Committee on Zoning. Landmarks and Building Standards
ORDERED, That the Commissioner of Buildings is hereby directeo to issue sigr permit to
Corporate Identification Solutions 5563 N Elston Chicaqo IL 6063G
For tne erection of one (1) freestanding sign over 24 feet in height and/or over 100 square feet (in area c* one face) at.
6700 S Jeffery Blvd. Chicago. !L 6064S
Dimensions length 7 fee; height 1.5 faet 3 inches
Height aoove grade/roof to top of sign 27 feet 0 jnches
Total Square Foot Area 107 square fee;
Elevation North and South
Such sign sha!; comply with all applicable previsions of TITLE 17 of the Chicago Zo •••irg Ordinance ana ail other applicable provisions ofthe Municipal Code of the City cf Clvcago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoor signs, signboards and

Leslie Hairston Alderman, 5th Ward