Chicago City Council June 17,2020 Referred to Committee on Zoning
SECTION 1. Section 16-8-070 of the Municipal Code of Chicago is hereby amended by inserting the underscored language, as follows:
16-8-070 Applicability.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all rezonings in conversion areas.
If a rezoning, as defined in Section 16-8-020. includes a character building, as defined in the applicable Industrial Corridor Overlay District of Chapter 17-7, and such character building will be maintained, reused or rehabilitated, such as rezoning is not subject to the conversion free, as defined in Section 16-8-020. However, such conversion fee-exempted rezonings are subject to the following:
The rezoning must be reviewed as either a Type I application, pursuant to Section 17-13- 0302-A, or a planned development, pursuant to Section 17-13-0600.
The building height of anv character building which is maintained, or other existing. non-character building, which is maintained, may not be increased by more than 10'. Building height increases pursuant to Section 17-3-0408-B are not permitted.
The cumulative buildins coverage of all character buildings which are maintained, or other existing, non-character buildings which are maintained, may not be increased by more than 10%.
The floor area ratio may be no greater than that which is necessary to maintain, reuse or rehabilitate character buildings, and other existing, non-character buildings, or that which is necessary to provide improvements to character buildings, and other existing, non-character buildings, as contemplated in Sections 16-8-070(b)(ii) and 16-8-070(b)(iii).
The rezoning is not eligible for the bonus floor area described in Sections 17-7-0406 or 17-7-0455. However, floor area ratio increases achieved pursuant to Sections 17-3-0403-B. 17-3-0403-C. 17-4-0405-C or 17-4-0405-D are allowed.
The character building must be declared...
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