WHEREAS, the City of Chicago (the "City"), a home rule unit of government under Section 6(a), Article VII of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois, has heretofore found and does hereby find that there exists within the City a serious shortage of decent, safe and sanitary rental housing available to persons of low and moderate income; and
WHEREAS, the City has determined that the continuance of a shortage of affordable rental housing is harmful to the health, prosperity, economic stability and general welfare of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City has certain funds available from a variety of funding sources ("Multi-Family Program Funds") to make loans and grants for the development of multi-family residential housing to increase the number of families served with decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing and to expand the long-term supply of affordable housing, and such Multi-Family Program Funds are administered by the City's Department of Planning and Development ("DPD"); and
WHEREAS, DPD has preliminarily reviewed and approved the making of a loan to Brainerd Park Apartments Limited Partnership, an Illinois limited partnership (the "Borrower"), of which Brainerd Park GP, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company (the "General Partner"), is the sole general partner (of which Full Circle Communities, Inc., an Illinois not-for-profit corporation ("FCC"), is the managing member and Christian Community Health Center,-an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, is a member), in an amount not to exceed $1,900,000 (the "Loan"), to be funded from Multi-Family Program Funds pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit A attached' hereto and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, FCC desires to purchase twelve vacant, City-owned parcels of real property commonly known as 8902-8956 South Loomis Street, Chicago, Illinois (the "City Property"), for the sum of Twelve and 00/100 Dollars ($12.00) (i.e., $1.00 per parcel), and which are legally desc...
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