, " ,■ .[. COUNCIL ORDER ;
C r -i hPrftbv approves the following sign application submitted by: ORDERED, that the City Council hereby approves * . , _
Vv&.-'A • ,:V110 E Cermak . . ■ - " ■"
Address of Sigh:' L:—
f. A PD 681
?- Zoning District:
DOBSign Perrhit^pHcatior^l
Sign Details: ye: 1; "dn-premise j±L
100864783 /■ W'-.
Sign Details: ^Yes , QR off-premise^
1 nn.nremise w. .«»r ,. „
, .... ...... .- ,. ' '.No -v ' AA" .
■ -Atf.'-'''. ■ ,'■ ■■•:■,'.';■: :A- . ^Yes R Dynamic-image display sign _ '. '., --AAA> /
'• 2. Staticsign^_—. OR; . ■ v" ■ ... * ;■/.* >;/. ' :-. '„.-■*''::'■
?A . 3. Number of sign faces _—_ : 1144720
-->: i A. A . " ' Yes .y-sorNo) lfVes,PublicVV3y Vs6#:- 77~~
',;>/■',■: 4 . Projecting over the public way _ . (Yes or no, y^ ^ & . ■ ^
-A A" :■ vr';? A/A:A , . th34 : fe. 1 Ainches Hefe "
. . 5. Dimensions: Length _ ,teet_ mute
; " •" 159 0 A
, Total square feet in area: . feet inches ■ >
- 6A Height above grade: '-^A^A^. . :••;«
:'- ' South
7. Elevation (side of building or lot where the sign will be erected): -
. . .a:-. . ■ .AuroraSign ,- A. - :
fc*,'-8A Name of Sign Contractor/Erector: _ — ■ ... ——; rfrv^ .- ■ , ■ - ;.
A to be legaisuch sign shall comply with all provisions of Title 17 of the Chicago Municipal Code ("Zoning an other proves of the Municipal Code governing the/permitting and A maintenance and removal of signs and ^structures. Failure of the applicant and the applicant s

; Alderman / : c , Ward