Record #: R2016-921   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 11/16/2016 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 11/16/2016
Title: Congratulations extended to Reverend Dr. Ahmad R. Boyd for dedicated service to LeClaire Missionary Baptist Church community
Sponsors: Munoz, Ricardo
Attachments: 1. R2016-921.pdf

WHEREAS, Rev. Dr. Ahmad R. Boyd was elected as Pastor of LeClairc Missionary Baptist Church on December 4, 2010, and since then, has made a tremendous impact on his community; and

WHEREAS, This esteemed body has been informed of his service to the community by the Honorable Ricardo Munoz, Alderman of the 22nJ Ward; and

WHEREAS, Ahmad R. Boyd was born on June 2, 1984 to Pastor Marty Boyd and Michelle Davis. He comes from a long line of world renowned pastors starting with both of his great-grandfathers, Rev. Walter Boyd and Bishop M. W. Goodman; and
WHEREAS, Rev. Dr. A. R. Boyd accepted his divine call to preach at the age of seventeen, and was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel on November 25, 2001 by the late Pastor George E. Liggins in Chicago, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, In 2007, he received his associate's degree in biblical studies from Jones Bible Institute; in 2009, he obtained his Bachelor's degree in biblical studies from Midwest Theological Seminary in Schererville, Indiana; upon recommendation from the Board of Trustees, the Dean, and the faculty of Midwest Theological Seminary, Reverend Boyd was chosen to receive a "Humanitarian Doctorate Degree in Ministry" in 2014; and most recendy in 2016, he received his Doctorate of Theology Degree from Kingdom Theological Seminary in Mississippi; and
WHEREAS, Rev. Dr. A. R. Boyd is the founder and President of P.R.E.A.C.H. Ministerial network, "Preparing, Reaching, Equipping, Ambassadors, Committed to Holiness," a network designated to skillfully encourage, prepare, and empower pastors, ministers, and faith leaders; and
WHEREAS, During his many years of dedicated work for the Church, Rev. Dr. A. R. Boyd continues to expand his mission and ministry, hosting revivals in the Chicagoland area and nationwide revivals in Missouri, Mississippi and Texas; and

WHEREAS, Rev. Dr. A. R. Boyd has an exuberant passion for preaching, is an avid reader with an extensive biblical library and is known for his support of ...

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