City Council, meeting date: ~hj3$ll5 Committee on Zoning, Landmarks. & Building Standards
ORDERED, Thai ihe Commissioner of the Building Department is hereby directed to issue a Sign permit to: (Contractor's name and address)
Jk^r^Lf 11 , (£D±t3^L
for the erection of a sign /' signboard over twenty-four (24) feet in height and / or over one hundred (IOC) square feet (in area of one face) at:
fOn-Premise I Business ID signs^j indicate Business Name and Address Off-Premise / Advertising sings must indicate that it is for Advertising
Dimens.ons. ^ fb" # X iH'fr" U)
Height above grade:
fen-nan, Ward
Such signs shall comply with all provisions of Title 17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance and all other applicab:e provisions of the Municipal Code of the City of Chicago governing the construction and maintenance of outdoor signs, sign boards and structures