Record #: O2016-576   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 2/3/2016 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
Final action: 2/10/2016
Title: Residential permit parking at 4600-4799 N Malden St, 4600-4799 N Magnolia Ave, 4600-4799 N Racine Ave, 1200-1238 W Leland Ave, 950-818 W Windsor Ave, 936-818 W Sunnyside Ave, 936-848 W Agatite Ave and 4400-4599 N Hazel St - Zone No. 1130
Sponsors: Cappleman, James
Topic: PARKING - Residential Permit
Attachments: 1. O2016-576.pdf
Related files: SO2016-618

Referred: Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
SECTION 1: Pursuant to Section 9-64-090 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the following portions of the below named streets have been designated as residential parking zones for the locations and zones indicated.
And that die ordinance heretofore passed by the City Council establishing a single, consolidated Residential Parking Zone in the area with boundaries: W. Lawrence Ave. to the North, N. Clarendon Ave. to the East, W. Montrose Ave. to the South, and N. Maiden St. to the West.
4600 to 4799 N. Maiden St. (both sides ofthe street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
4600 to 4799 N. Magnolia Ave. (both sides of the street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
4600 to 4799 N. Racine Ave. (both sides of the street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
1238 to 1200 W. Leland Ave. (both sides ofthe street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
950 to 818 W. Windsor Ave. (both sides of the street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
936 to 848 W. Sunnyside Ave. (both sides of the street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
936 to 818 W. Agatite Ave. (both sides of the street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
4400 to 4599 N- Hazel St. (both sides ofthe street); 6pm to 6am, all days (Zone 1130)
SECTION 2: This Ordinance establishes that within the aforementioned boundaries one (1) Residential Parking Zone, with the effective hours of 6p.m to 6a.m, all days (Zone 1130-Department of Streets and Sanitation).

JAMES CAPPLEMAN Alderman, 46th Ward
SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced upon its passage and publication.