Record #: F2017-87   
Type: Report Status: Placed on File
Intro date: 12/13/2017 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 12/13/2017
Title: Affordable Housing Plan 2014-2018 Quarterly Progress Report (2017 Q3)
Sponsors: Dept./Agency
Attachments: 1. F2017-87.pdf
2014-2018 Chicago Five-Year Housii^gjjfi
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2017 Third Quarter Progress Report July - September

City of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, Mayor


Wc are pleased to submit the 2017 Third Quarter Progress Report, which presents the Department of Planning and Development's progress on the goals set forth in Bouncing Back, rhc City's Five-Year Housing Plan covering the years 2014-18.
During the third quarter of 2017 the City closed on the financing to begin the mixed-income redevelopment of a landmark North Side public housing complex and launched a new pilot program to rehab abandoned homes while creating employment and training opportunities in three targeted neighborhoods.
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is the lead agency for the City's affordable housing, housing preservation and homebuyer assistance programs. DPD also promotes economic development by helping existing businesses grow and attracting new industry to the city, and it coordinates all of our zoning, land use planning, sustainability and historic preservation initiatives.
With the Chicago housing market's accelerating recovery from the 2007-8 collapse, along with the successful 2015 expansion of the City's Affordable Requirements Ordinance, we have seen an upsurge in production under our affordable housing programs. But we at DPD could not succeed in our work without the ongoing support and cooperation of our community partners that serve Chicago's neighborhoods, together with elected officials, state and federal agencies and other community stakeholders. Through these efforts, we will continue to move forward in creating and preserving affordable housing for the people of Chicago.

David L. Reifman Commissioner
Department of Planning and Development

Quarter ending September 2017
Chicago Housing Plan 2014-2018


Creation and Preservation of ...

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