V/.::^"^/"- v;v 'A CITY COUNCIL „ .'Ir ' \. I-;a{ ¦':' ¦ ,a Ma
¦ . •' COUNCIL ORDER .'. -:':fA ¦'\/;)f^'-:
.RE:'*--*'Approval of sign over. lOO square feet in area or over 24 feet above grade; , .A
;" ' ''"< % (• cvA"" HA .AAA!\AAA . AA V-'''"AA: '¦ ¦¦¦ • j.^vs.
ORDERED, that the City
Applicant*;-il- INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY .'A' ' > "
(* The Applicant is the owner of the real property or the business tenant of the real property. Do not list the sign contractor> sifin'erector, sign company or advertising entity In the above space.) .mxK&in i
This-Order a'pproves the following sign in-accord^ ofChi.cago Sect(on l3-2Q-68p:v
Address of Sign: 3301,S STATE ST ' . >,.' : Chicago. IL 60616
Zoning District: RD 1 .• -¦¦-¦_,/. "V, . ':'Ji.
DOB Sign Permit Application it: 100869070 AA-. ¦''^¦^y-'-.A ' '^A-rv • -A ''¦£.
Sign Details: , ' /A--' ¦ _
1. On-premise X . OR Off-premise^ '' ^A:
2... Static sign X: -A-ORA,-. DynamlcMmage display sign
3. Number of sign faces 1 ¦ -yX-i -|A-A V" J-";;
4. ^.Projecting over the public wav No (Yes or No) If yes, Public Way Use
5. -Dimensions:."' Length 10 feet 0 'Inches X Height-'(4- feet: 0 inches ; s-¦ AAA*
Total square feet in area: 40 feet- inches / - ¦¦' AA, 7 A A i i?" <
6. Height above grade: J 50 feet inches .v7;^Eleyation (side of building or lot where the sign will be'erected): East . - A. =
' 8. Name of Sign Contractor/Erector: Pobldcki SignI CoiTfpany A. ¦ ' ¦ ,
¦*r.?To be legal,such sign shall comply with all provisions of Title 17iof the Chicago Munld Ordinance") and all other provisions ofthe Municipal Code governing the permitting, construction and maintenance and re^ sjgastructures^
^Sivccessorsto comply sh |s :y:"S
Alderman . . \., ,: •... -; i ward
S.70U1 SU MilwfruiJJP. W 53...
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