ORDINANCE Acct. No. 43697 - 32 Permit No. 1089207
Be It Ordained by the City Council ofthe City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to construct, install, maintain and use one (1) Retaining Wall on the public right-of-way adjacent to its premises known as 5901-6001 S. Ellis Ave
Said Retaining Wall(s) at S. ELLIS AVENUE measure(s):
One (1) at twenty (20) feet in length, and one (1) foot in width for a total of twenty (20) square feet. Said retaining wall will support the pedestrian walk at the depressed lawn panel of the Midway Plaisance Drive. Retaining wall shall extend into the public right-of-way approximately twenty (20) feet at each intersection along South Ellis Avenue (East North Midway Plaisance Drive and East South Midway Plaisance Drive). Retaining wall shall be approximately four (4) feet six (6) inches in depth.
The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints hereto attached, which by reference are hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.
Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Planning and Development and Department of Transportation (Office of Underground Coordination).
This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-075 and all other required provisions of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege #1089207 herein granted the sum of four hundred ($400.00) per annum in advance.
A 25% penalty will be added for payments received after due date.
Leslie Hairston 5th Ward
Page 1
Authority herein given and granted for a period offive (5) years from and after Date of Passage.
Midway Plaisance Crossing
Ellis Avenue, Chicago
rt\ Retaining Wall
\J^/ SCALE T « 80'-0"
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