Record #: SO2014-9691   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 12/10/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Final action: 12/10/2014
Title: Loading/Standing Zone(s) - establish and amend
Sponsors: Moreno, Proco Joe, Fioretti, Bob, Burnett, Jr., Walter, Reboyras, Ariel, Mitts, Emma, Cullerton, Timothy M., Reilly, Brendan, Smith, Michele, Arena, John, Cappleman, James, Pawar, Ameya, Osterman, Harry, Pope, John, Suarez, Regner Ray, Waguespack, Scott, Mell, Deborah, O'Connor, Patrick
Attachments: 1. SO2014-9691.pdf
Related files: O2013-4274, O2013-5356, O2013-5358, O2013-5398, O2013-5655, O2013-6264, O2013-6267, O2013-6422, O2013-6542, O2013-6968, O2013-7685, O2013-8081, O2013-8942, O2013-9180, O2013-9474, O2014-886, O2014-3290, O2014-3380, O2014-4017, O2014-4059, O2014-4716, O2014-4734, O2014-5081, O2014-5092, O2014-5341, Or2014-379, O2014-7735, O2014-7770, O2014-7827, O2014-7854, O2014-8688, O2014-9345, O2014-9347, O2014-9348, O2014-9349, O2014-9351, O2014-9377, O2014-9393, O2014-9474, O2014-9673, O2014-9674, O2014-9675, O2014-9676, O2014-9677


SECTION 1. Pursuant to Title 9, Chapter 64, Section 160, of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the following locations are hereby designated as Loading Zones for the distances specified, during the hours specified:

WARD LOADING ZONES / STANDING ZONES:|109|1409 N. Ashland Avenue; N. Ashland Avenue (east side) from a point 80 feet north of
W. Blackhawk Street to a point 20 feet north thereof; No Parking Loading Zone, 11:00am to 8:00pm, Sunday through Thursday, and 11:00am to 10:00pm, Friday and Saturday - (14-00285910) [02013-6264]
|109|2757 W. Fullerton Avenue; W. Fullerton Avenue (south side) from a point 20 feet
east of N. California Avenue to a point 20 feet east thereof; 15 Minute Standing Zone, Use Flashing Lights, 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, and 8:00am to 4:00pm, Saturday through Sunday - (14-00285820) [02013-6267]
1372 W. Grand Avenue; W. Grand Avenue (north side) from a point 80 feet east of N. Noble Street to a point 20 feet east thereof; No Parking Loading Zone, 11:00am to 12:00am, All days, Public Benefit [02014-9676]
S. Wells Street; S. Wells Street (east side) from a point 30 feet south of W. Congress Parkway to a point 35 feet south thereof; No Parking Loading Zone, All Times, All Days - (13-01545333) [02013-4274]|109|S. Wabash Street; S. Wabash Street (west side) from a point 90 feet north of
E. Congress Parkway to a point 20 feet north thereof; 15 Minute Standing Zone, Use Flashing Lights, 7:00am to 11:00pm, All Days - (13-01848554) [02013-5356]
|109|S. Wabash Avenue; S. Wabash Avenue (east side) from a point 365 feet north of E.
18th Street to a point 36 feet north thereof; No Parking Loading Zone, 8:00am to 12:00am, All Days - (13-01848588 ) [02013-5358]|109|W. Webster Avenue; W. Webster Avenue (south side) from a point 82 feet west of
Racine Avenue to a point 36 feet west thereof; 15 Minute Standing Zone, Use Flashing Lights, 10:00am to 6:00pm, All Days - (1...

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