This record contains private information, which has been redacted from public viewing.
Record #: O2020-6211   
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Intro date: 12/16/2020 Current Controlling Legislative Body: Committee on Housing and Real Estate
Final action: 1/27/2021
Title: Acquisition of property in whole or part at 8840, 8844, 8850 and 8854 S Commercial Ave
Sponsors: Lightfoot, Lori E.
Topic: PROPERTY - Acquisition
Attachments: 1. O2020-6211.pdf

December 16, 2020


Ladies and Gentlemen:

At the request ofthe Commissioner of Planning and Development, I transmit herewith an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property at 8840, 8844, 8850 and 8854 South Commercial Avenue.

Your favorable consideration of this ordinance will be appreciated.


WHEREAS, the City of Chicago ("City") is a home rule unit of government by virtue of the provisions ofthe Constitution ofthe State of Illinois of 1970, and as such, may exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to ordinances adopted by the City Council of the City (the "City Council") on November 13, 2002, and published at pages 97254-97439 in the Journal of the Proceedings (the "Journal") of such date, a certain redevelopment plan and project (the "Plan") for the Commercial Avenue Redevelopment Project Ajea (the "Redevelopment Area") was approved pursuant to the Illinois Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended (65 ILCS 5/11 -74.4-1 et seq.; the "Act"), the Redevelopment Area was designated as a redevelopment project area pursuant to the Act and tax increment allocation financing was adopted pursuant to the Act as a means of financing certain Redevelopment Area redevelopment project costs (as defined in the Act) incurred pursuant to the Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Plan and the use of tax increment financing provide a mechanism to support new growth through leveraging private investment, and help to finance land acquisition, demolition, remediation, site preparation and infrastructure for new development in the Redevelopment Area; and

WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is useful, necessary and desirable to acquire the parcels of property located in the Redevelopment Area identified on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Acquisition Parcels") in order to achieve the objectives ofthe Plan, which include, among other things: reducing or eliminating conditions that qualify the Redevelopment Area as a redevelopment area; and

WHEREAS, the City has established the Community Development Commission (the "Commission") to, among other things, designate redevelopment areas and approve redevelopment plans, and recommend the acquisition of parcels located in redevelopment areas, subject to the approval of the City Council; and

WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 20-CDC-17, adopted by the Commission on November 10, 2020, the Commission recommended acquisition of the Acquisition Parcels; and

WHEREAS, the City Council finds such acquisitions to be for the same purposes as those set forth in Divisions 74.2 and 74.4 of the Illinois Municipal Code; and

WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that such acquisition and exercise of power of eminent domain shall be in furtherance of the Plan, which was first adopted in 2002 in accordance with the Act, as recited above, and was in existence prior to April 15, 2006; and

WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that prior to April 15, 2006, the Plan included an estimated $5,000,000 in property assembly costs as a budget line item in Exhibit II to the Plan, and also described property assembly as a part of the redevelopment project for the Redevelopment Area, including in Section V of the Plan; and

WHEREAS, the City Council further finds that the Acquisition Parcels were included in the Redevelopment Area prior to April 15,2006, that there has been no extension in the completion date of the Plan and that the Acquisition Parcels are not located in an industrial park conservation area; now, therefore


SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are hereby adopted as the findings of the City Council.

SECTION 2. It is hereby determined and declared that it is useful, desirable and necessary that the City acquire the Acquisition Parcels for public purposes and for purposes of implementing the objectives of the Plan.

SECTION 3. The Corporation Counsel is authorized to negotiate with the owner(s) of the Acquisition Parcels for the purchase of such Acquisition Parcels. If the Corporation Counsel and the owner(s) of an Acquisition Parcel are able to agree on the terms of the purchase of such Acquisition Parcel, the Corporation Counsel is authorized to purchase such Acquisition Parcel on behalf of the City for the agreed price. If the Corporation Counsel is unable to agree with the owner(s) of any Acquisition Parcel on the terms of the purchase, or if the owner(s) is or are incapable of entering into such a transaction with the City, or if the owner(s) cannot be located, then the Corporation Counsel is authorized to institute and prosecute condemnation proceedings on behalf of the City for the purpose of acquiring fee simple title to such Acquisition Parcel under the City's power of eminent domain. Such acquisition efforts shall commence with respect to improved property within four (4) years of the date of the publication of this ordinance, and with respect to vacant lots within ten (10) years of the date ofthe publication of this ordinance. Commencement shall be deemed to have occurred within such periods upon the City's delivery of an offer letter to the owner(s) of the subject Acquisition Parcel(s). The above grant of authority shall be construed to authorize acquisition of fewer than all the Acquisition Parcels and shall also be construed to authorize the acquisition of less than all of any particular Acquisition Parcel.

SECTION 4. The Commissioner of the Department of Planning and Development, or the designee of the Commissioner, is each hereby authorized to execute such documents as may be necessary to implement the provisions of this ordinance, subject to the approval ofthe Corporation Counsel.

SECTION 5. if any provision of this ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this ordinance.

SECTION 6. All ordinances, resolutions, motions or orders in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

SECTION 7. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and approval.

26-06-209-035-0000 8840 S. Commercial Avenue Improved

26-06-209-036-0000 8844 S. Commercial Avenue Improved

26-06-209-038-0000 8850 S. Commercial Avenue Vacant
26-06-209-039-0000 8854 S. Commercial Avenue Improved
- X ':
A. Legal name jOpenJands
3. [ ] a legal.entity with (S.tate the legal jiame

efest; inje^eess.p^7'i5% irf the Applieariff*State* the Applicant's legal

with a direct^^br^indirectiright oficontrol of the Applicant (see Section n(B)(l)) (tf the enti^in^^icfiliie I^isGiosiqg,^^^0^^ nghit of .control: '¦'

25 EastWashinqtonfjSt., Suite 1 §50

r .- "V-,
. ,r. .... -^r^rit
iEmail: ^^^^11^,
> ¦ ¦• -¦ ¦ ¦ f ¦ -rv- .
•Dt'Na^ne o;f^6ntact^6fi::^ ^f^UL.
j """""
:Fe^eral Employei .identification^

s: Qijclude pr^ of
j transfer j^'dprmted.(;op||i i space: withih Indjan Ridge j^rsg|r^rf0^n andj; to th.e^City of Chicago

G: Which City agencjy or departrnen^is^feo^estin^
.contract b^eing handle^ Services, .please

Specification # Ver.2.0.18-1

1. Indicate the na ture of tiie-bi§ciosihe?Par^^^^ '
[ J P#son ' :^Jf^
[ ] Privately held business cdiporatidn
[ ] Soi&.proprietorshi p
[ ] General partnersh p
[ ] Limited partnersh p [
] Publicly registers 1 business corporation . -Tjimited iiabilityipartnership

'•SV»J1*» «SSOSSSSfll»*T>: 5SR?SC •••vjj ;-tji-y>; f?:>;.-
>(i^]te|no^^ a 501(c)(3))?


the state (pr fpj|eignt gaun if applicable:
XXTyoe foxt he:
as. a 501 (c)(3) oigani^lp^in^^^S^b^ffiii^^

3. For legal
.business in the- State
entities lfrot organized; ifl the organization registered to do
^IllihioiS'a^:%fdf^gn Mtiw3J£.< :£$b

[ ] No\ |^rO|g^^ bd-iii IUinpis
a. i

simflarJbniities, the.thistee limited partnership;
ustee,- exer^itol&'i (iv) SforSgeneral or
aay?to-tday/management?ol ;tne SSPF

*¦. ..*- ¦¦ V • ¦ -?¦/¦. V»:.*4 ¦ -
^ . lExecutivewice President
¦ Senior Counsel
indkect^curreht; or
ownersnip) in excess corporation^ partriei
.__„___,.^^_„___^^hij^s^:jpr legal entity having a direct or
piiospective'Ci-:^. Mthin ^moMrh^ interest' (including
- - of 7.5%. of theJApph^^ interest ;incmde shares in a
ersfiiip interest in a partnership op joint venturei interest ofa member or manager in a

Page 2 of 15

limited liability comp state "None.'" NOTE: Each legal ei N/A any, or interest of a beneficiary of a tn tity listed belpyy may be required to .su Business Address ist, estate or other similar entity. If none, i Dmit an EDS pn its own behalf. -Percentage Interest in the Applicant
XXX • -y ; ...

SECTIQN in — IN< oiFlfelAXS Has the Disclosing Pj 12-inpnth period prec Does fee^pisclosing 1 elected official dunrig If "yes" to either of th describe such income :OME pR.CQ]V^EN!SATION TO, ( ¦ ¦ •; ¦•:,. ,. v., e|mg^da|eofMs||l3S? '' • ¦"" 'arty j^.o.^ly^pi^lp; jttbw^my. ; the- t2-mpnth pgfipd foUpwing *thd"
Does any City glecte* mquiry-, any' City elet Cn^r;ffi56"bfth^ ^[ j Yes • ' tpartnerfs) and descrit - .;••.•. . .»•¦¦-.-¦¦'<--- ¦ - * . official, of, to me.besfebfihe Disclbsirj tedomcial s sDouscbr- domestic parhn MmiicipalgodeWi^ ^fep3pv v'^$-'*':' euie financial'mterestfsj). N.-. \'',i'V'r# g^Parry>kn6wledge:.after reasonable ri'hay^a'financial'mterest^ in :e^;pfficiai][s3^^ -v;?.:' . •• • ^ • 5Xn.i^»Si»>ii- •*£¦-»?. ,% .J1 ' Si j • . .h'i . V."--.'
. v.'. v3-:JiaSsb iSSfliC--' it. •t-ufc.'S k v ¦•• . . *. ... ':: ,
SECTION IV - DIS The 'Disclosing Party lobbyist (as defined, i 'whomi--ihe>pisclosing the nature of the relat Disclosing Party is n( Party's fegular-payrol Sedtipri,- the Disclosit disclosure. Ver.2018-1 GLOSUmOJpSIJBeONTRAGTiO] must .;9iscloIte;'i^naaie ar^,busirifess;?a i MCQGhap^£^5j6;)^^ Party:','na§ rj^aine^ br' gxp|ctS:,t6 retain;: Lohsriip,;a^^ the fee f requir'ed'fodis'c^ . If tK'eDis'cldsing Party iSyunceftainvXi g Parry'mtfe^elther'-M^ the* City wheth Page 3 of 15 ! iskND^ idress of each' subcontractor/attorney, lsultantand any plfhef person pr entity n connection with the Matter, as well as s paid pVes^ate^tq'Be paid. The re p^^^PJ^^^W^Sfe-li1^ Disclosing f|^^r|^:'^^lps&eas,re this it dis%lbsufe^iis required dr make the
Business Relationship to Disclosing Party Fees (indicate whether
Address: 7 (subcontfactb^ pairS-or e^irnated.") NOTE:
lobbyistyetc). . | "hourly rate" of "t:b.d." is
;> . • I: not an acceptable response.
888 lhdustrial;Dr.0£lmh^^ $2,600
Allied Appraisal Co. 1773 |

(Add sheets if necess
] Check here if the Disclosing Party has;hot fetaihed,nbr expects to retain, any such persons or entities SECTION V - CERTIFICATIONS v ,y:i . •. : ' i-A. ej^yRT-ORDEPJEp CHJ^
Under MCC Section 2-92-415, substaM City must
remamihxdm ¦ '¦ >¦

:Has any person who directly 6^^^^ Parry been declared in
arrearage-6h any cMl 1 su^
[ ] No person dir^ctl^r; mtiirectiy bwm's 10% or more ofthe Disclosing Party.
If "Yes," has the pers )n. entered mtofyaftebi^|agprpAyed. ag^ment for payment of all support owed and is triEperson m c

liYOs; t ]No

^o^:r|a^ ^^|a|e^v^6nii^Qii \vim the^
irmance bf anv^n utolidcori^ inte^diif^rn^nitor.^ MdOTendent Dri'vatefsecti
•mvesJigative,^ori ofheksirmlar skilis^esignated/fea^ubh'evagenc
%ctiviw:of specified zgencywenaors-asrwemashelpMe; vendors-reform theirt»usiness practices' sotfhey
can-be/cbnsidefed fdi aleencV brfcbntinue. with a cbfitfacf ih.pfbgfes's).

and sewer charges, license fees;pafldng|tiekefe is the:pisclosing
Party delinquent in tl e payment of any tax a'dministered by ith'e Illinois Department of Revenue.

Page 4 of 15
3. The Disclosing ?i rty and, if the Disclosing Party is a legal entity, all of those persons or entities identified in Section 1(B)(1) of this EDS: ? v j h:

are not presently ( ebarred, suspended,; proposed tor .debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily :luded from anv transactions bv^y-feder^
have not, during t le 5 years before the,;date of mis EDS; been convicted of a criminal offense,
adjufjged guilty, or m d a^.ciyu^u4gmen|^en^e^d against?|hem. in^nnectipn^&:4 obtaining,
attempting to obtain, ar pe^ a^cal} p^sapiion of contract under a
public transaction^ a>ioh^|ton pf|i^^^'o^i]^f^^li^"^i^^^^a^§|n^gralemgnt;:theft; forgery;
bribery;, falsification' )r destruction'of1 records; making false s&temehts; or receiving stolen property;
are not presently indicted fpr,Kor cruriirMly ciy^lyvcliarged^ a.governmental entity (federal,
staterdr-ioM) %im co^ (b) .above;
have' not, durihg-the 5 years before tib.e; date\o£ this E©^ Md^.6ne or more, public transactions (federal-, state; orToca ) tenninated for causeJpt; default? atidl
have not, during t le 5 ye^^be/p^e^.the^aite bftibis',Ej^^??be^vco^c?ted, adjudged guilty, or found Imbleim'r ativil prpce xling, or- in any crihMal o^^
envirbrMenM'violatidris, instituted by the City offoy1 the federal government, any .state, Pi- any other
unit of local/government. ' ' ' -

4. The. Disclosm^ Ps rty .undersl^dsm

'5. .Ce|ti|te^^s^'^ (6)^^ .5 •i^l^pjfeej^ng Ijartyv^ -V .^l^^^pjntcafctei" (meaiimg aMy^
, ih^mdjn^iB^it), ^s^r$i^s^^all^fiei^ as-ithe
niefig$le;.enti^r Wim'i'respect^ teffi'Jra]^a^|lniir| means^a person pr entity
mat; directly or in< lirec^y',1c.6nfro3k|fie^(|nf^ or, with the Contractor, is
under common cfntrol? of another^ |
• any re^pnsible pfficiali^^ any Affiliated Entity or any
other offi;Cial^aeea%bf\evm
acting pursuant tc the direction Pr^authpfizatibh bf a the Disclosing Party,
any Contra'ctPr Pr any Affiliate'dEntit^ |c@tteciiyei^ ''Agents'':
Page 5 of 15
Neither the Disclosin; Party, nor any Contractor,;to of either the Disclosing
Party or any Contractor, nor any Agents have; diififlg trie" -5 'y^s^fore dafe of mis" with
respect to a Cpntractcr, an ArflUiat!e,d-Enti^\p^ ari;AffiIiatedjEhtity of a Contractor during the 5 years
before the date of sue i Cpntractpr's pr,A^ in connection with the
Matter: :': '"•" ':V '' ;V ¦ ': ' v'::"' 7'~

b. agreed or collude* wjthP&erjri^^ orbeen aparty to any such agreement,
or been cbhyicted or adjuag^^^ bip!ders,ipr.prospective bidders,
in restfarht 6f f^eedor 1 o$^^^^^^^^^^^^^}Si^ fixe! p^cexff joffierWise1; J&r
e. maderan; admissio i-pi" sucn-^^\b^esi^ibe'||iii subpar,4|raph(a)or (b).above that is a matter of recor4'biutiiaye not.t een prb^e^te^fof^c^oon^ud; or
¦¦ ¦: : j % vyi%:^^^r '^y
d. viplated&e.proyi: iipnsref(^^ Requiring a Base
Wage);' (a1(5)(Debarr rehteR^fftlatiohs^
fesult-pf Engaging bidrfolafmgm

6. Neither the Disclc singParty,norany Affiliated Entity oi Contractor, or .ariy*6f^ their employees, -.officials,""-*- "~ - ' '-J^-——• **--~-*>~-^* "¦
use, hbrr,permit their
subcontractors to lisel' any Tacllitylis^ By me' U.S". EPA'bh me federal
System *fw Award M • ' ¦ "

10. [FOR APPLICANT ONL¥].Th8i Applidant/wiii' obtain \rorri. any contractors/subcontractors hired
t or to be;hired-in conr ection wtihtfheiM^^ .fee ual invfpfm and substantie'tp .those in
\ G;e1M-ficaif6nsi (2)) ahc (9.) above and Will nbt^|rit^out ti^ .ofthe; ^'tyVsuse.anyj^h-
Ver.2018-1 Page 6 of 15
contractor/subcontractor that does not provide such eehifications of that the Applicant has reason-to believefctias not provided or cannol;p>bv|ciev&mfirf cer^fjc^oas:

' is unable to. certify to any ofthe.above statements in this Part B (Further the Disclosing' Party must explam;belQw:; ; /

If the letters "NA," thle word "None,," or ho r^b'nli&^pean
12.JFo. the best of .the Disclosing: Party: ;cQmple|ejist pf ail. current
of the City

'arty^kfiowiM inquiry, the following is a
pf CTue^go (if none, iadicate'$^1$o^^ne|ff|g1{.
None " " ¦

13. To the best of the Disclosmg Party's;^ inquiry, the following is a
he piscjos'^ given, af ahy'time during
)recedmEifo.e;execimW ah employee, or elected of appointed

'the* course pfibfficial
cpmplefe|ii mel22mbhth period ^official, ;pf the Cify o
Gity busihess!'and^Having%,'ireMLyaliie of less man^25-per .recipient, pr,(iii). a:
^none?)'^ Aslb ahV.g:
pMticalcbnn4blhW with "NZA^w^ -
' ft listed Below^pleaseralso list mernatne tof the City recipient.

r-r. :'
^ <,:-t_v.'^:.


hi-., i '
D "C^fintoeitLin^lfiMtioh

ition" asSefh^mS^il^m^^
' 2. If the. Disclosing farty IS a financial insti^ Disclosing' Party pledges:
"We are not and will kot become pledge .that none ( MCC Copter 2-32
ot become apfedatbry lender as defined in 'MCO Chapter 2-32. We further
of olif affiliated isf arm lender as defined in
W"e understand^that becbimin|^a; predatpfy lender or becoming an affiliate of a pre'cl|f6ry lender ma> r,esulfin;thr b

Page 7 of 15

If the Disclosing Part MCC Section 2-32-4 here (attach additiom i, y is unable to make this pledge becausi !5(b)):is a pfedato'ry lender within the i 1 pages if necessary): • '"v f it or any of its affiliates, (a| defined in meahirtg'iof^ MCC Ghapter 2.-32, explain i

If the letters "NA," th conclusively presume D. CERTIFICATIO? Any 'words or terms e 1. In accordance- wit after reasioflable inqu her own name br-ih it NOTE;. Ifrybu cteck to Item Dp), skip. Ite: 2. Unless soldpursu orficl^tbr^em^Sreel bthe¥persbn ofentity taxes or: assessments; Tibesl'thfe Matterv ihvo 3. If you checked "!V ?••¦">". efined in MCC Chaptef'2-156 nave th* ': . ';'i^#%:V''i- i MCGSect^ni2Vl!56-i l0f: Tojft best ry/ any /official or effiployeg o£ijh ie hahae Pfany other 'p~e1s6fc^f*c^ry^u: [4cNp . ed "Yesj'lpltein^i)^ prpjpee^p^fteir risD(2) aMf^3); and?prpceed^Pa^l int to a process of competitive bidding hall 'h^y^-lg^^al' inteff^in bis oi$ :m.^emur^1ii^pf.^y( property that & op(m) lssold by Virtue oBlegal proces .; Compensanon-ior property taken^pur mte a;financia^ ve.;a atyVT^eirrycSaife^^?' ¦ > '¦¦ . .-!>'•'.*^2>^ - .^/.--••.••'vJ,v es" to Item|D(€)\^^ ai suchfmahciMahferest ahd^identify the Buill^slAiio^ess'^ ^ :\ ' ;gn t|ij^ jiriesijahpve, it will be me; above .statements. •S;V IN CITKBUSINESS p-Vp> ;:i-.'v ; ? same meanings if used in this Part D. pfMe|0isclP^ ^Cn^^haye a fihanciai interest in his Or me^tief?" " "" ' s^|and;Jb(3). If you checked "No" , or;o&er^se. permitted Ci^ielectec [er. p^|name! pr in the. haihe of any beibhgs^ City,,Pr (ii) is sold for s "atathe'Suit bfimeGity TcbUectively, suahfctbtithfeVGir^s emihentdomain rh^Sf^usTPartD; ., -r ? ^ ¦• i.' ¦ ,\ ¦;' . tr -. : . :-„ , ' '. ' ¦ ¦¦ V... '; - V- d^busmesS'addresses of th%Gi'ry officii haTure of the fihahcM mtef est:::. ; .Nature^of Piri

4. The Disclosing P acquired by |ny City Ver.2018-1 arty further certifies .that ho prohibited orBcial 'b?' enj(gl^y(^e> ': : Page 8 of 15 | financial-'interest in the Matter will be
must disclose below or

Please check either (1) or (2) below. If the Disclosing. Party checks (2), the Disclosing Party in an attachment to this EDS all information required by (2). Failure to r>,,__, „^ .wake; any^pntraH^entered into with the City in
ie|ySle6Vv' \ "" * '**:'!"--'*3['

XXX 1 ,
from slavery or slaveholder issued to,
the Disclosing Party1'
d^^^d all p rej^ds pf: my^slSnents or profits
Llder^insurance.p^ during me slavery erM policies

ias found nc> such records .
1 i>»."'-vi*
Disclosing, Party has policies records, including;,the
ingy^arry yennes^mat^^^ run disclosure or all sue
names o'fahy ahdVall slaves br slayeholders described in those records:
2. The Disclosii ig^s^v^fits^atiM a resultS^onducting the search in step.(l) above, the fomid records^
;~~i>„^;4r;^fc~;. >^ Qf such


NOTE: If the_Matt(k is federailyrfiwdecl,rompleteJtiiis"Section-¥I. If theMatterisKnot
rfelde^Uy funded,, proceed. 5£e;C|ry3 and; pjpc^edj ?'

hamesiof ___„.

>5^as^amehdea^nWhave: made^lobbymg tpntacts theOiselosing h^MattervllAddisheets if necessary):* 1 - ^
•3 -
^iffhoeTCpIanati appear, It will be con
earsl(k^gmwM^^m^&^ ^ lexers "NA" of if the word "None!'-
lusiv.ely. presumed that the Dis'Glpsmg! Party means that N.O persons or entities
rtuv.T«r."« H'^^i«o"£e^ct.p^|l5^«^ have made lobbying contacts on
2. The Disclosin any person pf P.©^sonjijor .entify to l'l?)tapplicab'le^federal law

eParry£ha_s''no^^ any!fe,derally appropriated funds to pay
in luence

Page 9 of 15
entity l|sted in para^apK A(l) abpye;Tc>r^s pr her lobbying activities, or. to pay any
federally funded gran amend, or modify an]
of a member of Congress, in connection with the award of any federally funded'¦¦contract} making any
or cooperative agreement.
or loan,- entering ihtb .aiiy cooperative aj^eement, br'tb'jextend, continue, renew,
federally funded contract, grant, loan,
iqriiiat the end-of each calendar quarter in
3. The Disclosing Party will submif ah up
which there occurs ary eventVthat materi'ally^ffects and information set
forth in paragraphs A£l) and^2|£^ '¦>¦ "
4. The Disclosing; Party; cjfrtifie^^ prgamzafi^ section
lc)(4),of the Internal Reve&uelSb^ 61fg^iMHMpdfsmbed'm section
omio if""r»V1o '/-vF '.<1 Qfi/v.'iwfi';K«so ViAf »nnrci'ft«£/t."'aiirl will n'irit e*rin" Activities'," as that teteis
ial Revenue Code of 1986 but hasrribtdeng3g£darid will hot engage in "Lobbying m is defined irf ^meXbobyihg Disclosure Act of 1995j;?as amended.

5. -If the Disclosi] fg Party is the ApjSIic^ certifications equal in
form and substance. t< ^ars^pj^J^^^^^^j^^^j rptokBiStibcp^ ikawards
any subcontract andt ie Disclosmg Party fo^ certifications for the


If the Matter is faler4ly fyhde^-&^ proposed
subcjjpntractors to sub nit the follbwing;inTpiffia^ r oids or m- writmg at the outset of
negptiaribns. "this matt^is<;rfot.f(^^ij^U^@d.: ;•• .¦?¦'.-?>¦*•.•'

Is'^^sclosirig Partythe;Apr^ican^ ' r ;'-• '¦ r
. V )i .' " ." '¦ ¦ '¦¦lir''-**. ^ •'•V,>--;.irv' >;<7. ¦•
'If ^es^answer the^l iree questiPnl^b^G^:^ ^

V ':[ 'JW- . J ][Repprt|notBquired-:

3. Have you particip ated in{¦any-pVgyjp^cphh^cXs' of ^subec ntracts subject to the
(equalopportunity clause? ¦ "'¦ " " " . - v -
[ jko ' \ :. ;...
6.question: (d )>Pr |2J|' ;kb^e^eaL§e^Pyl

Page 10 of 15

A. The certifications, disclosures, W$ aeMt^wie'clgmOTfe' contained in this EDS; will become part of any
contract or other agreementJbefwebhv;m^ ^c'onHe^tio^^tli' the Matter, whether
procurement, City .as) istj^^pr^^ andjw^^ tfie City's execution
of any.contract or taking omer a6tioh;with respect-to the Matterj T^e'^ understands that
it must comply with £ 11; statute's, dreh^iah&siahd regulations oh» which?thisaED& is based.
The full text
of^^isi gjjdinance;an a training pl-^ahiagayailaffie^bn, lihe.&twww'jciWofchicagb'. orgVEthics, and may
;als£|et^mn^^gn .lhe;Qtp.g^ IL 60610,

C. If the City determ ifies that any mfonfiation provided hi 'this EDS is false; iricbmplete Or inaccurate,
any;'-c^ntira^br'bthet agTreeMetit lj^bnnectioid^ subimfBdmay be fescifided or&e, void';
or. ybidable, and the' J ^ify^ma^.p^ Or
i vbid),. at-iaw, of in eHi itityLlmbiucu^^ the Matter
:and/0r^ tb/al .^.^p£%ro^i|^^|^: to^baHic^ rrahsachons. Remedies at
law; for a false statementof material facfm^ and an award to the City of treble

;E>. It js, the. City'srppl ,c,y ,£p/|ri&e^ siteVan^orup.on

'available 'rv*1 .™&>'Tntf*fat*t; in.,rp»cnr»nc#» trvft* Krppnn*n: ot-'.TnfoTTn!irinn- Af*t reimiftst inr-nthfrrwise • ,.Kv.

Under penalty of perj iry, the person signingbeipw: (1) warrants that he/she is authorized to execute
this EDS, and all applicable Apjperidic*es, 'oh behalf of the piSeidsi^g:\Pafty, and (2) warrants that all
certific^ations and stat< ;ments coritained^Ms|^ Appendices, are true, accurate
and complete as of th; date furnished' to.1 the; City.*' *' ¦•"

(Print of type exact le kal name of. Disclosing Party) :';/.;
person signing)
(Print or/type nanie o: jE^nipr^unse)
(Print or type title of person sighing)v

Signed and sworn to I lefore me pn (dateX'^^^f v / 7

(punty, JUrC/yfM, ^jstate):
' t^dtary Public

Cpmmission expires-

; ; < s'^o^ c fox."* ^ H|
'A '1' •;•' •
Official Seal v Notary PubHc'- State of Illinois . My Commission £x"p'res'iiipr20, 2024
¦¦-*• :-'S"v^"*

Page 12 of 15


i i
. •/.' *- \ * j ,. .
A'''r';' Al^ ••
This Appendix is to be cOmpl|ted legal entity which has a
direct ownership interest^ by any legal
entity which has bnl^^

Under MCC Secji m 2T154-0i§, j^e^l^closiiil: fi^^mu 5t.disclose whetiier such Disclosing Party
or any "A|piic'ab^ P? rtyjjp*!^ ^erePf^e^n^Sy^n& a "farniliai
fel^ons^ relationship" exists if, as of
the-'^^-Su^'EpS^js S: gned,1he^ or Domestic
Partner mereot isrela ;ed tO'ihe<*navor^ an-v-alderman.'ine citv^clerlcJ the citv treasurer oranv ritv
department he^ as sj Proe^pr||t ^^ J
ather-iii-mw, mother in-1^
tepdaug^fter, stepbrb her brlstep^ister :bfnffi-l>ro%^«r%Sli&
adpptiOT;Ji£^nt, chil 1, brofiiepp^ si^^jn| ^iu^eVmece pr nephe^grjandparenjt, grandchild, famer-m-ljaw, mpthe^ or
means (1) all executive officers ofthe Disclosing Party listed in Section
Disclcf^irig Party is ^^ijp^lidii^ all partner-"! 6f. the Disclosing Party,, if the Disclosing
¦tip; all general papers and limited partners pfethe Disclosing Party^'i^the-
imitedj-tato^^ members and members of the
if ti e
bffic ers treaj urer
pisclpsihf JPari^ isj^lmiited tiab^t^c^n-ipahy;;(2)^all principal officers ofthe l>i"va^^^tp.M^^aoipe^ai a^||.pwiierslhp mterest m,me-Disclosmg: .
'^^^^.^^^^^^iof^i y,^^persbh^xercisingsiiiSlar aumority.

If yes, please identify ^itlA $ucn person is whom'such persbnh^s
r .official or departme:
id ,

__ _ -r _>^«. ^e name ofvitiie: legal entityto
onnectedM3];*the:^ elected city official pr department head to.
a faTmilial relar^^ pf. such familial relationship.

: and: (b) any jbgal entity which has a direct
interest m

. . . V;> This Appendix is to t e completed only/by; (a)Vthe^pM6ant
legal entity which ha^^
^!#f|8P^ dieted by .any
the Applicant::

t4(. j:"r

.... ; .i • , •••v ,'«•; %£^Pg.?'
2. If thg Applicant is a legal ¦(^^^J^^^ai^ |m^y exch^ge, is any officer, or director of*
the Appji^tiie|iti'& ed as; a ]b^dmgc^c^sc.o^aw. ^problem landlord pursuant to MCC Section

- <3

3. If yes to (1) or (2) above, please |cj|e^^bei6w^e name of each-person or legal entity identified as. a huflcling code; sc< >fflay"' of g^i^lel^l^^^^^^^^^.^d re^s!rof.^&:.puildihgv Pr buiidings to' which
^e'|pertihenf code violations; ajiply,,


Rage 14 of 15

to l e
This Appendix is defined-in MCC Section 2 generally covers^ consideration for *s or (ii) pay the City m^ney -for City premises!


completed 5rily/by an AppM^ a "contractor" as
ser\ ices,
party-to any
10, t^Eo^o^iSs'p^^ytedi (inel&alh^OT^
—+„T av license5 grantor coneessionimlowmgithem to-conduct a business on
J I^Jg^JI^ wage^ salary/
jiorMef^e^ljpyets'.;, |^l|p; certify^ adopted; a policy tliat.
&hsv \? '^^l';'- '^r':':-; . ^'^f^v^:' i, 1 'V-^' ¦ -'' '; •¦'"v>- '.v.

£ ]."tJ/A;r= I am.n9^AppJj,c^t^fejj5.a; -Sepitfrae^ 2-$2-385.
^yoU <^cke4 "ho''";

*' ' ' '
;tjothe abbY^^ease;explaihv

Page 15 of 15

conserving nature for Irfe
Board of Directors 2020

Ms. Carrie C. McNally, Chair
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP 70 W. Madison St., 48lh Floor Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 499-6300 Fax (312) 499-6301* 1917 N. Mohawk Street* Chicago, IL 60614 (312)649-9538 Spouse: Rick Maechling Elected lo Board: March 2005
Ms. JoAnn Seagren, Vice Chair
JA Glynn Private Wealth 1320 N. State Pkwy, 4C* Chicago, IL 60610 Cell (847) 712-0800 Elected to Board: 2014
Jeff R. Rode, Treasurer
Segall Bryant & Hamill * 540 W. Madison Street, Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 60661 (312) 474-4133 Fax (312) 474-0521 610 Newcastle Drive Lake Forest, IL 60045 Cell: (312) 543-2078 Spouse: Karen Elected to Board: 2013
Mr. Glenn W. Reed, Secretary
376 W. County Line Road Barrington, IL 60010 • Home (847)381-6206 Cell (847) 650-6206
Mr. Richard J. Carlson (Rich), Immediate Past Chair
Carlson Environmental, Inc.* 65 East Wacker Place, Suite 2210 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 346-2140 Cell (312) 593-2114 Fax (312) 346-6956 260 E. Chestnut, Apt. 3301 Chicago, IL 60611 (312)280-9282 Spouse: Cristina Benitez Elected to Board: December 1999

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Ms. Jill Allread
PCI* 1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2450 Chicago, IL 60601 (312)558-1770x143 Cell (312) 848-3768 Fax (312)558-5425 179-3 N. Linden Avenue Oak Park, IL 60302 (708)383-3747 Spouse: Pam Freese Elected to Board: November 2004
Mr. Gary F. Balling
1806 Ridgemoor Dr.* Long Beach, IN 46360 (708) 932-2225 Email: Spouse: Susan Elected to Board: November 2013
Mr. Alan M. Bell
Charity & Associates, P.C* 20 N. Clark Street, Suite 1150 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Direct (312) 564-4962 Fax (312) 849-9001 3843 N. Fremont Street Chicago, IL 60613 Cell (773) 817-9829 Elected to Board: January 2008
Mr. Bill Clarkin
BMO Financial Group/BMO Harris Bank 111 W. Monroe Chicago, IL 60603 (312)461-3508 , 8344 Callista Drive* Frankfort, IL 60423 (815)557-9007 Spouse: Suzanne Elected to Board: September 2012
Mr. Jonathan Copulsky
Northwestern University 1870 Campus Drive, 3rd Floor Evanston, IL 60208 1540 N. Lake Shore Drive* Chicago, IL 60610 Cell (773) 459-9379** Spouse: Ellen Barreto Elected to Board: September 2017

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Mr. George W. Davis
1025 East 50th Street* Chicago, IL 60615 (773) 268-4856 Cell (773) 996-0225 Fax (312) 707-9408 ken woodgwd@y ahoo .com Spouse: Diana Elected to Board: 1984
Ms. Garrett Handley Dee
190 N. Ahwahnee Road* Lake Forest, IL 60045 (773)388-1988 Cell (773) 590-2626 Spouse: Terry Dee Elected to Board: May 2008
Mr. Matthew Dobry
CBRE Chicago | Advisory & Transaction Services Senior Vice President 321 North Clark Street, Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 60654 (312)935-1884 Assistant, Donna Mcgrenera: Elected to Board: February 2020
Ms. Daisy Feidt
Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago Executive Vice President 115 W Chicago Ave Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 640-2197 Elected to Board: February 2020
Mr. Hugh D. Frisbie
RSM US LLP (retired) 20 N. Martingale Rd., Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 (847)517-7070 17202 US Highway 14* Woodstock, IL 60098 (815)337-6838 Spouse: Marlene Elected to Board: March 2009

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Mr. Dinesh Goburdhun
1637 W Summerdalc Ave* Chicago, IL 60640 Cell (312)218-3943* Spouse: Bridget Jones Elected to Board: September 2017
Mr. Jonathan C. Hamill (Jon)
Segall, Bryant & Hamill* 540 W. Madison, Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 60661-2551 (312) 474-1222 Fax (312) 474-0521 Florida Address: The Bahama Club, APT 17 1121 Gulfshore Blvd. North Naples, FL 34228 545 Oak Knoll Road Barrington, IL 60010 (847)381-8381 Fax (847)381-9820 Spouse: Nancy Elected to Board: September 2001
Mr. Mark M. Harris
The Boeing Company 100 N. Riverside M/C 5003-1001 Chicago, IL 60606-1596 (312) 544-2823 A1AA Woodland Avenue* Western Springs, IL 60558 (708) 246-7447 Spouse: Lori Elected to Board: June 2012
Mr. Daniel Lauderback (Dan)
26006 West Cuba Road Barrington, IL 60010 Cell (312) 405-5382 Elected to Board: May 2019
Mr. Andrew Otting (Andy)
Scott Byron & Co., Inc.* 30088 N. Skokie Highway Lake Bluff, IL 60044 (847) 689-0266 Fax (847) 689-0277 Assistant: Mary Plodzeen 1228 Judson Evanston, IL 60202 (847)475-1574 Spouse: Laura Hohnhold Elected to Board: 2000

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Mr. Rommel Noguera
ComEd (630) 576-6497 Cell (773) 255-5901 Fax (312) 464-9401 1133 W. Monroe Street, IL 60611 Chicago, IL 60607 Elected to Board: November 2017
Ms. Wendy J. Paulson
401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1940* Chicago, IL 60611 (312)450-8206 Cell (917) 623-9876 Fax (312) 464-9401 Assistant: Hilary Lane 154 W. Dundee Road Barrington, IL 60010 (312)450-8206 Spouse: Henry "Hank" Elected to Board: May 2012
Mr. James Rachlin (Jamie)
Meristem Advisors LLC 2400 N Lakeview, Apt. 1201 Chicago, IL 60614 2400 N Lakeview, Apt. 1201 Chicago, IL 60614 (773) 677-3653 j nrachl infrz/umail. com Spouse: Leslie Elected to Board: November 2018
Mr. Akhil Ramandham*
*Kellogg Board Fellow Kellogg Northwestern University
Mr. Joseph Russo (Joe)
Retired 33 W. Huron Street, Apt. 502* Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 730-8606 Spouse: Bebe Novich Elected to Board: August 2017

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Ms. Nicole Williams
11 Rockgate Lane Glencoe, IL 60022-1205 Home (847) 835-9930 Cell (224)688-1571 Spouse: Dr. Lawrence (Larry) J. Becker Elected to Board: September 2018

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members

Honorary Directors

Ms. Shaun C. Block
1245 N. Astor* Chicago, IL 60610 Cell (312) 307-1464 (312) 943-1729 (Chicago) Elected to Board: 1977
Anthony T. Dean (Tony)
3204 RFD Long Grove, IL 60047 (847) 438-1305 Fax (847) 438-9169 Spouse: Lawrie
Marshall Field, V
225 W. Wacker Drive, Ste. 1500 Chicago, IL 60606

Updated November 18, 2020 | Openlands Board Members