Record #: R2018-1056   
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
Intro date: 9/20/2018 Current Controlling Legislative Body:
Final action: 9/20/2018
Title: Gratitude extended to Chicago Police Officer Steven Ommundson for life-saving rescue
Sponsors: Emanuel, Rahm, Reboyras, Ariel, Napolitano, Anthony V., Moore, Joseph
Attachments: 1. R2018-1056.pdf





September 20, 2018














Ladies and Gentlemen:


1 transmit herewith, together with Aldermen J. Moore, Reboyras and Napolitano, a congratulatory resolution regarding the Chicago Police Department.


Your favorable consideration of this resolution will be appreciated.




Very truly yours,


H resolution

adopted by Tile (5ttt/ QoUnCll

ofthe Qity of Ghicago, Illinois



Afdermen Joe AAoore, Ariel Reboyras, Anthony Napolitano and
Jfjresented by    Mayor Rahm Emanuel
                                          OH       September 20, 2018


Whereas. On the evening of July 6, 2018, Chicago Police Officer Steven Ommundson (Star No. 13862) was on patrol in the Rogers Park neighborhood when he received a- call"'that there were swimmers in distress in Lake Michigan at Loyola. Beach; and.


WHEREAS/That evening, several young people :had gone swimming in the lake'
after hours. Suddenly the wind.began to gust, creating dangerous-rip currents and
waves up to eight feet in height; and
                     '                      ';. '   '•'.-\


, .... WHEREAS, As a result of the abrupt change in the j^eq dangerous

.conditions it created, two swimmers could not make their way through 'the. high waves dnd.pQwerfurrip currents to;reachthe shore; and -:f    ::'::'X/'X:^~X --^v^-V':' ^-'^\ ' '


. WHEREAS, Officer Ommundson was one of the first officers to arrive oh the scene. When he' lodked' out over the water, he saw one of the.ybung'swimmers in imminent danger of drdwning;. Despite the deployment of Police and- Fire Department helicopters, ' boats, and divers, Officer Ommundson realized that he was the only person who could reach the struggling young swimmer in time to-save her life; and


WHEREAS, Knowing that he was all that stood'-between the young lady and certain death, and: without a thought for his own safety, Officer Ommundson quickly removed his heavy police equipment and leapt into the surging waters of the lake. Drawing on his experience as a former Chicago Park District lifeguard and his training as d police officer, Officer Ommundson was able to fight his- way through the waves to reach the1.thirteen-year-old swimmer and bring her out of the water to safety; and


WHEREAS, Following this exhausting rescue. Officer Ommundson had to return to the lake to save a fellow police officer and a bystander who had entered- the water in an attempt to assist in the rescue operation, but because of the terrible conditions had nearly become victims themselves; and


WHEREAS, Due to Officer Ommundson's heroic and selfless actions, the young swimmer he.rescued made a full recovery, and he saved three lives that evening; and



WHEREAS, In recognition of this valiant rescue, the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation named Officer Ommundson Officer of the Month; and


WHEREAS, Thanks to the courageous efforts of Officer Ommundson] a young lady survived a terrifying near drowning. Police Officer Ommundson is a credit to the Chicago Police Department, and exemplifies the spirif and dedication of the men and women who protect and serve the residents of our great city; now, therefore


BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Chicago, assembled this Iwentieth day of September, 2018, do hereby express our admiration and gratitude to Chicago Police Officer Steven Ommundson for his heroic rescue on July 6, 2018; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to Officer Ommundson, and placed on permanent record in his personnel file, as a token of our gratitude and esteem.