This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: O2020-4490   
Type: Ordinance Status: Introduced
Intro date: 9/9/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards
Final action:
Title: Zoning Reclassification Map No. 1-G at 171 N Aberdeen St - App No. 20482
Sponsors: Misc. Transmittal
Attachments: 1. O2020-4490.pdf

Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
Section 1. Title 17 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, be
amended by changing Residential Business Planned Development No. 1283, as Amended,
symbols and indications as shown on Map Number 1-G in the area bound by:
West lake Street; a line 125.85 feet east of and parallel to North Aberdeen Street; a line 228.55 feet south of and parallel to West Lake Street; North Aberdeen Street; the alley next north of and parallel to West Randolph Street; North May Street; a line 53.37 feet north of and parallel to the alley next north of and parallel to West Randolph Street; a line 118.59 feet west of and parallel to North Aberdeen Street; the alley next south of and parallel to West Lake Street; and North Aberdeen Street.
to those of Residential Business Planned Development No, 1283, as Amended, which is
hereby established in the area above described, subject to such use and bulk regulations as
are set forth in this Plan of Development herewith attached and made a part and to no
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and due publication.

Common Address of Property in Sub-Area A: 171 North Aberdeen Street

The area delineated herein as Planned Development No. 1283, as Amended (Planned Development), consists of approximately 54,881 square feet or approximately 1.26 acres of land which is depicted on the attached Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map (Property) and is owned or controlled by the Applicant, Aberdeen Acquisitions II, LLC and Lake Acquisitions, LLC, respectively.

The requirements, obligations and conditions contained within this Planned Development shall be binding upon the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors. All rights granted hereunder to the Applicant shall inure to the benefit ofthe Applicant's successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holder and any ground lessors. Furthermore, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17-8-0400 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, the Property, at the time of application for amendments, modifications or changes (administrative, legislative or otherwise) to this Planned Development are made, shall be under single ownership or designated control. Single designated control is defined in Section 17-8-0400.

All applicable official reviews, approvals or permits are required to be obtained by the Applicant or its successors, assignees or grantees. Any dedication or vacation of streets or alleys or grants of easements or any adjustment of the right-of-way shall require a separate submittal to the Department of Transportation on behalf of the Applicant or its successors, assigns or grantees.

Any requests for grants of privilege, or any items encroaching on the public way, shall be in compliance with the Planned Development.

Ingress or egress shall be pursuant to the Planned Development and may be subject to the review and approval of the Departments of Planning and Development and Transportation. Closure of all or any public street or alley during demolition or construction shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department of Transportation.

Pursuant to a negotiated and executed Perimeter Restoration Agreement ("Agreement") by and between the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management and the Applicant, the Applicant shall provide improvements and restoration of all public way adjacent to the property, which may include, but not be limited to, the following as shall be reviewed and determined by the Department of Transportation's Division of Infrastructure Management:
Full width of streets
Full width of alleys
Curb and gutter
Pavement markings
ADA crosswalk ramps
Parkway & landscaping

The Perimeter Restoration Agreement must be executed prior to any Department of Transportation and Planned Development Part II review permitting. The Agreement shall reflect that all work must comply with current Rules and Regulations and must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Department of Transportation's Construction Standards for work in the Public Way and in compliance with the Municipal Code of Chicago Chapter 10-20. Design of said improvements should follow the Department of Transportation's Rules and Regulations for Construction in the Public Way as well as The Street and Site Plan Design Guidelines. Any variation in scope or design of public way improvements and restoration must be approved by the Department of Transportation.
This Plan of Development consists of seventeen (17) Statements: a Bulk Regulations Table; an Existing Zoning Map; an Existing Land-Use Map; a Planned Development Boundary and Property Line Map; Site Plan; Sub-Area Map; Landscape Plan; and, Building Elevations (North, South, East and West) prepared by Solomon Cordwell Buenz Architects and dated April 19, 2018, submitted herein. In any instance where a provision of this Planned Development conflicts with the Chicago Building Code, the Building Code shall control. This Planned Development conforms to the intent and purpose of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, and all requirements thereto, and satisfies the established criteria for approval as a Planned Development. In case of a conflict between the terms of this Planned Development Ordinance and the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, this Planned Development shall control.
The following uses are permitted in the area delineated herein as a Residential Business Planned Development No. 1283, as Amended:

Sub-Area A: Offices, retail sales, general; eating and drinking establishments (including taverns); personal services; residential dwelling units located above the ground floor; group living and shared housing units, and residential uses not otherwise defined, accessory uses and accessory off-street parking and loading; and

Sub-Area B: Offices, retail sales, general; eating and drinking establishments (including taverns); personal services; sports and recreation participant; residential dwelling units located above the ground floor; accessory uses and accessory off-street parking and loading.
On-Premise signs and temporary signs, such as construction and marketing signs, shall be permitted within the Planned Development, subject to the review and approval of the Department of Planning and Development. Off-Premise signs are prohibited within the boundary of the Planned Development.
For purposes of height measurement, the definitions in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The height of any building shall also be subject to height limitations, if any, established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

8. The maximum permitted floor area ratio (FAR) for the Property shall be in accordance with the attached Bulk Regulations and Data Table. For the purpose of FAR calculations and measurements, the definitions in the Zoning Ordinance shall apply. The permitted FAR identified in the Bulk Regulations and Data Table has been determined using a net site area of 54,881 square feet and a base FAR of 5.0. The improvements to be constructed on the Property will be subject to the following Neighborhood Opportunity Fund floor area bonus criteria; otherwise more specifically described in Sections 16-14-010, 17-4-1000 and other referenced portions of the Municipal Code of Chicago:
Description FAR
Base FAR: 5.0
Neighborhood Opportunity: 1.47
Total FAR: 6.47
Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus Calculation: 1.47 x 54,881 = 80,675.07 square feet
80,675.07 square feet X $29.00 per square foot X 0.80 = $1,871,661.62 contribution
The Applicant acknowledges that the project has received a bonus FAR of 1.47, pursuant to Sec. 17-4-1000 of the Zoning Ordinance. With this bonus FAR, the total FAR for the Planned Development is 6.47. In exchange for the bonus FAR, the Applicant is required to make a corresponding payment, pursuant to Sections 17-4-1003-B & C, prior to the issuance of the first building permit for any building in the Planned Development; provided, however, if the Planned Development is constructed in phases, the bonus payment may be paid on a pro rata basis as the first building permit for each subsequent new building or phase of construction is issued. The bonus payment will be recalculated at the time of payment (including partial payments for phased developments) and may be adjusted based on changes in median land values in accordance with Section 17-4-1003-C.3. The bonus payment will be split between three separate funds, as follows: 80% to the Neighborhoods Opportunity Fund, 10% to the Citywide Adopt-a-Landmark Fund and 10% to the Local Impact Fund. In lieu of paying the City directly, the Department may: (a) direct developers to deposit a portion ofthe funds with a sister agency to finance specific local improvement projects; (b) direct developers to deposit a portion of the funds with a landmark property owner to finance specific landmark restoration projects; or, (c) approve proposals for in-kind improvements to satisfy the Local Impact portion of the payment.

In this case, the Applicant will contribute the Local Impact portion of the bonus payment for
construction of (the "Project"). The Project is located
within one mile of the Planned Development site, as required by Section I7-4-1005-C. The Applicant must make such payment, or the applicable portion thereof in the case of a phased planned development, prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the Planned

Development, or applicable phase thereof. The City must enter into an in governmental agreement regarding the manner in which the funds will be used.
Upon review and determination, Part II Review, pursuant to Section 17-13-0610, a Part II Review Fee shall be assessed by the Department of Planning and Development. The fee, as determined by staff at the time, is final and binding on the Applicant and must be paid to the Department of Revenue prior to the issuance of any Part II approval.
The Site and Landscape Plans shall be in substantial conformance with the Landscape Ordinance and any other corresponding regulations and guidelines, including Section 17-13-0800. Final landscape plan review and approval will be by the Department of Planning and Development. Any interim reviews associated with site plan review or Part II reviews, are conditional until final Part II approval.
The Applicant shall comply with Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Stockpiles promulgated by the Commissioners of the Departments of Streets and Sanitation, Fleet and Facility Management and Buildings, under Section 13-32-085, or any other provision of the Municipal Code of Chicago.
The terms and conditions of development under this Planned Development ordinance may be modified administratively, pursuant to Section 17-13-0611-A, by the Zoning Administrator upon the application for such a modification by the Applicant, its successors and assigns and, if different than the Applicant, the legal title holders and any ground lessors.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct and maintain the project in a manner which promotes, enables and maximizes universal access throughout the Property. Plans for all buildings and improvements on the Property shall be reviewed and approved by the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to access for persons with disabilities and to promote the highest standard of accessibility.
The Applicant acknowledges that it is in the public interest to design, construct, renovate and maintain all buildings in a manner that provides healthier indoor environments, reduces operating costs and conserves energy and natural resources. The Applicant shall obtain the number of points necessary to meet the requirements of the Chicago Sustainable Development Policy, in effect at the time the Part II review process is initiated for each improvement that is subject to the aforementioned Policy and must provide documentation verifying compliance.
The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the rezoning of the Property from Cl-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to DX-5 Downtown Mixed-Use District, and then to Residential Business Planned Development No. 1283, as Amended (PD), for construction of the Project triggers the requirements of Section 2-45-115 of the Municipal Code (the "Affordable Requirements Ordinance" or the "ARO"). The Applicant further acknowledges and agrees that the Property is located in the Near North/Near West Pilot Area, pursuant to Section 2-45-117 of the Municipal Code (the "Near North/Near West ARO Pilot Area

Ordinance" or the "Pilot"). The Near North/Near West Pilot Area is divided into two (2) zones: the Near North Zone and the Near West Zone; the Property is located in the Near North Zone. In the Near North Zone, pursuant to ARO, the percentage of units in a residential housing project required to be affordable for a period of 30 years, whether rental or for-sale, is increased from 10% to 20%. Any developer of a residential housing project in the Near North Zone must provide the first 10% of units required to be affordable (the "First Units") either: (i) in the residential housing project, or (ii) with the approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development (the "Commissioner"), in an off-site location within 2 miles of the Property and in the same or a different higher income area or downtown district, or (iii) any combination of (i) and (ii). In addition, the developer must provide the (second) 10% of units required to be affordable (the "Additional Units") either: (i) in the residential housing project, or (ii) with the Commissioner's approval, in an off-site location anywhere within the Near North/Near West Pilot Area, regardless of distance from the project or income area, or (iii) any combination of (i) and (ii). The project has a total of two-hundred and thirty-six (236) housing units. As a result, the Applicant's affordable housing obligation is forty-seven (47) affordable units (20% of 236), consisting of twenty-four (24) First Units and twenty-three (23) Additional Units. Applicant has agreed to satisfy its affordable housing obligation by providing the First Units in the rental building to be constructed in the Planned Development, and the Additional Units in a location or locations within the Near North Pilot Area to be approved by the Department of Planning and Development ("DPD"), as set forth in the Affordable Housing Profile Form attached hereto. In accordance with the ARO Pilot, the Applicant is required to lease the First Units to households earning up to 60% of the Chicago Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area median income ("AMI") at prices affordable to households at such income level, as determined by rule and approved by the Commissioner, at prices affordable to households at such income level, and the Additional Units to households earning up to 80% or 100% of AMI at prices affordable to households at such income level, as determined by rule and approved by the Commissioner. If the Applicant subsequently reduces (or increases) the number of housing units in the project, or elects to build a for-sale project instead of a rental project, or with the Commissioner's approval elects to construct or otherwise locate off-site units instead of on-site units, the Applicant shall update and resubmit the Affordable Housing Profile Form to DPD for review and approval. DPD may adjust the requirements to reflect any such change without amending the Planned Development. Prior to the issuance of any building permits for any residential building in the Planned Development, including, without limitation, excavation or foundation permits, the Applicant must execute and record an affordable housing agreement in accordance with Section 2-45-115(L). The terms of the affordable housing agreement and any amendments thereto are incorporated herein by this reference. The Applicant acknowledges and agrees that the affordable housing agreement will be recorded against the Planned Development, or the applicable portion thereof, and will constitute a lien against such property. The Commissioner may enforce remedies for any breach of this Statement No. 15, including any breach of any affordable housing agreement, and enter into settlement agreements with respect to any such breach, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, without amending the Planned Development.

16. The Applicant acknowledges that it is the policy ofthe City to maximize opportunities for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises ("M/WBEs") and city residents to

|1010|compete for contracts and jobs on construction projects approved through the planned development process. To assist the city in promoting and tracking such M/WBE and city resident participation, an applicant for planned development approval shall provide information at three points in the city approval process. First, the applicant must submit to DPD, as part of its application for planned development approval, an M/WBE Participation Proposal. The M/WBE Participation Proposal must identify the applicant's goals for participation of certified M/WBE firms in the design, engineering and construction of the project, and of city residents in the construction work. The city encourages goals of 26% MBE and 6% WBE participation (measured against the total construction budget for the project or any phase thereof), and (ii) 50% city resident hiring (measured against the total construction work hours for the project or any phase thereof). The M/WBE Participation Proposal must include a description of the Applicant's proposed outreach plan designed to inform M/WBEs and city residents of job and contracting opportunities. Second, at the time ofthe Applicant's submission for Part II permit review for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must submit to DPD (a) updates (if any) to the Applicant's preliminary outreach plan, (b) a description of the Applicant's outreach efforts and evidence of such outreach, including, without limitation, copies of certified letters to M/WBE contractor associations and the ward office of the alderman in which the project is located and receipts thereof; (c) responses to the Applicant's outreach efforts, and (d) updates (if any) to the applicant's M/WBE and city resident participation goals. Third, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the project or any phase thereof, the Applicant must provide DPD with the actual level of M/WBE and city resident participation in the project or any phase thereof, and evidence of such participation. In addition to the forgoing, DPD may request such additional information as the department determines may be necessary or useful in evaluating the extent to which M/WBEs and city residents are informed of and utilized in planned development projects. All such information will be provided in a form acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. DPD will report the data it collects regarding projected and actual employment of M/WBEs and city residents in planned development projects twice yearly to the Chicago Plan Commission and annually to the Chicago City Council and the Mayor.

17. This Planned Development shall be governed by Section 17-13-0612. Should this Planned Development ordinance lapse, the Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development shall initiate a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property to DX-5 Downtown Mixed-Use District.

Gross Site Area: Area in Public R.O.W.: Net Site Area:

Maximum Floor Area Ratio: Sub-Area A: Sub-Area B:
78,670 square feet (1.81 acres) 23,789 square feet (0.55 acres) 54,881 square feet (1.26 acres)


Maximum Number of Residential ,
Dwelling Units and Efficiency Units: 311 units
Sub-Area A: 75 units
Sub-Area B: 236 units
Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces to be provided*:
Sub-Area A:
Sub-Area B: *Parking may be shared between Sub-Areas

214 accessory parking spaces 140 accessory parking spaces 74 accessory parking spaces

Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces to be provided:
Sub-Area A:
Sub-Area B:

100 bicycle parking spaces 50 bicycle parking spaces 50 bicycle parking spaces

Number of Off-Street Loading Spaces: Sub-Area A: Sub-Area B:
2 loading spaces, each measuring 10 feet X 25 feet 1 loading space 1, loading space

Setbacks from Property Lines: In substantial compliance with the Site Plan

Maximum Building Heights: 136 feet (existing) within Sub-Area A;
220 feet within Sub-Area B, as measured by the Chicago Zoning Ordinance (241 feet to top of screen wall including rooftop access and the top of the elevator overrun)


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phcnc. (773)853, ptmn- (R30) SSI-1



ADDRESS ofthe property Applicant is seeking to rezone:
171 N. Aberdeen. Chicago, Illinois

Ward Number that property is located in: 27

APPLICANT: Aberdeen Developers, LLC

ADDRESS: 806 N. Peoria St. CITY: Chicago

STATE: Illinois ZIP CODE: 60642 PHONE: 312-782-1983


Is the Applicant the owner of the property? YES X NO

If the Applicant is not the owner ofthe property, please provide the following information regarding the owner and attach written authorization from the owner allowing the application to proceed.





If the Applicant/Owner ofthe property has obtained a lawyer as their representative for the rezoning, please provide the following information:
ATTORNEY: Law Officesof SamueLV.P. Banks,.Nicholas Ftikas _ _.
ADDRESS: 221 North LaSalle Street, 38th Floor
CITY: Chicago STATE: Illinois ZIP CODE: 60601
PHONE: (312) 782-1983 FAX: 312-782-2433 EMAIL:
Ifthe Applicant is a legal entity (Corporation, LLC, Partnership, etc.), please provide the names of
all owners as disclosed on the Economic Disclosure Statements.
See attached EDS.

On what date did the owner acquire legal title to the subject property? 2018

Has the present owner previously rezoned this property? If Yes, when? Yes - 5/25/2018

Proposed Zoning District(s): PD 1283, as Amended
Lot size in square feet (or dimensions): 78,670 sq. ft. (gross lot area of PD 1283)
Current Use of the Property: The subject property is located within Subarea A of Planned Development
No. 1283. The subject property is improved with a mixed-use building containing retail space at grade,
offices uses above, and a total of seventy-five (75) residential units.

Reason for rezoning the property: The Applicant is proposing to technical amendment to allow group
living and shared housing units, and residential uses not otherwise defined, as additional allowed uses
within Sub-Area A of Planned Development No. 1283.
Describe the proposed use ofthe property after the rezoning. Indicate the number of dwelling unit number of parking spaces; approximate square footage ofany commercial space; and height of the proposed building. (BE SPECIFIC): The Applicant is proposing to technical amendment to allow group living and shared housing units, and residential uses not otherwise defined, as additional allowed uses within Sub-Area A of Planned Development No. 1283. No other changes are proposed to Planned Development No. 1283.
The Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO) requires on-site affordable housing units and/or
a financial contribution for residential housing projects with ten or more units that receive a zoning change which, among other triggers, increases the allowable floor area, or, for existing Planned Developments, increases the number of units (see attached fact sheet or visit for more information). Is this project subject to the ARO?


I, Michael Golden, as Manager and on behalf of Aberdeen Developers, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, being first duly sworn on oath, state that all of the above statements and the statements contained in the documents submitted herewith are, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.

Signature of Applicant

Notary Public
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this I day of July, 2020.

Official Seal 1 Notary Public-State of Illinois I My Commission Expires Nov 29, 2021

Date of Introduction:
File Number:
Written Notice, Form of Affidavit: Section 17-13-0107
August 27, 2020

Honorable Thomas Tunney
Acting Chairman, Committee on Zoning
121 North LaSalle Street
Room 304 - City Hall
Chicago, Illinois 60602

To Whom It May Concern:

The undersigned, Nicholas Ftikas, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says the following:

That the undersigned certifies that he has complied with the requirements of Section 17-13-0107 ofthe Zoning Code ofthe City of Chicago, by sending written notice to such property owners who appear to be the owners of the property within the subject area not solely owned by the Applicant, and on the owners of all property within 250 feet in each direction of the lot line of the subject property, exclusive of the public roads, streets, alleys and other public ways, or a total distance limited to 400 feet. That said written notice was sent by USPS First Class Mail no more than 30 days before filing the application.

That the undersigned certifies that the notice contained the address of the property sought to be rezoned as 171 N. Aberdeen, Chicago, Illinois; a statement of intended use of said property; the name and address of the Applicant and of the Property Owner; and a statement that the Applicant intends to file an application for a change in zoning on approximately August 27, 2020.

That the Applicant has made a bonafide effort to determine the addresses of the parties to be notified under Section 17-13-0107 of the Zoning Code of the City of Chicago and that the Applicant certifies that the accompanying list of names and addresses of surrounding property owners within 250 feet is a complete list containing the names and last known addresses ofthe owners of the property required to be served.

Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Nicholas J. Ftikas Attorney for Applicant


Via USPS First Class Mail
August 27, 2020

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the Amendment to the Chicago Zoning Code enacted by the City Council, Section 17-13-0107-A, please be informed that on or about August 27, 2020, I, the undersigned, intend to file an application for a proposed amended to Planned Development No. 1283, on behalf of the Applicant and Property Owner, Aberdeen Developers, LLC, concerning the property located at 171 N. Aberdeen, Chicago, Illinois.

The Applicant is proposing to technical amendment to allow group living and shared housing units, and residential uses not otherwise defined, as additional allowed uses within Sub-Area A of Planned Development No. 1283. No other changes are proposed to Planned Development No. 1283.

The Applicant and Property Owner, Aberdeen Developers, LLC, is located at 806 N. Peoria, Chicago, Illinois 60642.

I am the attorney for the Applicant. I will serve as the contact person for this zoning application. My address is 221 N. LaSalle St., 38th Floor, Chicago, Illinois 60601. My telephone number is (312)-782-1983.

Very truly yours,

Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Nicholas J. Ftikas Attorney for the Applicant

***Please note that the Applicant is NOT seeking to purchase or rezone your property.

***The Applicant is required by law to send this notice because you own property located within 250 feet of the property subject to the proposed Zoning Amendment.

Chairman; Committee on Zoning Room 304 - City Hall Chicago, IL 60602

To Whom It May Concern:

I, Michael Golden, as Manager and on behalf of Aberdeen Developers, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, understand that the Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks has filed a sworn affidavit identifying Aberdeen Developers, LLC, as the Owner holding interest in land subject to the proposed zoning amendment for the property identified as 171 N. Aberdeen, Chicago, IL.
I, Michael Golden, as Manager and on behalf of Aberdeen Developers, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, being first duly sworn under oath, depose and say that Aberdeen Developers, LLC, holds that interest for itself and no other person, association, or shareholder.

f/UClutl Mtcnrrf Golden
^ Aberdeen Developers, LLC

1 It I V>i° Date

LISAVLACH Official Seal Notary Public - State of Illinois My Commission Expires Nov 29,2021

To whom it may concern:

Michael Golden Aberdeen Developers, LLC
I, Michael Golden, as Manager and on behalf of Aberdeen Developers, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company and Owner of property located at 171 N. Aberdeen, Chicago, IL, authorize the Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks to file a Zoning Amendment Application with the City of Chicago for that property.


A. Legal name ofthe Disclosing Party submitting this EDS. Include d/b/a/ if applicable:

Check ONE of the following three boxes:

Indicate whether the Disclosing Party submitting this EDS is:
\Of the Applicant
[ ] a legal entity currently holding, or anticipated to hold within six months after City action on
the contract, transaction or other undertaking to which this EDS pertains (referred to below as the
"Matter"), a direct or indirect interest in excess of 7.5% in the Applicant. State the Applicant's legal
[ ] a legal entity with a direct or indirect right of control of the Applicant (see Section It(B)(l)) State the legal name ofthe entity in which the Disclosing Party holds a right of control:

ffoC? f^ - (^orCe\ Telephone: 3^-^787^-13^ Fax: 3 C*- -"7<82--"LM % Email: rViJL. @ Acl^^uJu [cuj ¦ C*uName of contact person: |J-sX*io cA<; F~~T~-srl^ArS - fYTTC^P^I.
Federal Employer Identification No. (ifyou have one): .
Brief description of the Matter to which this EDS pertains. (Include project number and location of property, if applicable):
Which City agency or department is requesting this EDS? JM*«D / C—o"7_. .

Ifthe Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, please complete the following:

Specification # and Contract #
Ver.2018-1 Paget of 15



1. Indicate the nature of the Disclosing Party: -
[ ] Person [^Limited liability company
[ ] Publicly registered business corporation [ ] Limited liability partnership
[ ] Privately held business corporation [ ] Joint venture
[ ] Sole proprietorship [ ] Not-for-profit corporation
[ ] General partnership (Is the not-for-profit corporation also a 501(c)(3))?
[ ] Limited partnership [ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Trust [ ] Other (please specify)
For legal entities, the state (or foreign country) of incorporation or organization, if applicable:
For legal entities not organized in the State oflllinois: Has the organization registered to do business in the State of Dlinois as a foreign entity?

[Vflfes [ ] No [ ] Organized in Illinois


1. List below the full names and titles, if applicable, of: (i) all executive officers and all directors of the entity; (ii) for not-for-profit corporations, all members, if any, which are legal entities (if there are no such members, write "no members which are legal entities"); (iii) for trusts, estates or other similar entities, the trustee, executor, administrator, or similarly situated party; (iv) for general or limited partnerships, limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships or joint ventures, each general partner, managing member, manager or any other person or legal entity that directly or indirectly controls the day-to-day management ofthe Applicant.

NOTE: Each legal entity listed below must submit an EDS on its own behalf.

Name Title

2. Please provide the following information concerning each person or legal entity having a direct or indirect, current or prospective (i.e. within 6 months after City action) beneficial interest (including ownership) in excess of 7.5% ofthe Applicant. Examples of such an interest include shares in a corporation, partnership interest in a partnership or joint venture, interest of a member or manager in a

Page 2 of 15

limited liability company, or interest of a beneficiary ofa trust, estate or other similar entity. If none, state "None."
NOTE: Each legal entity listed below may be required to submit an EDS on its own behalf.
Name Business Address Percentage Interest in the Applicant

-rMAP to^/OCar- CX^^-y 60k f %

Has the Disclosing Party provided any income or compensation to any City elected official during the
12-month period preceding the date of this EDS? [ ] Yes [yfNo

Does the Disclosing Party reasonably expect to provide any income or compensation to any City elected official during the 12-month period following the date ofthis EDS? [ ] Yes [^-^j-No

If "yes" to either ofthe above, please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and describe such income or compensation:

Does any City elected official or, to the best ofthe Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, any City elected official's spouse or domestic partner, have a financial interest (as defined in Chapter 2-156 ofthe Municipal Code of Chicago ("MCC")) in the Disclosing Party? [ ]Yes h/fNo

If "yes," please identify below the name(s) of such City elected official(s) and/or spouse(s)/domestic partner(s) and describe the financial interest(s).
: mIA


The Disclosing Party must disclose the name and business address of each subcontractor, attorney, lobbyist (as defmed in MCC Chapter 2-156), accountant, consultant and any other person or entity whom the Disclosing Party has retained or expects to retain in connection with the Matter, as well as the nature ofthe relationship, and the total amount of the. fees paid or estimated to be paid. The Disclosing Party is not required to disclose employees who are paid solely through the Disclosing Party's regular payroll. Ifthe Disclosing Party is uncertain whether a disclosure is required under this Section, the Disclosing Party must either ask the City whether disclosure is required or make the disclosure.

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Name (indicate whether Business Relationship to Disclosing Party Fees (indicate whether
retained or anticipated Address (subcontractor, attorney, paid or estimated.) NOTE:
to be retained) lobbyist, etc.) "hourly rate" or "t.b.d." is
not an acceptable response.

(Add sheets if necessary)

[ ] Check here if the Disclosing Party has not retained, nor expects to retain, any such persons or entities.



Under MCC Section 2-92-415, substantial owners of business entities that contract with the City must remain in compliance with their child support obligations throughout the contract's term.

Has any person who directly or indirectly owns 10% or more ofthe Disclosing Party been declared in arrearage on any child support obligations by any Illinois court of competent jurisdiction?

[ ]Yes [v^fNo [ ] No person directly or indirectly owns 10% or more ofthe Disclosing Party.

If "Yes," has the person entered into a court-approved agreement for payment of all support owed and is the person in compliance with that agreement?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

[This paragraph 1 applies only ifthe Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services.] In the 5-year period preceding the date of this EDS, neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity [see definition in (5) below] has engaged, in connection with the performance of any public contract, the services of an integrity monitor, independent private sector inspector general, or integrity compliance consultant (i.e., an individual or entity with legal, auditing, investigative, or other similar skills, designated by a public agency to help the agency monitor the activity of specified agency vendors as well as help the vendors reform their business practices so they can be considered for agency contracts in the future, or continue with a contract in progress).
The Disclosing Party and its Affiliated Entities are not delinquent in the payment of any fine, fee; tax or other source of indebtedness owed to the City of Chicago, including, but not limited to, water and sewer charges, license fees, parking tickets, property taxes and sales taxes, nor is the Disclosing Party delinquent in the payment of any tax administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue.

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The Disclosing Party and, ifthe Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section 11(B)(1) ofthis EDS:

are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from any transactions by any federal, state or local unit of government;
have not, during the 5 years before the date ofthis EDS, been convicted of a criminal offense, adjudged guilty, or had a civil judgment rendered against them in connection with: obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; a violation of federal or state antitrust statutes; fraud; embezzlement; theft; forgery; bribery; falsification or destruction of records; making false statements; or receiving stolen property;
are not presently indicted for, or criminally or civilly charged by, a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with committing any of the offenses set forth in subparagraph (b) above;
have not, during the 5 years before the date of this EDS, had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default; and
have not, during the 5 years before the date ofthis EDS, been convicted, adjudged guilty, or found liable in a civil proceeding, or in any criminal or civil action, including actions concerning environmental violations, instituted by the City or by the federal government, any state, or any other unit of local government.
The Disclosing Party understands and shall comply with the applicable requirements of MCC Chapters 2-56 (Inspector General) and 2-156 (Governmental Ethics).
Certifications (5), (6) and (7) concern:

the Disclosing Party;
any "Contractor" (meaning any contractor or subcontractor used by the Disclosing Party in connection with the Matter, including but not limited to all persons or legal entities disclosed under Section IV, "Disclosure of Subcontractors and Other Retained Parties");
any "Affiliated Entity" (meaning a person or entity that, directly or indirectly: controls the Disclosing Party, is controlled by the Disclosing Party, or is, with the Disclosing Party, under common control of another person or entity). Indicia of control include, without limitation: interlocking management or ownership; identity of interests among family members, shared facilities and equipment; common use of employees; or organization of a business entity following the ineligibility of a business entity to do business with federal or state or local government, including the City, using substantially the same management, ownership, or principals as the ineligible entity. With respect to Contractors, the term Affiliated Entity means a person or entity that directly or indirectly controls the Contractor, is controlled by it, or, with the Contractor, is under common control of another person or entity;
any responsible official of the Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity or any other official, agent or employee ofthe Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity, acting pursuant to the direction or authorization ofa responsible official ofthe Disclosing Party, any Contractor or any Affiliated Entity (collectively "Agents").

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Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Contractor, nor any Affiliated Entity of either the Disclosing Party or any Contractor, nor any Agents have, during the 5 years before the date of this EDS, or, with respect to a Contractor, an Affiliated Entity, or an Affiliated Entity of a Contractor during the 5 years before the date of such Contractor's or Affiliated Entity's contract or engagement in connection with the Matter:
bribed or attempted to bribe, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of bribery or attempting to bribe, a public officer or employee of the City, the State oflllinois, or any agency of the federal government or of any state or local government in the United States of America, in that officer's or employee's official capacity;
agreed or colluded with other bidders or prospective bidders, or been a party to any such agreement, or been convicted or adjudged guilty of agreement or collusion among bidders or prospective bidders, in restraint of freedom of competition by agreement to bid a fixed price or otherwise; or
made an admission of such conduct described in subparagraph (a) or (b) above that is a matter of record, but have not been prosecuted for such conduct; or
violated the provisions referenced in MCC Subsection 2-92-320(a)(4)(Contracts Requiring a Base Wage); (a)(5)(Debarment Regulations); or (a)(6)(Minimum Wage Ordinance).

Neither the Disclosing Party, nor any Affiliated Entity or Contractor, or any of their employees, officials, agents or partners, is barred from contracting with any unit of state or local government as a result of engaging in or being convicted of (1) bid-rigging in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-3; (2) bid-rotating in violation of 720 ILCS 5/33E-4; or (3) any similar offense ofany state or ofthe United States of America that contains the same elements as the offense of bid-rigging or bid-rotating.
Neither the Disclosing Party nor any Affiliated Entity is listed on a Sanctions List maintained by the United States Department of Commerce, State, or Treasury, or any successor federal agency.
[FOR APPLICANT ONLY] (i) Neither the Applicant nor any "controlling person" [see MCC Chapter 1-23, Article I for applicability and defined terms] ofthe Applicant is currently indicted or charged with, or has admitted guilt of, or has ever been convicted of, or placed under supervision for, any criminal offense involving actual, attempted, or conspiracy to commit bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, perjury, dishonesty or deceit against an officer or employee ofthe City or any "sister agency"; and (ii) the Applicant understands and acknowledges that compliance with Article I is a continuing requirement for doing business with the City. NOTE: If MCC Chapter 1-23, Article I applies to the Applicant, that Article's permanent compliance timeframe supersedes 5-year compliance timeframes in this Section V.
[FOR APPLICANT ONLY] The Applicant and its Affiliated Entities will not use, nor permit their subcontractors to use, any facility listed as having an active exclusion by the U.S. EPA on the federal . System for Award Management ("SAM").

10. [FOR APPLICANT ONLY] The Applicant will obtain from any contractors/subcontractors hired
or to be hired in connection with the Matter certifications equal in form and substance to those in
Certifications (2) and (9) above and will not, without the prior written consent ofthe City, use any such
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contractor/subcontractor that docs not provide such certifications or that the Applicant has reason to believe has not provided or cannot provide truthful certifications.

11. If the Disclosing Party is unable to certify to any of the above statements in this Part B (Further Certifications), the Disclosing Party must explain below:

If the letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.

12. To the best ofthe Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all current employees ofthe Disclosing Party who were, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the date ofthis EDS, an employee, or elected or appointed official, of the City of Chicago (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none").

13. To the best ofthe Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, the following is a complete list of all gifts that the Disclosing Party has given or caused to be given, at any time during the 12-month period preceding the execution date ofthis EDS, to an employee, or elected or appointed official, ofthe City of Chicago. For purposes ofthis statement, a "gift" does not include: (i) anything made generally available to City employees or to the general public, or (ii) food or drink provided in the course of official City business and having a retail value of less than $25 per recipient, or (iii) a political contribution otherwise duly reported as required by law (if none, indicate with "N/A" or "none"). As to any gift listed below, please also list the name ofthe City recipient.


The Disclosing Party certifies that the Disclosing Party (check one)
[ ] is [Vfis not
a "financial institution" as defined in MCC Section 2-32-455(b).
Ifthe Disclosing Party IS a financial institution, then the Disclosing Party pledges:
"We are not and will not become a predatory lender as defined in MCC Chapter 2-32. We further pledge that none of our affiliates is, and none of them will become, a predatory lender as defined in MCC Chapter 2-32. We understand that becoming a predatory lender or becoming an affiliate of a predatory lender may result in the loss of the privilege of doing business with the City."

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Ifthe Disclosing Party is unable to make this pledge because it or any of its affiliates (as defined in MCC Section 2-32-455(b)) is a predatoiy lender within the meaning of MCC Chapter 2-32, explain here (attach additional pages if necessary):
' A//A-

Ifthe letters "NA," the word "None," or no response appears on the lines above, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party certified to the above statements.


Any words or terms defined in MCC Chapter 2-156 have the same meanings if used in this Part D.
In accordance with MCC Section 2-156-110: To the best of the Disclosing Party's knowledge after reasonable inquiry, does any official or employee of the City have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name of any other person or entity in the Matter?

[ ]Yes [vfNo

NOTE: If you checked "Yes" to Item D(l), proceed to Items D(2) and D(3). If you checked "No" to Item D(l), skip Items D(2) and D(3) and proceed to Part E.
Unless sold pursuant to a process of competitive bidding, or otherwise permitted, no City elected official or employee shall have a financial interest in his or her own name or in the name ofany other person or entity in the purchase ofany property that (i) belongs to the City, or (ii) is sold for taxes or assessments, or (iii) is sold by virtue of legal process at the suit of the City (collectively, "City Property Sale"). Compensation for property taken pursuant to the City's eminent domain power does not constitute a financial interest within the meaning ofthis Part D.

Does the Matter involve a City Property Sale?

[ ] Yes [ tfNo
Ifyou checked "Yes" to Item D(l), provide'the names and business addresses ofthe City officials or employees having such financial interest and identify the nature of the financial interest:

Name Business Address Nature of Financial Interest

4. The Disclosing Party further certifies that no prohibited financial interest in the Matter will be acquired by any City official or employee.

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Please check either (1) or (2) below. If the Disclosing Party checks (2), the Disclosing Party must disclose below or in an attachment to this EDS all information required by (2). Failure to comply with these disclosure requirements may make any contract entered into with the City in connection with the Matter voidable by the City.

. The Disclosing Party verifies that the Disclosing Party has searched any and all records of the Disclosing Party and any and all predecessor entities regarding records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies during the slavery era (including insurance policies issued to slaveholders that provided coverage for damage to or injury or death of their slaves), and the Disclosing Party has found no such records.

2. The Disclosing Party verifies that, as a result of conducting the search in step (1) above, the
Disclosing Party has found records of investments or profits from slavery or slaveholder insurance policies. The Disclosing Party verifies that the following constitutes full disclosure of all such records, including the names of any and all slaves or slaveholders described in those records:


NOTE: Ifthe Matter is federally funded, complete this Section VI. Ifthe Matter is not federally funded, proceed to Section VJJ. For purposes of this Section VI, tax credits allocated by the City and proceeds of debt obligations of the City are not federal funding.


1. List below the names of all persons or entities registered under the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, as amended, who have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter: (Add sheets if necessary):

(If no explanation appears or begins on the lines above, or if the letters "NA" or if the word "None" appear, it will be conclusively presumed that the Disclosing Party means that NO persons or entities registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, as amended, have made lobbying contacts on behalf of the Disclosing Party with respect to the Matter.)

2. The Disclosing Party has not spent and will not expend any federally appropriated funds to pay
any person or entity listed in paragraph A(l) above for his or her lobbying activities or to pay any
person or entity to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any agency, as defined
by applicable federal law, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee
Ver.2018-1 Page 9 of 15
ofa member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded contract, making any federally funded grant or loan, entering into any cooperative agreement, or to extend, continue, renew, amend, or modify any federally funded contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
The Disclosing Party will submit an updated certification at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event that materially affects the accuracy ofthe statements and information set forth in paragraphs A(l) and A(2) above.
The Disclosing Party certifies that either: (i) it is not an organization described in section 501(c)(4) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986; or (ii) it is an organization described in section 501(c)(4) ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986 but has not engaged and will not engage in "Lobbying Activities," as that term is defined in the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, as amended.
If the Disclosing Party is the Applicant, the Disclosing Party must obtain certifications equal in form and substance to paragraphs A(l) through A(4) above from all subcontractors before it awards any subcontract and the Disclosing Party must maintain all such subcontractors' certifications for the duration ofthe Matter and must make such certifications promptly available to the City upon request.


If the Matter is federally funded, federal regulations require the Applicant and all proposed subcontractors to submit the following information with their bids or in writing at the outset of negotiations. a// A

Is the Disclosing Party the Applicant?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

If "Yes," answer the three questions below:
[ ]No

1. Have you developed and do you have on file affirmative action programs pursuant to applicable federal regulations? (See 41 CFR Part 60-2.)
[ ] Yes
[ ]Yes
[ ]No

2. Have you filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission all reports due under the applicable filing requirements?
[ ] Reports not required

3. Have you participated in any previous contracts or subcontracts subject to the equal opportunity clause?
[ ] Yes [ ] No

If you checked "No" to question (1) or (2) above, please provide an explanation:

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The Disclosing Party understands and agrees that:
The certifications, disclosures, and acknowledgments contained in this EDS will become part of any contract or other agreement between the Applicant and the City in connection with the Matter, whether procurement, City assistance, or other City action, and are material inducements to the City's execution ofany contract or taking other action with respect to the Matter. The Disclosing Party understands that it must comply with all statutes, ordinances, and regulations on which this EDS is based.
The City's Governmental Ethics Ordinance, MCC Chapter 2-156, imposes certain duties and obligations on persons or entities seeking City contracts, work, business, or transactions. The full text of this ordinance and a training program is available on line at , and may also be obtained from the City's Board of Ethics, 740 N. Sedgwick St., Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60610, (312) 744-9660. The Disclosing Party must comply fully with this ordinance.
If the City determines that any information provided in this EDS is false, incomplete or inaccurate, any contract or other agreement in connection with which it is submitted may be rescinded or be void or voidable, and the City may pursue any remedies under the contract or agreement (if not rescinded or void), at law, or in equity, mcluding terminating the Disclosing Party's participation in the Matter and/or declining to allow the Disclosing Party to participate in other City transactions. Remedies at law for a false statement of material fact may include incarceration and an award to the City of treble damages.
It is the Cily's policy to make this document available to the public on its Internet site and/or upon request. Some or all of the information provided in, and appended to, this EDS may be made publicly available on the Internet, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, or otherwise. By completing and signing this EDS, the Disclosing Party waives and releases any possible rights or claims which it may have against the City in connection with the public release of information contained in this EDS and also authorizes the City to verify the accuracy of any infonnation submitted in this EDS.
The information provided in this EDS must be kept current. In the event of changes, the Disclosing Party must supplement this EDS up to the time the City takes action on the Matter. Ifthe Matter is a contract being handled by the City's Department of Procurement Services, the Disclosing Party must update this EDS as the contract requires. NOTE: With respect to Matters subject to MCC Chapter 1-23, Article I (imposing PERMANENT INELIGIBILITY for certain specified offenses), the infonnation provided herein regarding eligibility must be kept current for a longer period, as required, by MCC Chapter 1-23 and Section 2-154-020.

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Under penalty of perjury, the person signing below: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute this EDS, and all applicable Appendices, on behalf of the Disclosing Party, and (2) warrants that all certifications and statements contained in this EDS, and all applicable Appendices, are true, accurate and complete as ofthe date furnished to the City.

(Sign here)

(Print or type exact I^Mjiamg of Disclosing Party)
(Print or type name of person signing) (Print or type title of person signing)
Signed and swom to before me on (date) 0 ^ t ^^y° 0°°^ County, 1 ifhOlS (state).
Jotary Public Commission expires: /VbV-'H \'YO'd'

USAV1j*,CH Official Seal Notary Public - State of Illinois My Commission Expires Nov 29,2021

Page 12 of 15



This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5%. It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.

Under MCC Section 2-154-015, the Disclosing Party must disclose whether such Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently has a "familial relationship" with any elected city official or department head. A "familial relationship" exists if, as of the date this EDS is signed, the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof is related to the mayor, any alderman, the city clerk, the city treasurer or any city department head as spouse or domestic partner or as any of the following, whether by blood or adoption: parent, child, brother or sister, aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, grandparent, grandchild, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepfather or stepmother, stepson or stepdaughter, stepbrother or stepsister or half-brother or half-sister.

"Applicable Party" means (1) all executive officers of the Disclosing Party listed in Section TLB. 1 .a., if the Disclosing Party is a corporation; all partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a general partnership; all general partners and limited partners of the Disclosing Party, if the Disclosing Party is a limited partnership; all managers, managing members and members ofthe Disclosing Party, ifthe Disclosing Party is a limited liability company; (2) all principal officers ofthe Disclosing Party; and (3) any person haying more than a 7.5% ownership interest in the Disclosing Party. "Principal officers" means the president, chief operating officer, executive director, chief financial officer, treasurer or secretary of a legal entity or any person exercising similar authority.

Does the Disclosing Party or any "Applicable Party" or any Spouse or Domestic Partner thereof currently have a "familial relationship" with an elected city official or department head?

[ ]Yes ' [jffco

If yes, please identify below (1) the name and title of such person, (2) the name of the legal entity to which such person is connected; (3) the name and title of the elected city official or department head to whom such person has a familial relationship, and (4) the precise nature of such familial relationship.

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This Appendix is to be completed only by (a) the Applicant, and (b) any legal entity which has a direct ownership interest in the Applicant exceeding 7.5% (an "Owner"). It is not to be completed by any legal entity which has only an indirect ownership interest in the Applicant.
Pursuant to MCC Section 2-154-010, is the Applicant or any Owner identified as a building code scofflaw or problem landlord pursuant to MCC Section 2-92-416?

[ ] Yes [^fNo
Ifthe Applicant is a legal entity publicly traded on any exchange, is any officer or director of the Applicant identified as a building code scofflaw or problem landlord pursuant to MCC Section 2-92-416?

[ ] Yes [ ] No [^The Applicant is not publicly traded on any exchange.

3. If yes to (1) or (2) above, please identify below the name of each person or legal entity identified as a building code scofflaw or problem landlord and the address of each building or buildings to which the pertinent code violations apply.

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This Appendix is to be completed only by an Applicant that is completing this EDS as a "contractor" as defined in MCC Section 2-92-385. That section, which should be consulted ( ), generally covers a party to any agreement pursuant to which they: (i) receive City of Chicago funds in consideration for services, work or goods provided (including for legal or other professional services), or (ii) pay the City money for a license, grant or concession allowing them to conduct a business on City premises.

On behalf of an Applicant that is a contractor pursuant to MCC Section 2-92-385,1 hereby certify that the Applicant is in compliance with MCC Section 2-92-385(b)(1) and (2), which prohibit: (i) screening job applicants based on their wage or salary history, or (ii) seeking job applicants' wage or salary history from current or former employers. I also certify that the Applicant has adopted a policy that includes those prohibitions.

[ ]Yes

[ ]No

This certification shall serve as the affidavit required by MCC Section 2-92-385(c)(l).

If you checked "no" to the above, please explain.

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