SECTION 1. Section 4-244-140 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by deleting the language struck through and by inserting the language underscored, as follows:
4-244-140 Prohibited districts.
(Omitted text is not affected by this ordinance)
(4) Except where otherwise allowed under this chapter, peddling is prohibited at any time within the following designated district, which may be referred to as the "Central District":
Beginning at the intersection of the south bank of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan; thence west to the north side of Lake Street; thence west to the west side of Halsted Street; thence south to the south side of Depot Street; thence east on Depot Street and Depot Street, extended to the centerline of the south branch of the Chicago River; thence north to the south side of Roosevelt Road; thence east to the west side of State Street; thence south to the north side of 13th Street; thence east to the west side of Michigan Avenue; thence south to the north side of Cermak Road; thence west to the centerline of Clark Street; thence north to the north side of Cullerton Street; thence west extended to the centerline of Grove Street; thence southwest to the Pennsylvania Central Railroad; thence south to the south side of Cermak Road; thence east to the west side of Princeton Avenue; thence south to the south side of 24th Place; thence east to the east side of Wentworth Avenue; thence north to the south side of Cermak Road; thence east to the west side of Indiana Avenue: thence south to the north side of 24th Place: thence east to the west side of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; thonco south to tho north 6ide of 24th Street; thence east extended to Lake Michigan; thence north along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning.
(Omitted text is not affected by this ordinance)
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication.
Pat Dowell ...
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