Record #: R2017-212   
Type: Resolution Status: Failed to Pass
Intro date: 3/29/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Education and Child Development
Final action:
Title: Call for Chicago Public Schools chief executive officer and representatives of Illinois Charter School Network to testify at hearing(s) regarding per pupil funding at Chicago Public Schools
Sponsors: Mitchell, Gregory I., Sawyer, Roderick T., Dowell, Pat, King, Sophia D., Austin, Carrie M., Villegas, Gilbert
Topic: COMMITTEE/PUBLIC HEARINGS - Committee on Education and Child Development
Attachments: 1. R2017-212.pdf
Related files: R2019-362

WHEREAS, Chicago Public Schools (CPS), uses a student-based budgeting (SBB) method, which allocates roughly $10,000 per student in funding to schools; and

WHEREAS, Roughly half of a school's funding, including money to provide core instruction, hire paraprofessionals, and provide basic supplies is given to schools on a per-pupil basis. SBB attaches dollar values according io number of students; and

WHEREAS, In other districts with student-based budgeting, the money follows the student, up until a certain point in the year, at which time, the original school keeps the money; and

WHEREAS, SBB does not consider the high mobility rate between schools, and money does not follow students when they move between CPS run schools and charter schools; and

WHEREAS, In its current form, the SBB model rewards charter schools for expelling problem students, permitting the charter school to keep funding for that student without providing an education for that child; and

WHEREAS, During the 2013-2014 school year, charter schools expelled 61 of every 10,000 students while the district run schools expelled just 5 of every 10,000 students; and

WHEREAS, Beginning of year attendance at Bowen High School has dropped due to enrollment at local charter schools, however enrollment rises in the middle of the year once students are expelled from charter schools; and

WHEREAS, Due to SBB. Bowen High School receives no additional funding per student despite increased enrollment. The funds allocated for that student remain at the original charter school; and

WHEREAS, The disparity in funding for CPS run schools and charter schools has created an educational crisis for families in the City of Chicago, and rewards charter schools for expelling students, now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That we. the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this 29lh day of March, 2017, do hereby call upon the CEO of Chicago Public Schools and representatives from the...

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