Record #: O2014-9946   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 12/10/2014 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Transportation and Public Way
Final action: 1/21/2015
Title: Grant(s) of privilege in public way for Sleepy's
Sponsors: Smith, Michele
Topic: PUBLIC WAY USAGE - Grants of Privilege
Attachments: 1. O2014-9946.pdf
Acct. No. 381413-24 Permit No. 1115123
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. Permission and authority are hereby given and granted to SLEEPY'S, upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this ordinance to maintain and use two (2) sign(s) projecting over the public right-of-way attached to its premises known as 2731 N. Clark St
Said sign structure(s) measures as follows; along N. Clark:
One (1) at eighteen point eight three (18.83) feet in length, two (2) feet in height and twelve (12) feet above grade level.
One (1) at ten point five (10.5) feet in length, two (2) feet in height and twelve (12) feet above grade level.
The location of said privilege shall be as shown on prints kept on file with the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection and the Office ofthe City Clerk.
Said privilege shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Department of Transportation (Division of Project Development) and Zoning Department - Signs.
This grant of privilege in the public way shall be subject to the provisions of Section 10-28-015 and all other required provisions of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The grantee shall pay to the City of Chicago as compensation for the privilege #1115123 herein granted the sum of four hundred ($400.00) per annum in advance.
A 25% penalty will be added for payments received after due date.
The permit holder agrees to hold the City of Chicago harmless for any damage, relocation or replacement costs associated with damage, relocation or removal of private property caused by the City performing work in the public way.
Authority herein given and granted for a period of five (5) years from and after Date of Passage.
Michele Smith 43ra Ward
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3J-4 OT   1364 1/71
SIGN A         | 24" Starf! / 24- TOP
T> |K':
Channel Lbi cn a racowvy / Cabewl
Internally IHunmatod LED
R;|in<? Fom.vio.
To Gi?i1c
Top of ton to grade = 14-2 1M" Bottom of ugn to grade o1Z*-Z 1/4*
Sign Layout Detail
Scale 1/4"=r-0"
1IW [1261
The Mattress Professionals
5i>ecificntions:. LED Ch.innel L'ctlcfs / "Star
  1. %" Drain totes at bottom erf letter are (2) per letter
  2. Exiting Facade Metal
  3. 0 040* Ahim-num letter returns punted lo match BUck
  4. 1'Jewekte tnmcap (Black) bonded lo face *8 pan head screws to returns
4      3mm Sgnabond Lite composite backs fastened to ratuma W 1/2* 16 gauga staples Seal wr VOC compliant 360 white latax cautk to prevent moaxure penetration (Interior of ifgn can painted uttra white for max Summation)
  1. Letters- Sloan Vaius Lna Plus Short Red LED modules SHX:  Sloan Vacua Lmo Plui Short Vrhrto LED*
  2. LUtBO- 3/18* 2415 Rad LO acrylic
Star- 3/16* 2447 White LD acryle wi vinyl 3M 3630-125 Golden YeBow vtnyl wth 3M 7125-22 Matte BUck wnyi outtmo
  1. UL Outdoor rated toggle type drsoormed switch wf neoprene boot per NEC 600-6
  2. Primary electrical feed « UL condux / oatomer suppkad UL function box. Located al Ml and of raoaway (top)
  1. 0 OKTReceway (5 1/2" tallx 3 Wdeep fabricated aknwumj Painted to matoh facade
  2. 9" x 2" x 01675' Aluminum mounting tabs weMed to raceway - Mm mum 6" from each end and every 48" o c
  3. #12 x 1* TEC ecrawe with 11/4* fender washers
  4. Mounting ftardware to sort
  1. Exttng Facade Urtal
  2. 5* Deep extruded afurmw ijo/i c* parted black
  3. Sjgncomp*2056 1 1/2*hmge sl)to retairw painted black
  4. 3/16* While SO 404 Laxan w/ appbed 3M 3030-22 Slack vaiyloopy
  5. LET* & Transformer- Sloan Valuo L-no Pxjs Short Whrte LEO*
  6. UL Outdoor rated toggle type disconnect switch wl naoprane boot par NEC 600-6
  7. Primary ilietncal feed w UL condurt/ customer suppeed UL|unotion box
  8. Mountmg haidwaie to curt
Nola Electncalpesvtnrv tobeinthekmarporuon of each tetter {and -Star*)
Red and White Sloan value Line Plus (4) 60w Transformers © 0 85
Total Amp* 340 (1)20 amp 120V OrcutRaq
The ergn is to be rotated m accordance with the rexiurrements of AAcle 600 of fhe NabonaJ ElectncalCodo
  1. Grounded and bonded per NEC 600 7/NEC 250
  2. Extsflng branch orouil tn oompfcanee with NEC 600 5. not to exceed 20 amp)
  3. SignistobeULfcstedperNEC600 3
4)      UL dncortnoct swdch per NEC 600 6- roquffod per
ergn ccrnponant before leaving manufacturer*
'For mufbple sxjmv a disconnect is perrrstted but
not required for each sacbon
Section 63> LED Channel Letter
Raceway      Scab nts
Section @ S/F Wall Sign
LED'S      Seals NTS
Sdflt- SY-A19521      
Address   2731 North Clark Street
Cracaoo. IL 60814