SECTION I. Title 1 7 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing all ofthe CI-3 Neighborhood Commercial District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 1-G in the area bounded by:
The alley next North of and parallel to West Randolph Street; a line 76.70 feet East of and parallel to North Racine Avenue; West Randolph Street; And North Racine Avenue.
To those of a DX-3 Downtown Mixed-Use District.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.
Common Address of Property: 1152 West Randolph, Chicago, II 60607
Narrative and Flans Amended To Be A Type 1 Zoning Amendment: 1152 West Randolph, Chicago
The Applicant is proposing to establish a DX-3 Type I zoning change. The proposed amendment is a change from the current CI -3 zoning district lo a DX-3 zoning district. The subject property ("Property") is located at I 152 West Randolph, Chicago, II 60607.
The Property is currently zoned CI-3, Neighborhood Commercial District and is within the West Loop Neighborhood (27lh Ward). The Property is currently comprised of a rectangular-shaped land parcel that is improved with a two-story mixed-use commercial/residential masonry building on a lot'area of 4,985 square feet, containing four dwelling units and four off-street parking spaces. Aside from the interior build-out ofthe subject spaces, no new construction is proposed or required. The layouts will be compliant with the requirements ofthe State of Illinois and in accordance to the floor plans submitted to the Board. The building height is 35'-3" and the Applicant will seek Special Use as per Chicago Zoning Ordinance requirement under Section 17-3-0200.
The proposed Dispensary will operate within and pursuant to the State Ordinance for dispensaries allowing operation for up to seven (7) days of week from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and w...
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