WHEREAS, special service areas may be established pursuant to (i) Article Vll, Sections 6(1) and 7(6) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, (ii) the provisions of the Special Service Area Tax Law, 35 ILCS 200/27-5 et seq., as amended from time to time (the "Special Service Area Tax Law), and (iii) the Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/1-1 et seq., as amended from time to time (the "Property Tax Code"); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Chicago (the "City Council") finds that it is in the public interest that consideration be given to the creation of an area within the City of Chicago to be known and designated as Special Service Area Number 76 (the "Area") and to the authorization ofthe levy of a special annual services tax (the "Services Tax") for a period of three (3) years within the Area for the purposes set forth herein; that the Area is contiguous; and that said special services are in addition to municipal services provided by and to the City of Chicago generally, and it is, therefore, in the best interests of the City of Chicago that the creation of the Area and the levy of the Services Tax within the Area for the services to be provided be considered; now, therefore,
Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago:
SECTION 1. The preambles of this ordinance are hereby incorporated herein as if set out herein in full.
SECTION 2. A public hearing shall be held by the Committee on Economic, Capital and Technology Development of the City Council of the City of Chicago at the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Chicago, Illinois (the "Hearing"), or in the alternative by remote means with instructions for how to attend the public hearing and participate in oral public comment to be provided on the City Clerk's website, in order to consider the creation of the Area and the authorization of the levy of the Services Tax. At the Hearing there will be considered the levy of the Services Tax upon the taxable property within the Ar...
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