SECTION 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is
hereby amended by changing all of the RS3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District
symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 14-H in the area bounded by
West 61st Street, South Paulina Street, West 62nd Street, South Hermitage Avenue,
to those of an RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District.
SECTION 2. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, is
hereby amended by changing all of the RT3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit
District symbols and indications as shown on Map No. 14-H in the area bounded by
West 61st Street, South Paulina Street, West 62nd Street, South Hermitage Avenue,
to those of a Planned Development Number , which is hereby established in the area
described above and subject to such use and bulk regulations set forth in the Plan of Development attached hereto and to no others.
SECTION 3. This ordinance takes effect after its passage and due publication.
Common Street Address: 1701-1725 W. 61st Street; 6100-6158 S. Paulina Street;
1700-1724 W. 62nd Street; 6101-6159 S. Hermitage Avenue
Planned Development
Plan of Development Statements
The area delineated herein as Planned Development Number , ("Planned
Development") consists of approximately 157,946 square feet (3.63 acres) of Net Site Area which is depicted on the attached Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map ("Property") and is owned or controlled by Earle School, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company.
The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit ofthe App...
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