partnership
I. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Parly: [ ] Person [ [ ] Publicly registered business corporation [ £<] Privately held business corporation [ [ ] Sole proprietorship [ [ ] General partnership (1
[ ] Trust
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Other (please specify)
2.   For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B to Applicant's EDS Form.
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
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Name (indicate whether     Business       Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
. [ ] Yes      [ ] No      [Xj No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[ ] Yes []No
I.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1 -23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article 1 applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section Il.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. arc not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. arc not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  6. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Parly, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
    1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the Slate of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United Stales of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
    2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
    3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  1. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed
official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" docs not include: (i) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
      .      /^Jrrl      
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
I ] is      is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      fXJ No
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power docs not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Docs the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest m the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
_^__1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying
Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with
respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary): N/A
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
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  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A. 1. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes []No If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
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The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Parly represents and warrants that:
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F. 1.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee. tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in . form and substance to those in F.L and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.L, F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (dale)   2- - <2-kJ 1 ^
at      (Ve>l<L-      County,     Ju      (state).
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section U.B.I.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
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Comcast of Georgia/Virginia, Inc.      & Y Iah Ol ~
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
Connors, William
President - Central Division
Casey, Kevin M.
President - NorthEast Division
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson, David N.
Executive Vice President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
Avgiris, Catherine
Executive Vice President
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Chief Technology Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice President
Angelakis, Michael J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice President
Schanz, John D.
Chief Network Officer
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition
Strahan, William
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Peter
Executive Vice President - Procurement
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
Gaston, Douglas
Assistant Secretary
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Chief Privacy Officer
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Deputy General Counsel
Pighini, Ernest A.
Senior Vice President
Pighini, Emest A.
Salva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Haase, William R.
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Administration
Roberts, Scott W.
Senior Vice President - Business Services
Shatlock, Jr., Eugene P.
Senior Vice President - Business Strategy and Product Development
Collins, Timothy P.
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Talbot, LeAnn
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Edmunds, Kimberly
Senior Vice President - Cable Operations
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Bryant, Sarah
Senior Vice President - Finance
Senior Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Lcavitt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Gillenwater, Steven C.
Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, HR
Compliance and Policy Administration
Nathan, Thomas R.
Senior Vice President - Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - I-ocal Media Development
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Lang, Richard A.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Wasser, Glenn R.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Connell, Terrcncc J.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Sales Operations
Kelly, David
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Ozor, Jonathan L.
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Trombley, Roland
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Lopez, Fi lemon
Senior Vice Presidenl - Strategic Operations
Dankenbrink, Kristine A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Video Services
Gitchell, Sarah
Vice President
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Content Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koles, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Patent Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice President
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel - Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
Basler, John J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Dennett, Ian R.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Flaim, Stephen D.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Gallagher, James W.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Heisinger, Peter B.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Hills, Michael J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Mazzella, Edward J.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Miller, Michael I.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Runge, Mark W.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Stone, Jeffrey H.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Schiavello, Jay
Vice President - Ad Sales Customer Care
Corcoran, Barry
Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Accounting
Sayer, Jonathan
Vice President - Ad Sales Integrated Media Sales
Sullinger, Bobbie G.
Vice President - Ad Sales Operations
McGrath, Patrick T.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
Ripp, Daniel J.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
Buzzelli, Jeffrey Michael
Vice President - Business Services
Daves, Michael S.
Vice President - Cable Management
Bacha, Beth
Vice President - Communications
Farley, Brian
Vice President - Communications
Brown, Verba
Vice President - Customer Care
Glass, Anthony
Vice President - Customer Care
Matson, Nancy
Vice President - Customer Care
Thompson, John
Vice President - Customer Care
Ward, Doug
Vice President - Customer Care
Wuerdeman, John M.
Vice President - Customer Care
Wante, Susan M.
Vice President - Customer Care Operations
Austin, Jeffey W.
Vice President - Engineering
Fitzgerald, Donald P.
Vice President - Engineering
Slabaugh, David W.
Vice President - Engineering
Yates, Thomas
Vice President - Engineering
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
Colucci, John A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Kirk, Dale F.
Vice President - Field Operations
Mark, Bryan E.
Vice Presidenl - Field Operations
Monteith, Scott D.
Vice President - Field Operations
Parker, Michael C.
Vice President - Field Operations
Thomas, Stephen E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Wainwright, Nicholas
Vice President - Field Operations
Weicher, Sandra L.
Vice President - Field Operations
Williamson, Larry A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Hiett, Amanda
Vice President - Finance
Murtaugh, Brian
Vice President - Finance
Ossowski, Jeffrey S.
Vice President - Finance
Gibbs, Susan L.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Maguire, Thomas C.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Mobilia, Janice M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rehme, Richard M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Roundtree, Raymond
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Sirota, Marc S.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Kleinhans, Kimberly Sebastian
Vice President - Financial Planning and Analysis
D'lnnocenzo, James
Vice President - Government Affairs
Looney, Scan
Vice President - Government Affairs
Lynch, Francis
Vice President - Government Affairs
McDonald, Christopher G.
Vice President - Government Affairs
Omberg, Robert
Vice President - Government Affairs
Rattley Washington, Donna
Vice President - Government Affairs
Sullivan, Kathleen
Vice President - Government Affairs
Kcttlcson, William
Vice President - Government and Public Relations
Birmingham, Lisa N.
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Leuci, Nick
Vice President - Goveriunent and Regulatory Affairs
Ryan, Robert E.
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Darst, Ardella F.
Vice President - Human Resources
Fasick, Teresa C.
Vice President - Human Resources
Harrison, Julie M.
Vice President - Human Resources
Haubert-Picrcc, Audre
Vice President - Human Resources
Stipe, Rob
Vice President - Information Technology
Zanoni, Mark C.
Vice President - Information Technology
Miller, Michael P.
Vice President - Interactive Sales
Adamy, Mark
Vice President - Marketing
Goodman, Charles
Vice President - Marketing
Nicdziclski, Alicia M.
Vice President - Marketing
Schweber, Lawrence D.
Vice President - Marketing
Sweeney, William F.
Vice President - Marketing
Williams,. David
Vice President - Marketing
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
Wicht, Jason
Vice Presidenl - Marketing Operations
Slovin, Michael B.
Vice President - MDU Business Development
Goyer, Adam
Vice President - Operations
Rosson, Ellen C.
Vice President - Operations
Shook, Geoffrey A.
Vice President - Operations Management
Pascarelli, Victor
Vice President - Payment Center Operations
Arp, Trevor
Vice President - Product Management
Alpcrin, Linda
Vice President - Product Sales
Driscoll, Steve
Vice President - Product Sales
Driscoll, Steve
Senior Director - Telesales, Sales
Schuchart, John
Vice President - Product Sales
Goldman, Jennifer L.
Vice President - Programming and Marketing Analysis
Alexander, Jeffrey A.
Vice President - Public Relations
Doherty, Jody
Vice President - Public Relations
Halprin, Mary Beth
Vice President - Public Relations
Segal, Jack A.
Vice President - Public Relations
O'Brien, Gerald C.
Vice President - Real Estate
Van Alstyne, David A.
Vice President - Sales
Brushett, Sean
Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Dombroski, David
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice President - Taxation
Guariglia, Joe
Vice President - 'Technical Operations
Magdos, Peter D.
Vice President - Technical Operations
Speller, Tony
Vice President - Technical Operations
Powell, Jeffrey L.
Vice President - Telemarketing
Weigert, Jim
Vice President and General Manager
Zimmermann, Edward
Division Chief Financial Officer
Zimmermann, Edward
Division Senior Vice President - Finance and Administration
Gallagher, Edward S
Division Senior Vice President - Business Services
Adams, Susan P.
Division Senior Vice President - Engineering
Murphy, Daniel J.
Division Senior Vice Presidenl - Engineering
Gage, Timothy
Division Senior Vice President - Government Affairs
Rcilly, Mark E.
Division Senior Vice President - Government and Public Relations
St. Jean, Kem
Division Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Waddcll, John R.
Division Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Knowles, Peter
Division Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Brown, Jeff
Division Vice President - Customer Care
We) wood, Tony
Division Vice President - Engineering
Coughlin, Thomas
Regional Senior Vice President
Crowley, John
Regional Senior Vice President
Hacklcy, Stephen L.
Regional Senior Vice President
McLaughlin, Mary E.
Regional Senior Vice President
Smith, Amy
Regional Senior Vice President
Barrett, John
Regional Senior Vice President - Operations
Samaha, James
Regional Senior Vice President - Operations Management
Claimionf, Alan
Regional Vice President
Paligraf, Philip M.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Wall, Stephen M.
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Woodworth, Kimbcrly
Regional Vice President - Ad Sales
Hummel, Ronald L.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Business Operations
Deckard, Robert W.
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Lytle, Glenn
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Maloney, Michael
Regional Vice President - Business Services
Marsh, Peter
Regional Vice Presidenl - Business Services
Whalen, John
Regional Vice Presidenl - Business Services
Navin, Paul J.
Regional Vice President - Cable Operations
Alonge, Vincent
Regional Vice President - Customer Care
Attanasio, Rick
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Hall, Wayne
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Madison, Glenn H.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Reed, James A.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Claxton, Dale K.
Regional Vice President - Field Operations
Hill, Stephen
Regional Vice President - Field Operations
Jennings, Abe
Regional Vice President - Field Operations
Kearney, Tom
Regional Vice President - Field Operations
Wyllie, Timothy John
Regional Vice President - Field Operations
Jelinek, Thomas
Regional Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Carter, Russell P.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Finance
O'Brien, William J.
Regional Vice President - Finance
Glanville, Dan
Regional Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Mumane, Timothy
Regional Vice Presidenl - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Conwell, John
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Cooper, Derek
Regional Vice Presidenl - Government Affairs
Ferry, William G.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Government Affairs
Mackc, James Andy
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Summy, Matthew
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Wells, Douglas
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Albert, Angela
Regional Vice President - Human Resources
Callahan, Samantha
Regional Vice President - Human Resources
MacGowan, John
Regional Vice President - Human Resources
McKelvey, Kerry R.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Marketing
Zemaitis, Thomas M.
Regional Vice President - Marketing
Hewitt, Michael C.
Regional Vice President - Operations
Harris, Andrew P.
Regional Vice President - Sales
DcFord, Robert
Regional Vice President - Sales and Marketing
O'Connell, Sean M.
Regional Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Tecza, Randall
Area Vice President
Dickerson, Serena D.
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Aleaqui, Shushan
Area Vice President - Operations
Biava, Paul
Area Vice President - Operations
Brainard, Deborah
Area Vice President - Operations
Delyiscio, JohnT-
AreaVice-PresidentT.Operations ...
Gauder III, John
Market Vice President
Hagen, Barbara A.
Market Vice President
Colvin, Ronnie
System Vice President/General Manager
Gillespie, Valerie L.
System Vice President/General Manager
Yant, D. Trevor
System Vice President/General Manager
Wilson, Michael
System Vice President - Government Affairs
— ~\
CITY OF CHICAGO      ^      ^      ^
AND AFFIDAVIT      -<rn      ^      "gft
SECTION I-GENERAL INFORMATION      5-^      36      §^
A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/if applicable:      ro      -ji
Comcast Holdings Corporation
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [] the Applicant      Comcast of FL/GA/IL/MI, LLC
OR      Comcast of Chicago, Inc.
  1. [X] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest: Comcast of South Chicago, Inc.
OR      Comcast of Illinois III, Inc.
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      1701 JFK Blvd      
Philadelphia,   PA 19103
  1. Telephone:   (773)  394-8765 Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian       
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one)j
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?  Law DePartment:
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification //      and Contract #      
Ver. 01-01-12
Page 1 of 13
[ ] Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [] Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
Limited partnership Trust
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party: Person [ Publicly registered business corporation [ Privately held business corporation [ Sole proprietorship [ General partnership (1
[]Yes []No [ ] Other (please specify)
2.      For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
  1. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
pg n/a
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B to Applicant's EDS Form.
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether     Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      [y\ No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[]Yes []No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article 1 is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B.l. of this EDS:
    1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
    2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
    3. arc not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
    4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
    5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  1. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
•      any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
    1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
    2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
    3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  1. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      m is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary);
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      pq No
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      I ] No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
_X      1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of
the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step .1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.I. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
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3. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501 (c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section
501 (c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  1. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes
If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[ 1 Yes
2.   Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[ J Yes
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and.the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Parly must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article 1 of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Parly represents and warrants that:
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F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor arc the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. H.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F. 1., F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before mc on (date)      £>"i  £ o ■ 1 4
at __  .CaQ\£r      County,    CP-      (state).
Commission expires:      QL- OS • 1""")
Page 12 of 13
1 1
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II.B.1 .a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Docs the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ] Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
Comcast Holdings Corporation
Roberts, Brian L.
Roberts, Brian L.
Chief Executive Officer
Angelakis, Michael J.
Chief Financial Officer
Angelakis, Michael J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Evans, Alexander D.
Executive Vice President - Global Corporate Development and Strategy
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
General Counsel
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Salva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President
Salva, Lawrence J.
Chief Accounting Officer
Salva, Lawrence J.
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Dankenbrink, Kristine A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Donnelly, Thomas J.
Vice President - Taxation
Angelakis, Michael J. Block, Arthur R, Cohen, David L. Roberts, Brian L.
AND AFFIDAVIT      -<fn   ^ o§
1 '    co ^
  1. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/if applicable:      ro -c-
Comcast of South Chicago,   Inc.  Franchise Area Five
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. [3J the Applicant
  1. [] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:      
3.      [ ] a legal entity with a right of control (sec Section II.B. 1.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
  1. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      1255 W North Avenue      
Chicago,   IL 60642
  1. Telephone:  (773)  394-8765 Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?  Law DePartment      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification It      and Contract #      
Vcr. 01-01-12
Page 1 of 13
1.   Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party.
[ ] Person      [ ]      Limited liability company
[ j Publicly registered business corporation      [ ]      Limited liability partnership
[X| Privately held business corporation      [ ]      Joint venture
[ ] Sole proprietorship      [ ]      Not-for-profit corporation
[ ] General partnership      (Is      the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Limited partnership      [ ] Yes      [ ] No
[ ] Trust      [ ]      Other (please specify)
2.      For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3.      For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do
business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      [ ] N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-1 56 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[]Yes [X]No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship^)'
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether     Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response. John McGuire,  Esq.   1231 Maple Ave,  Evanston,   IL 60202    /attorney / L-obbti iS~V
      Estimated $ \S { OOP . ^
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No      [X] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[]Yes []No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1 -23, Article I ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article 1 applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
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  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section ll.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  6. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section JV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
  • any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
  • any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
  1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
  2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
  3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  4. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
      O i p.      
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
      .      _J_A      
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      [JJ. is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
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If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[ ] Yes      [X] No
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
x   1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
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  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[]Yes []No If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at www.cityofchicaHo.orK/Ethics, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
E.      The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing
Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a
contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must
update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of
Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified
offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period,
as required by Chapter 1 -23 and Section 2-154-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
Page 11 of 13
F.l.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, properly taxes or sales taxes.
F.2     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on Ihe federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F. 1. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F.l., F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of Disclosing Party) M
(Sign fie
(Print or type name of person signing)
(Prinf-er type title of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date) _f73§.J!      2, 0 i4
at     Cox>\{~       County,      (state).
Notary Public.
Commission expires:     0~2- ' \~*"~)
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section II.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.
Page 13 of 13
Comcast of South Chicago, Inc.
Titie;):v:>'?;:-:•• ••^•:;'*iv':-;
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
Connors, William
President - Central Division' •
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson; David N.
Executive Vice .President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
Avgiris, Catherine
Executive Vice'pj^sjd.ent.
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Chief Technology Officer
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice Presidenl
Angelakis, Michael J.
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David I
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice Presidenl
Schanz, John D.
Chief Network Officer
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice Presidenl - Content Acquisition
Strahan, William
Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Pclcr
Executive Vice President - Procurement
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Ddrdelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
Gaston, Douglas
Assistant Secretary ...
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
Lewis, "Jr., Gerard J.
ChiefPrivacy.©TOc'er         " *',; .■
Lewis, Jr, Gerard J
Deputy General Counsel
PigliirivEmest A.
Senior Vice Prcsidciit. c
Pighini, Emest A.
Saiva, Lawrence J.
Senior Vice President .
t laase, William R
Senior Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Administration
Roberts, Scott W.
Senior Vice President - Business Services
Shatlock, Jr., Eugene P.
Senior Vice President - Business Strategy and Product Development
Collins, Timothy P.
Senior Vice President - Cable Management
Edmunds, Kimberly
Senior Vice President - Cable Operations
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Bryant, Sarah
Senior Vice President - Finance
(Cc'nria, "Brian
Senior Vice 'President - Finan^;and:A'ccounting
Leavitt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Gillenwater, Steven C.
Senior Vice President - tf'lunian Resources
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, I1R Compliance and Policy Adminislration
Nathan, Thomas R.
Senior Vice President - Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - Local Media Development
O'Connell, Daniel Patrick
Senior Vice President - MDU Business Development
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Lang, Richard A.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
VVasser, Glenn R.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Connell, Terrence J.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Sales Operations
Kelly, David
Senior Vice Presidenl - Spotlight
Ozor, Jonathan 1...
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Trombley, Roland
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Lopez, Filcmon
Senior Vice President - Strategic Operations
Dankcnbrink, Kristinc A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Video Services
Gitchell, Sarah
Vice Presidenl
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Conlent Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koles, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Paicm Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice Presidenl
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel - Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
Dennett, lan R,
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Heisinger, Peler B.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Runge, Mark W.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Stone, Jeffrey H.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Corcoran, Barry
Vice President - Ad Sales Finance and Accounting
Sayer, Jonathan
Vice President - Ad Sales Integrated Media Sales
Sullingcr, Bobbie G.
Vice Presidenl - Ad Sales Operations
McGrath, Patrick T.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operaiions
Daves, Michael S.
Vice President - Cable Management
Farley, Brian
Vice President - Communications
Brown, Verba
Vice President - Customer Care
Glass, Anlhony
Vice President - Customer Care
Matson, Nancy
Vice President - Customer Care
Thompson, John
Vice President - Customer Care
Ward, Doug
Vice Presidenl - Customer Care
Wucrdeman, John M
Vice President - Customer Care
Austin, Jeffey W.
Vice President - Engineering
Fitzgerald, Donald P.
Vice President - Engineering
Slabaugh, David W.
Vice President - Engineering
Yates, Thomas
Vice President - Engineering
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
Colucci, John A.
Vice Presidenl • Field Operations
Kirk, Dale F.
Vice President - Field Operations
Mark, Bryan E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Monteith, Scott D.
Vice President - Field Operations
Parker, Michael C
Vice Presidenl - Field Operations
Thomas, Stephen E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Wainwright, Nicholas
Vice Presidenl - Field Operations
Williamson, Larry A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Murtaugh, Brian
Vice President - Finance
Ossowski, Je'.frrcy S.
Vice President - Finance
Gibbs, Susan L.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Maguire,ThomasG. .? . .
Vice Presidenl - Finance and Accounting
Mobilia, Janice M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rehme, Richard M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice Presidenl - Financial Operafions
Kleinhans, Kimberly Sebastian
Vice President - Financial Planning and Analysis
McDonald, Christopher G
Vice President - Government Affairs
Birmingham, Lisa N.
Vice Presidenl - Government and Regulator)' Affairs
Ryan, Robert E.
Vice Presidenl • Government and Regulatory Affairs
Darsl, Ardella F.
Vice President - Human Resources
Fasick, Teresa C.
Vice President - Human Resources
Harrison, Julie M.
Vice Presidenl - Human Resources
llaubert-Pierce, Audre
Vice President - Human Resources
Zanoni, Mark C.
Vice President - Information Technology
Miller, Michael P.
Vice President - Interactive Sales
Niedzielski, Alicia M.
Vice President - Marketing
Schweber, Lawrence D.
Vice President - Marketing
Sweeney, William F. .J
Vice President - Marketing
Williams, David
Vice President - Marketing
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
Wicht, Jason
Vice President - Marketing Operations
Slovin, Michael IV
Vice President - MDU Business Development
Goycr, Adam
Vice President - Operations
Rosson, Ellen C.
Vice President - Operations
Shook, Geoffrey A.
Vice President - Operations Management
Pascarclli, Victor
Vice President - Payment Center Operations
Alperin, Linda
Vice President - Product Sales
Schucharl, Jolui
Vice President - Product Sales
Goldman, Jennifer L.
Vice President - Programming and Marketing Analysis
Malprin, Mary Beth
Vice Presidenl - Public Relations
Segal, Jack A.
Vice President - Public Relations
O'Brien, Gerald C.
Vice President - Real Estate
Van Alstyne, David A,
Vice President - Sales
Dombroski, David
Vice J'residenl - SMB Direct Sales
Donnelly; Thomas, J.'
Vice President - Taxation
Magdos, Peter D.
Vice President - Technical Operations
PoweMj Jeffrey L.
Vice President - Telemarketing
Weigert, Jim
Vice Presidenl and General Manager
Murphy, Daniel J.
Division Senior Vice President - Engineering
Gage, Timothy
Division Senior Vice Presidenl - Government Affairs
Knowles, J'cter
Division Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Brown, Jeff
Division Vice President - Customer Care
Regional Senior Vice President
Smith, Amy
Regional Senior Vice President
Regional Senior Vice President - Qperatioift '.
Paligraf, Philip M.
Regional V
ce President - Ad Sales
HUfititifetpKoValb! C
Regional V
ce President - Business'Operations .
Dcckard, Robert W.
Regional V
ce President - Business Services
Navin,&>ul J.
Regional V
ce President - Cable Operations
Madison, Glenn 11.
Regional V
ce President - Engineering
Reed, James A.
Regional V
ce President - Engineering
Cooper, Derek
Regional V
ce President - Government Affairs
Ferris William G.
Regional V
ce President - Government Affairs
Macke, James Andy
Regional V
ce President - Government Affairs
Summy, Matthew
Regional V
cc President - Government Affairs
Wells, Douglas
Regional V
cc President - Government Affairs
Albert, Arfgela
Regional V
ce President - Human Resources
McKelvey, Kerry R.
Regional V
ce President - Marketing
Zern_8itis;fI^Qrnas M.
Regional V
ce President - Marketing
Hewitt, Michael C.
Regional V
ce Presidenl - Operations
Regional V
ce Presidenl - Sales
O'Connelt, Scan M.
Regional V
ce President - Sales and Marketing
Dickers'cfri, Serena D.
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Biava, Paul
Area Vice President - Operations
Area Vice President - Operations;
Gauder Ul, John
Market Vice Presidenl
Market Vice President
Colvin, Ronnie
System Vice President/General Manager
System Vice President/General Manager.
Yant, D. Trevor
System Vice President/General Manager
Wilson, Michael
System Vice President - Goveriiment Affairs
Comcast of South Chicago, Inc      I      Y      < ^\
Organizational chart as of 2/25/2014 I—-
Comcast Corporation (PA)
100% Class A Common i r 100% Class A Special Common
Comcast of South Chicago. Inc CU
Comcast Holdings Corporation (PA)
AND AFFIDAVIT                                 _S      ^      "<
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A. Legal name of the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable-:?^      :x
Fn      •*
Comcast of Illinois III, Inc.  Franchise Area Four      rsi      §
Check ONE of the following three boxes:
Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
  1. P9 the Applicant
  1. [] a legal entity holding a direct or indirect interest in the Applicant. State the legal name of the
Applicant in which the Disclosing Party holds an interest:      
3.      [] a legal entity with a right of control (see Section II.B.l.) State the legal name of the entity in
which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:      
B. Business address of the Disclosing Party:      1255 W North Avenue      
Chicago,   IL 60642
  1. Telephone:  (773)  394-8765 Fax:      Email:      
  2. Name of contact person: Lisa Ouzounian      
  3. Federal Employer Identification No. (if you have one):
F. Brief description of contract, transaction or other undertaking (referred to below as the "Matter") to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Cable Franchise Extension
G. Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS?  Law Pepartment      
If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:
Specification #      and Contract #      
Ver. 01-01-12
Page I of 13
[ ] Limited liability company [ ] Limited liability partnership [ ] Joint venture [ ] Not-for-profit corporation (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party: [ ] Person [ [ ] Publicly registered business corporation [
Privately held business corporation [ [ ] Sole proprietorship [ [ ] General partnership (1
[ ] Limited partnership
[ ] Trust [
[]Yes []No [ ] Other (please specify)
2.   For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
3. For legal entities not organized in the State of Illinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Illinois as a foreign entity?
[ ] Yes
[ ] N/A
1.   List below the full names and titles of all executive officers and all directors of the entity. NOTE: For not-for-profit corporations, also list below all members, if any, which are legal entities. If there are no such members, write "no members." For trusts, estates or other similar entities, list below the legal titleholder(s).
If the entity is a general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or joint venture, list below the name and title of each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or entity that controls the day-to-day management of the Disclosing Party. NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Title See Exhibit A
2.   Please provide the following information concerning each person or entity having a direct or indirect beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% of the Disclosing Party. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture,
Page 2 of 13
interest of a member or manager in a limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary of a trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None." NOTE: Pursuant to Section 2-154-030 of the Municipal Code of Chicago ("Municipal Code"), the City may require any such additional information from any applicant which is reasonably intended to achieve full disclosure.
Name      Business Address      Percentage Interest in the
Disclosing Party
See Exhibit B
Has the Disclosing Party had a "business relationship," as defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code, with any City elected official in the 12 months before the date this EDS is signed?
[]Yes No
If yes, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such relationship(s):
The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist, accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature of the relationship, and the total amount of the fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll.
"Lobbyist" means any person or entity who undertakes to influence any legislative or administrative action on behalf of any person or entity other than: (1) a not-for-profit entity, on an unpaid basis, or (2) himself. "Lobbyist" also means any person or entity any part of whose duties as an employee of another includes undertaking to influence any legislative or administrative action.
If the Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.
Page 3 of 13
Name (indicate whether     Business      Relationship to Disclosing Party   Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated       Address       (subcontractor, attorney,      paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained)      lobbyist, etc.)      "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response. John McGuire,  Esq.   1231 Maple Ave,   Evanston,   IL 60202    Attorney jL olfl\ocyS
      Estimated $    \S ( <o>QQ .      
(Add sheets if necessary)
[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities. SECTION V -- CERTIFICATIONS
Under Municipal Code Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.
Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?
[ ] Yes      [ 3 No      [X] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more of the
Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
1.   Pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 1-23, Article 1 ("Article I")(which the Applicant should consult for defined terms (e.g., "doing business") and legal requirements), if the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is the Applicant and is doing business with the City, then the Disclosing Party certifies as follows: (i) neither the Applicant nor any controlling person is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee of the City or any sister agency; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article 1 is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If Article I applies to the Applicant, the permanent compliance timeframe in Article I supersedes some five-year compliance timeframes in certifications 2 and 3 below.
Page 4 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section II.B.l. of this EDS:
  1. are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
  2. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
  3. are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in clause B.2.b. of this Section V;
  4. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
  5. have not, within a five-year period preceding the date of this EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
  6. The certifications in subparts 3, 4 and 5 concern:
  • the Disclosing Party;
  • any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
*      any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity. Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity); with respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
♦      any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization of a responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").
Page 5 of 13
Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor nor any Agents have, during the five years before the date this EDS is signed, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the five years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
    1. bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State of Illinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
    2. agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
    3. made an admission of such conduct described in a. or b. above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
  1. violated the provisions of Municipal Code Section 2-92-610 (Living Wage Ordinance).
  1. Neither the Disclosing Party, Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense of any state or of the United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
  2. Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on any of the following lists maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury or the Bureau of Industry and Security of the U.S. Department of Commerce or their successors: the Specially Designated Nationals List, the Denied Persons List, the Unverified List, the Entity List and the Debarred List.
  3. The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chapters 2-55 (Legislative Inspector General), 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics) of the Municipal Code.
  4. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:
Page 6 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
8.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees of the Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").
^ / V
9.   To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a
complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the
12-month period preceding the execution date of this EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed
official, of the City of Chicago. For purposes of this statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything
made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the
course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $20 per recipient (if none, indicate
with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name of the City recipient.
      .      .      P / ft      
  1. The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is      is not
a "financial institution" as defined in Section 2-32-45 5(b) of the Municipal Code.
  1. If the Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."
If the Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in Section 2-32-455(b) of the Municipal Code) is a predatory lender within the meaning of Chapter 2-32 of the Municipal Code, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
Page 7 of 13
If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.
Any words or terms that are defined in Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code have the same meanings when used in this Part D.
  1. In accordance with Section 2-156-110 of the Municipal Code: Does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?
[]Yes pqNo
NOTE:  If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., proceed to Items D.2. and D.3. If you checked "No" to Item D.l., proceed to Part E.
  1. Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the purchase of any property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning of this Part D.
Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?
[ ] Yes      [ ] No
  1. If you checked "Yes" to Item D.l., provide the names and business addresses of the City officials or employees having such interest and identify the nature of such interest:
Name      Business Address      Nature of Interest
4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.
Please check either 1. or 2. below. If the Disclosing Party checks 2., the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by paragraph 2. Failure to
Page 8 of 13
comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.
____1. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.
      2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step 1 above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:
NOTE: If the Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. If the Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VII. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.
1.   List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):
(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)
2.   The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay any person or entity listed in Paragraph A.l. above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Page 9 of 13
  1. The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy of the statements and information set forth in paragraphs A.l. and A.2. above.
  2. The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities".
  3. If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A.l. through A.4. above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration of the Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.
If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations.
Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[]Yes [JNo If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
  1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[]Yes []No
  1. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[]Yes []No
If you checked "No" to question 1. or 2. above, please provide an explanation:
Page 10 of 13
The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
  1. The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution of any contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
  2. The City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances, Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the Municipal Code, impose certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of these ordinances and a training program is available on line at, and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N.
Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with the applicable ordinances.
  1. If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, including terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other transactions with the City. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
  2. It is the City's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided on this EDS and any attachments to this EDS may be made available to the public on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any information submitted in this EDS.
  3. The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. If the Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to Article I of Chapter 1-23 of the Municipal Code (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the information provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required by Chapter 1 -23 and Section 2-1 54-020 of the Municipal Code.
The Disclosing Party represents and warrants that:
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F. 1.    The Disclosing Party is not delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, nor are the Disclosing Party or its Affiliated Entities delinquent in paying any fine, fee, tax or other charge owed to the City. This includes, but is not limited to, all water charges, sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes or sales taxes.
F.2    If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed by the U.S. E.P.A. on the federal Excluded Parties List System ("EPLS") maintained by the U. S. General Services Administration.
F.3     If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in F.l. and F.2. above and will not, without the prior written consent of the City, use any such contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such certifications or that the Disclosing Party has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.
NOTE: If the Disclosing Party cannot certify as to any of the items in F. 1., F.2. or F.3. above, an explanatory statement must be attached to this EDS.
Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS and Appendix A (if applicable) are true, accurate and complete as of the date furnished to the City.
(Print or type name of person signing)
Signed and sworn to before me on (date) f*yr3 3^f *r
at      boo {t-      County, _________      (state).
> n
Commission expires:
Page 12 of 13
This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5 percent. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Under Municipal Code Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, die Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.
"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section H.B.l.a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers of the Disclosing Party; and (3) any person having more than a 7.5 percent ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.
Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner tiiereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?
[ ]Yes
If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) die precise nature of such familial relationship.
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Comcast of Illinois III, Inc.
Roberts, Brian L.
Smit, Neil
Smit, Neil
Chief Executive Officer
Connors, William
President - Central Division
Watson, David N.
Chief Operating Officer
Watson, David N.
Executive Vice President
Avgiris, Catherine
Chief Financial Officer
Avgiris-;. Catherine
Executive Vice President.
Schwartz, Samuel
Chief Business Development Officer
Werner,:Tony G.
Chief Technology-Oflicer                    - v.
Werner, Tony G.
Executive Vice President
Angelakis, Michael J,
Executive Vice President
Cohen, David L.
Executive Vice Presidenl
Cohen, David L.
Assistant Secretary
Schanz, John D.
Executive Vice Presidenl
Schanz, John D.
Chief Network Officer.
Rigdon, Gregory
Executive Vice President - Content Acquisition
Strahah, William
Executive Vice President - Mumaii Resources
Kiriacoulacos, Peter
Executive Vice President - Procurement
Block, Arthur R.
Senior Vice President
Block, Arthur R.
Dordelman, William E.
Senior Vice President
Dordelman, William E.
Gaston, Douglas
Senior Vice President
Gaston, Douglas
General Counsel
Gaston, Douglas1
Assistant Secretary
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Senior Vice President
l^wSi/JK.vGerard J.
Chief Privacy Officer                      . '
Lewis, Jr., Gerard J.
Deputy Genera) Counsel
PighimfErriest A.
Senior Vice President.
Pighini, Ernest A.
Salva, Lawrence J„ -.
Senior Vice President
Haase, William R.
Senior Vice President • Ad Sales Finance and Administration
Roberts, Scott W.
Senior Vice President -. Business Services
Shatlock, Jr., Eugene P.
Senior Vice President - Business Strategy and Product Development
Collins, .Timothy P.
Senior Vice President-- Cable Management
Edmunds, Kimberly
Senior Vice President - Cable Operations
Pick, Robert S.
Senior Vice President - Corporate Development
Bryant, Sarah
Senior Vice President - Finance
Kenna, Brian.
Senior Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Leavilt, Shawn
Senior Vice President - Global Benefits
Gillehwater, Steven C.
Senior Vice President - Human Resources
Topping, Andrew C.
Senior Vice President - Labor Relations, HR Compliance and Policy Administration
Nathan, ThomasiR.
Senior Vice President r.Litigation
Nathan, Thomas R.
Deputy General Counsel
Nathan, Thomas R.
Assistant Secretary
Willard, Sheila R.
Senior Vice President - Local Media Development
O'Connell, Daniel Patrick
Senior Vice President - MDU Business Development
Desmond, Sharon T.
Senior Vice President - Revenue and Business Operations
Lang, Richard A.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Wasser, Glenn R.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Connell, Terrence J.
Senior Vice President - Sales and Sales Operations
Kelly, David
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Ozor, Jonathan L.
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Trombley, Roland
Senior Vice President - Spotlight
Lopez, Filemon
Senior Vice President - Strategic Operations
Dankcnbrink, Kristine A.
Senior Vice President - Taxation
Strauss, Matthew E.
Senior Vice President and General Manager -Video Services
Gitchell, Sarah
Vice President
Gitchell, Sarah
Deputy General Counsel
Gitchell, Sarah
Chief Content Acquisition Counsel
Koles, Kathryn
Vice President
Koles, Kathryn
Deputy General Counsel
Marcus, David
Vice President
Marcus, David
Chief Patent Officer
Marcus, David
Deputy General Counsel
Rankin, Brian
Vice Presidenl
Rankin, Brian
Chief Regulatory Counsel - Cable Division
Rankin, Brian
Deputy General Counsel
Dennett, lan R.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Heisinger, Peter B.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Runge, Mark W.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Stone, Jeffrey H.
Vice President and General Manager - Ad Sales
Corcoran, Barry
Vice President - Ad Sales Finance, and Accounting
Sayer, Jonathan
Vice President - Ad Sales Integrated Media Sales
Sullinger, Bobbie G.
Vice President - Ad Sales Operations
McGrath, Patrick T.
Vice President - Ad Sales Technical Operations
Daves, Michael S.
Vice President - Cable Management '
Farley, Brian
Vice President - Communications
Brown, Verba
Vice President - Customer Care
Glass, Anthony
Vice President - Customer Care
Matson, Nancy
Vice President - Customer Care
Thompson, John
Vice President - Customer Care
Ward, Doug
Vice President - Customer Care
Wuerdcman, John M.
Vice President - Customer Care
Austin, Jeffcy W.
Vice President - Engineering
Fitzgerald, Donald P.
Vice President - Engineering
Slabaugh, David W.
Vice President - Engineering
Yates, Thomas
Vice President - Engineering
O'Connor, Kevin P.
Vice President - Federal Tax
Colucci, John A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Kirk, Dale F.
Vice President - Field Operations
Mark, Bryan E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Monteith, Scott D.
Vice President - Field Operations
Parker, Michael C.
Vice President - Field Operations
Thomas, Stephen E.
Vice President - Field Operations
Wainwright, Nicholas
Vice President - Field Operations
Williamson, Larry A.
Vice President - Field Operations
Murtaugh, Brian
Vice Presidenl - Finance
Ossowski, Jeffrey S.
Vice President - Finance
Gibbs, Susan L.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Maguire, Thomas C.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Mobilia, Janice M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
Rehme, Richard M.
Vice President - Finance and Accounting
DiTrolio, Joseph F.
Vice President - Financial Operations
Klcinhans, Kimberly Sebastian
Vice President - Financial Planning and Analysis
McDonald, Christopher G.
Vice President - Government Affairs
Birmingham, Lisa N.
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Ryan, Robert E.
Vice President - Government and Regulatory Affairs
Darst, Ardella F.
Vice President - Human Resources
Fasick, Teresa C.
Vice Presidenl - Human Resources
Harrison, Julie M.
Vice President - Human Resources
Haubert-Picrce, Audre
Vice President - Human Resources
Zanoni, Mark C.
Vice President - Information Technology
Miller, Michael P.
Vice President - Interactive Sales
Niedzielski, Alicia M.
Vice President - Marketing
Schweber. Lawrence D.
Vice President - Marketing
Sweeney, William F.
Vice Presidenl - Marketing
Williams, David
Vice President - Marketing
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Vice President - Marketing, Facilities and General Operations
Smith, Jeffrey E.
Deputy General Counsel
Wicht, Jason
Vice President - Marketing Operations
Slovin, Michael B.
Vice President - MDU Business Development
Goyer, Adam
Vice President - Operations
Rosson, Ellen C.
Vice President - Operations
Shook, Geoffrey A.'
Vice President -.Operations Management
Pascarclli, Victor
Vice President - Payment Center Operations
Alperin, Linda
Vice President - Product Sales
Schuchart, John
Vice President - Product Sales
Goldman, Jennifer L.
Vice President - Programming and Marketing Analysis
Halprin, Mary Beth
Vice President - Public Relations
Segal, Jack A
Vice President - Public Relations
O'Brien, Gerald C.
Vice President - Real Estate
Van Alstyne, David A.
Vice President - Sales
Dombroski, David
Vice President - SMB Direct Sales
Donnelly, Thomas J:
Vice President - Taxation
Magdos, Peter D.
Vice President - Technical Operations
P-Ovvefl",; Jeffrey :L.
Vice President - Telemarketing .
Weigert, Jim
Vice President and General Manager
Mvirphy,'Daniel J.
Division Senior Vice President':- Engineering
Gage, Timothy
Division Senior Vice President - Government Affairs
r^owies, Peter. ■
Division Vice President t Finance and Accounting
Brown, Jeff
Division Vice President - Customer Care
Gr6^y,:J'phit;- '
Regional Senior Vicel'resident.
Smith, Amy
Regional Senior Vice President
B"aWett;;Kiirj'.'. -••■'
Regional Senior Vice President - Operations
Paligraf, Philip M.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Ad Sales
Hwhmel, Rbnald L.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Business Operations
Deckard, Robert W.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Business Services
Navin, Paul J.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Cable Operations
Madison, Glenn I I.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Reed, James A.
Regional Vice President - Engineering
Cooper, Derek
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Ferry, "William G.-
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Macke, James Andy
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Regional Vice President - Government Affairs
Wells, Douglas
Regional Vice Presidenl - Government Affairs
Regional Vice President - Human Resources
McKelvey, Kerry R.
Regional Vice Presidenl - Marketing
Regional Vice President - Marketing
Hewitt, Michael C.
Regional Vice President - Operations
Regional Vice President- Sales
O'Connell, Sean M.
Regional Vice President - Sales and Marketing
Area Vice President - Ad Sales
Biava, Paul
Area Vice President - Operations
Area Vice President - Operations
Gaudcr III, John
Market Vice President
HaKen^Barbjira A.
Market Vice President
Colvin, Ronnie
System Vice President/General Manager
Gillespiej Valerie L.
System Vice President/General Manager
Yant, D. Trevor
System Vice President/General Manager
Wilson, Midhael;; .V ...
System Vice President - Government Affairs
Comcast of Illinois III, Inc. Organizational chart as of 2/25/2014
Comcast Corporation (PA)
100% Class A Common
100% Class A Special Common
Comcast Holdings Corporation (PA)
'Comcast Cable* Communications, ILC (OE)
Comcast of South Chicago, Inc, (IL)
Comcast ul Illinois 111, Inc (IL)