WHEREAS, on February, 27, 2014, the Chicago Board of Education entered into a Facilities Management contract with Aramark Education Services and SodexoMagic, respectively; and
WHEREAS, Aramark was awarded a $260 million dollar contract and SodexoMagic was awarded an $80 million dollar contract to provide janitorial services and cleaning supplies and equipment amongst other services; and
WHEREAS, by entering into this Contract, the Chicago Board of Education was to realize a cost savings of over $45 million dollars; and
WHEREAS, it has been recently reported by the news media that many schools have been cited as not being adequately cleaned since school began on September 2, 2014, and that the privatization of the schools' custodial services has led to filthier buildings and fewer custodians; and
WHEREAS, there has been public information that there have been complaints by Chicago Public School (CPS) personnel and custodial employees about the lack of quality of janitorial products being provided by sub-contractors of both companies; and
WHEREAS, there has been a significant drop in the minority compliance component that has substantially reduced the required participation percentages for minority (MBE) and women-owned (WBE) business enterprises; and
WHEREAS, the current contract has both companies receiving public monies that will leave the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chief Procurement Officer, members of his staff, other appropriate CPS officials and representatives of both Aramark and SodexoMagic make themselves available to appear at the Chicago City Council Committee on Education to answer concerns about the drastic reduction of MBE and WBE participation on such paramount procurement activity and the economic effect that such minimal participation shall have in both the Hispanic and African American community.